Abstracts of Papers in This Issue


外文研究 2017年2期

s of Papers in This Issue

A study on the influence of language proficiency and word frequency on the mental lexicon representation of formulaic sequences in Chinese EFL learners(p.1)

JIAGuanjie(School of Foreign Study,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006,China)

Formulaic sequence,an important part of language,plays a very important role in English language learning,which can improve learners’ language fluency,authenticity,and stimulate learners’ interest in language learning.This paper,from the perspective of psycholinguistics,is to study the influence of language proficiency and the frequency of formulaic sequences on the mental representation of formulaic sequences in Chinese EFL learners.The findings of study show that language proficiency can influence the mental representation of formulaic sequences and the more frequent the formulaic sequence is,the more accurate or text appropriate the processing of the formulaic sequence is.

The linguistic turn of philosophy: Once for all or temporary shelter(p.7)

RENYanyan(Graduate School,Shanghai International Studies University,Shanghai 200083,China)

At the end of 19thcentury and early 20thcentury,the vigorous development of natural science put the western philosophy in a difficult situation,and the western philosophy faced the dilemma of losing its objects of study.Then the necessity of the existence of philosophy was widely questioned.The emergence of the modern logic provided the inspiration and enlightenment for the appearance of the new research objects of philosophy.With this background of the times,the “linguistic turn” occurred in the field of philosophy.Language was not only the crux of traditional philosophy,but also the fundamental problem of philosophy to be solved for the further development of philosophy.Although the “linguistic turn” failed to fundamentally solve the problems of traditional philosophy,it provided a new research field and a new perspective for philosophy and philosophers,promoting the confluence of the scientism and humanism.Then the philosophy has stepped from the epistemology stage to the stage of philosophy of language.

A comparative study between American and Australian language education policies and their enlightenments(p.13)

SUNYan(SHU-UTS SILC Business School,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072,China)

Language study remains a central element of a well-rounded education.Communicating in more than one language is essential in the interconnected world of today.Foreign language education also determines the potential development of a country.The United States and Australia are countries consisting predominantly of immigrants,abundant in linguistic and cultural resources.Both countries have witnessed profound changes in their language education policies,with their policies showing characteristics specific to different times and incentives.This article reviews the significant changes that U.S.and Australia have experienced in their language policies against the global context.It then analyses the similarities and differences between the two countries in their language education policies and measures to implement them.It also points out the inherent problems underlying the policies.Finally it highlights the advantages of language policies in U.S.and Australia,especially its enlightenments on China’s language policy making and language education.

A feminist study of the women characters inSilasMarner(p.19)

YAOXiaoming(School of Foreign Languages,Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China)

George Eliot is a famous realist novelist of the nineteenth century.InSilasMarner,she depicts a series of women characters.Yet these women characters have been neglected by modern Chinese critics.The purpose of this paper is to make a survey of these women characters according to the feminist theories so as to give each individual a clear survey,and broaden the horizon of the contemporary Chinese reader.

OfHumanBondage:A transitional British bildungsroman(p.23)

QINHong(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University of International Business and Economics,Shanghai 201620,China)

Maugham’s masterpieceOfHumanBondageis a transitional novel in the history of British bildungsromans.On the basis of inheriting traditional bildungromans,it represents some characteristics of the new ones in the hero’s identity,the way of initiation,the obstacles to his growing up,and the outcome.It is through narrating young Philip’s story that the novel not only describes the growth of one generation,but also reflects the change of value at the turn of the century.

Performativity of Boylan inUlysses(p.27)

LIQiaohui(School of Foreign Languages,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China)

Performativity in personality and gender originates in individual psychology and social norms.Perfomativity of Boylan inUlyssesfinds expression in his excessive attention to clothing and his desire to conquer others,and is rooted in the masculinity of the early 20thcentury.Although the hidden demon tendency in Boylan reveals his ethical defect,many Dubliners’ attention to and recognition of Boylan witnesses the subtle change in masculinity at that time.

“Fly” and “fall” in the writings of Daniil Kharms(p.33)

ZHANGMeng(Institute of foreign literature,Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing 100089,China)

Part of the writings of Soviet writer Daniil Kharms involves two themes,“fly” and “fall”,which reflect the typical artistic features of the author.“Fly” and “fall” indicate the attempt to be divorced from traditional rules and to change the standstill condition.It is quite clear that in the work of the author,the “fly” is highly spoken of,while the “fall” tends to be looked down upon.On the time-space level,the two themes also show the trend of describing the interruption of time and multidimensional,vertical space, the writing practice of OBERIU.At the same time,readers tend to know more about erotic literature of Daniil Kharms,and his scepticism towrads certainty through investigating the two themes of “fly” and “fall”.“Fly” symbolizes orgasms between the male and the female,and “fall” forgetting and death.

An action-oriented approach to the teaching of British and American literature based on the teaching practice at Guangdong University of Finance and Economics(p.39)

HONGWenhui(School of Foreign Studies,Guangdong University of Finance and Economics,Guangzhou 510320,China)

LVXiaoqiong(School of Humanities and Foreign Languages,Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Trade,Guangzhou 510430,China)

In teaching British and American Literature,currently the main subjects available for the purpose of humanities education for most undergraduates of English major,more attention should be paid to the students’ subject position so as to ensure their personal growth and rounded development.The teaching practice of “British Literature” at Guangdong University of Finance and Economics is an action-oriented approach that depends largely on a series of classwork which offers the students multiple experiences,and on the integration of such classwork with extra-curricular cultural events.Such an approach proves to be beneficial to the construction of the students’ subjectivity and the all-around cultivation of their humanistic quality.

The reading of foreign literary classics and the construction of humanistic spirit in college students(p.45)

QULixia&DUANYan(School of Nursing,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)

The rich humanistic connotations in foreign literary classics provide a new perspective for the development of humanistic spirit in college students.Reading classic works of foreign literature can help college students strengthen their ideals and beliefs,understand the meaning of life,and enhance the spiritual realm by resisting mediocrity and making the soul noble.The classic works of foreign literature embody the essence of the national human wisdom and civilization,carrying human perceptual cognition and rational thinking of the essence of life.They play an important role in college students’ spiritual growth.

Cultural awareness and creative treason: With Nicky Harman’s translation strategies inTheFlowersofWaras an example(p.50)

ZHUZhenwu(School of Humanities and Communication,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)

LIUWenjie(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)

As an English sinologist and translator,Nicky Harman has translated a number of contemporary Chinese literary works into English-speaking countries,andTheFlowersofWar,written by Yan Geling,is the representative of her translation works.Taking the English version ofTheFlowersofWaras an example,this paper focuses on her translating strategies,such as addition,deletion,domestication and free translation,aiming to analyze how Nicky Harman translates the original version creatively on the basis of being loyal to it.Nicky Harman emphasizes the subjectivity of the translator on the basis of being faithful to the original text.This is the key to her successful translation of Chinese literary works.

The overseas spread ofDecodedby Maijia(p.58)

QIANXiujin(Department of English,Fuzhou College of Foreign Studies and Trade,Fuzhou 350202,China)

In recent years,there is a flourishing phenomenon of “Maijia Popularity” in overseas literary field.His novelDecodedhas been sold well overseas in more than 30 languages,and the book is an outstanding one in the overseas dissemination of modern and contemporary Chinese Literature.Although the success ofDecodedis accidental and is hard to be replicated,there are certain factors which do indicate some reference.There is something in common among the author,the protagonist and the translator,which makes the work unique and appealing to the readers.Through a careful analysis ofDecoded,the limited fields of the transmission of current Chinese culture will be explored and the beneficial inspiration will be gained.The purpose is to facilitate the outward spread of Chinese culture,to reverse the culture transmission deficit and to help the realization of Chinese “Literature Dream”.

The evasion and retirement of the soul: The origins of bipolar emotions inConnaissancedel’Est(p.64)

HUANGWei(Department of Asian and European Languages,Fuzhou College of Foreign Studies and Trade,Fuzhou 350202,China)

Connaissancedel’Est,a poetry collection about China written by French poet Paul Claudel,has aroused great attention of Chinese scholars in recent years.However,there remain a lot of puzzles and misinterpretations about the works and the author.This paper will dwell on the bipolar emotions of joy and sorrow running throughConnaissancedel’Estand discuss the influence of the author’s emotions on the composition of this poetry collection and its significances.The origin and background of the collection,and the psychological changes the author goes through when he moves from “description” to “reflection” will be analyzed in detail to support the argument of this paper.

On the aesthetic transferring of Xu Yuanchong’s rhymed translation and its limitations: A case study ofShijing(p.72)

LIUWei(College of Humanities and Law,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China)

This thesis conducts a comparative study between Xu Yuanchong’s rhymed translation and Arthur Waley’s unrhymed translation ofShijingunder the framework of “Three Beauties” theory,with an aim to explore the transference of aesthetic factors in Xu’s rhymed translation and its limitations.It has been found that although Xu’s translation is superior to Waley’s in sound,style and sense,the over-persistence in rhyming causes some disadvantages in the translation,like ignoring the correct names of objects inShijing.Therefore,the translator might as well employ varied rhetorical devices of sounds flexibly rather than stick to a single rhyming way.

Professor Zhao Yanchun’s approach to transmigration(p.79)

WANGYachen(Foreign Language,Literature and Culture Center,Tianjin Foreign Studies University,Tianjin 300204,China)

Prof.Zhao Yanchun’s scholarship starts from linguistics,and then has transferred to the study of translation.He translates plenty of Chinese classics,among which TheThreeWordPrimeris one of his masterpieces.Enlightened by Taoism and also good at metaphysical deduction and inference,Zhao tries to reduce the complexity of phenomena to the kernel of the things from an ontological and epistemological view,so that the basic laws and internal attributes can be revealed.In addition,as to translating Chinese literature,especially poems,Zhao holds that the tension between form and meaning is the fundamental issue of translation.That is,parataxis should be conveyed by hypotaxis.Therefore,he aims to throw off the shackles of suh translating binany opposition between free translation and liberal translation,foreignization and domestication,translatability and untranslatability,hence achieving the goal of “comprehending by turning one language into another”.

A book review on “InternetPlus”PathwaystotheTransformationofChina’sPropertySector,an English version of a contemporary Chinese economic work published by Springer-Verlag(p.85)

WUHaohao(School of Foreign Languages,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China)

ZHAOYanchun(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)

The English version of《房地产大转型的“互联网+”路径》 ,namely “InternetPlus”PathwaystotheTransformationofChina’sPropertySector,translated by Yue Feng,Yu Junying and Zhu Hanxiong,was published by Springer-Verlag in September,2016.From the perspective of interdisciplinary translatology and globalized translation market,the book review aims to analyze its features of the translation,namely the combination of accuracy and adaptation,dominance and conciseness,micro and macro viewpoints,globalized vision and native contents.It points out the theoretical,practical and social significance of the translation.It claims that the translated version has provided case study for interdisciplinary translatology.The translation manifests the factors that promote the successful interdisciplinary translation practice.Moreover,it pushes forward the academic exchanges on real estate industry between China and the West.It also offers procedural reference to Chinese scholars who are trying to globalize their researchs.

A book review ofPseudogappingandEllipsis(p.92)

ZHANGTianwei(National Research Center for Foreign Language Education,Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing 100089,China)

PseudogappingandEllipsis,published by Oxford University Press in 2013,combines Focus Movement approach to Pseudogapping with the deletion operation,and emphasizes the interaction between E-feature and focus feature.The book offers a uniform account of ellipsis,and extends the analysis of Pseudogapping to other elliptical structures,such as VP Ellipsis,Sluicing,Fragment answers,Gapping,NP Ellipsis,etc.The book provides an important guidance for theoretical and typological study of ellipsis.

A review onIntroducingMultimodality(p.96)

YUYuecong&LIJianxue(School of Foreign Study,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China)

IntroducingMultimodalitywas co-authored by Carey Jewitt,Jeff Bezemer and Kay O’ Halloran,and published by Routledge in 2016.Drawing on systematic comparison of theory and abundant examples,this book has elaborated the concept,reason,main approaches and research design of doing multimodality,and thus given a profound and overall understanding on multimodality.It is a classic instructor for researchers engaging in studying multimodality,semiotics,discourse analysis,media and communication and so on.

Exploring the future of feminist studies: A review ofAConciseCompaniontoFeministTheory(p.100)

YUXinyao(Faculty of English Language and Culture,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510420,China)

Focusing on the core issue of feminist theory and practice,AConciseCompaniontoFeministTheory,edited by the English scholar Mary Eagleton,is hailed as the representative academic work in Feminist studies.Ranging from history,sociology,psychology,literature,philosophy to cultural studies,this masterpiece has a reputation for its abundant content and then probes into the main framework and development of the Feminist theory from different perspectives.Also noteworthily,this work with foresight breaks a new path in exploring the prospect of Feminist studies in the new era: the aspect of emotion,which provides scholars in Feminist studies with more extensive horizons and new approaches.


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