6 A fashion show(Period 2)


卫星电视与宽带多媒体 2017年18期

天津外国语大学附属滨海外国语学校 郭 准

I. Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge and ability:

To help pupils to review and consolidate the clothing and colour words.

To teach pupils to master the sentence structure “Here is….Her/His … is/are….”

To teach pupils to describe the clothes people are wearing.

2. Process and Method:

Interactive method, games and group exercise.

3. Emotion and Attitude:

To help pupils to learn to praise others.

To help pupils to build up correct esthetic sense.

II. Teaching Important Point:

Sentence structures: Here is…. Her/His … is/are….

III.Teaching Difficult Points:

To use “Here is…. Her/His… is/are….” to describe the clothes people are wearing.

To tell the difference between“his” and “her”, and“is” and “are”.

IV. Teaching Aids:blackboard, electronic whiteboard, pictures.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Warm-up

Sing a song together.

Step 2. Presentation


To review the clothing and colour words.

T: Well, boys and girls, how are you today? It’s a little bit hot today. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Spring has come. Do you like spring? We can go out to play, right? We need to change our thick clothes into thinner ones. Today, I want to buy some new clothes. Would you like to go shopping with me? OK,let’s go! I like the T-shirt,the shorts and the cap. Here they are. Follow me. A T-shirt,a T-shirt, …. Which one do you like? Please tell me “I like…”and lead us to read. You can choose two of them.

S: I like….A shirt, a shirt.

T: What colour are they? It is/They are….

Sing a song together.

Lead in and Learn

To teach “her” and “his”,and read the four sentences.

T: Wow, we have so many beautiful clothes here, and we can have a fashion show. Look,this is my son and this is his friend. The girl is wearing a blue dress, So we can say “Her dress is blue”. Follow me, her.Her dress is blue. Look at my son. He is wearing a white shirt and he is a boy, so we can say“His shirt is white”. Follow me, his. His shirt is white.Let’s read together. Her, her,his, his, her dress is blue, his shirt is white. If she is a girl,we use “her”. If he is a boy,we use “his”.

Today, the children are having a fashion show. Let’s have a look. This is Jack, he is the host. Now, please listen carefully for twice, then answer my questions.

T: What’s the girl’s name?

What’s the boy’s name?

What colour are Mary’s shorts?

What colour is Peter’s T-shirt?

Let’s watch and listen. For the second time, let’s listen and do the action. This time,let’s read after it and do the action. Ready? Go! Let’s listen and read two sentences together.Now, let’s listen and read four sentences together.

Let’s read in groups.

Let’s read in four.

Look, I have a microphone here, who can be the host Jack?

Let’s read together.(write the sentences on the blackboard.)

S t e p 3. P r a c t i c e a n d Production

T: These are Mary and Peter,how about other children, they are waiting for their fashion show. Let’s have a look. Can you be Jack and introduce them?

Here are Sally and Charlie.Please help them to choose their clothes and introduce them. For example, here is Sally, her T-shirt is pink.

We have helped the children to finish their fashion show,now, let’s enjoy our own fashion show, OK?

Let’s guess who they are.Look, Her/His … is/are …. Who is she/he? She/He is …. Let’s say together. Here is …. Her/His… is/are …. She is beautiful. /He is handsome. Look, these are…. They are wearing our school uniforms.

How to be a beautiful person?It’s very easy. Just keep your clothes clean, be simple and confident, and the most important thing is to be an honest and kind person.

Now, let’s have a fashion show in our classroom. Let’s warmly welcome Tom and Christina!

Step 4. Homework:

1. Listen and read the sentences in Part A for 10 times.

2. Design clothes for your friends and colour it.


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