(1.河南水利与环境职业学院,河南郑州 450008;2.西南大学,重庆 400715;3.河南水产科学研究院,河南郑州 450044)
(1.河南水利与环境职业学院,河南郑州 450008;2.西南大学,重庆 400715;3.河南水产科学研究院,河南郑州 450044)
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料与仪器
Foss 2300全自动凯氏定氮仪 瑞典Foss Tecator公司;新嘉SZF-06A半自动索氏抽提仪 上海新嘉电子有限公司;马弗炉 北京中兴伟业仪器有限公司;日立835-30型氨基酸分析仪 日本Hitachi公司;Agilent 7890B-5977A气相色谱-质谱联用仪 美国Agilent科技公司。
1.2 样品鱼处理
样品鱼去皮,取侧线以上背部肌肉,混匀,分两份,一份用于常规成分测定,一份用于脂肪酸测定,用塑料袋密封,储存在-20 ℃冰箱中保存。
1.3 检测方法
鱼肉样品在常规成分分析前用高压灭菌锅120 ℃蒸煮30 min,75 ℃烘干,用高速粉碎机粉碎、过40目筛。按AOAC方法[5]分析样品中水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、氨基酸含量,色氨酸用6 mol/L的氢氧化钠溶液水解后测定。
采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定样品中脂肪酸。参照Bligh-Dyer的方法[6]用氯仿-甲醇提取脂肪,经14%三氟化硼-甲醇溶液甲酯化后,加入正己烷进行萃取,静置分层后,取上层有机相用针头滤器(0.22 μm)过滤后进样分析,按峰面积归一化法计算脂肪酸相对百分含量。气相色谱条件:毛细管柱为HP-INNOWax(30 m×0.25 mm i.d.×0.50 μm),柱初始温度为120 ℃,保持2 min,以3 ℃/min升温至230 ℃,保持20 min;气化室温度250 ℃;载气:氦气;柱流速:1 mL/min;分流比:1∶1;进样量:1 μL。质谱条件:离子化方式:电子轰击(EI);离子化能量:70 eV;离子源温度:230 ℃;传输线温度:250 ℃;四极杆温度:150 ℃;溶剂延迟:3 min;扫描方式:全离子扫描(SCAN);扫描范围:50~450 amu。
1.4 评价方法
公式(3)中a:被测蛋白必需氨基酸含量(mg/g N);A:参考蛋白(鸡蛋)必需氨基酸含量(mg/g N);n:比较的必需氨基酸个数。
1.5 数据处理
实验结果为3个平行样测试的平均值,以平均值±标准差(mean±SD)表示,数据处理用SPSS 16.0。
2 结果与分析
表1 苏氏圆腹与其它经济鱼类肌肉营养成分含量比较(n=3,%鲜重)Table 1 Comparison of nutritional components in muscle of P. hypophthalmu with other economic fish species(n=3,% wet basis)
表1 苏氏圆腹与其它经济鱼类肌肉营养成分含量比较(n=3,%鲜重)Table 1 Comparison of nutritional components in muscle of P. hypophthalmu with other economic fish species(n=3,% wet basis)
表2 苏氏圆腹肌肉氨基酸组成和含量(n=3,%干基)Table 2 Amino acids composition and contents of muscle of P. hypophthalmus(n=3,% dry basis)
表2 苏氏圆腹肌肉氨基酸组成和含量(n=3,%干基)Table 2 Amino acids composition and contents of muscle of P. hypophthalmus(n=3,% dry basis)
表3 苏氏圆腹肌肉必需氨基酸组成(mg/g N,以氮为基础)评价Table 3 Evaluation of essential amino acid composition(mg/g N,based on nitrogen)in muscle of P. hypophthalmus
表3 苏氏圆腹肌肉必需氨基酸组成(mg/g N,以氮为基础)评价Table 3 Evaluation of essential amino acid composition(mg/g N,based on nitrogen)in muscle of P. hypophthalmus
表4 苏氏圆腹与其它经济鱼类肌肉必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸含量的比较Table 4 Comparison essential amino acids and delicious amino acids in muscle of P. hypophthalmus with other economic fish species
表4 苏氏圆腹与其它经济鱼类肌肉必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸含量的比较Table 4 Comparison essential amino acids and delicious amino acids in muscle of P. hypophthalmus with other economic fish species
表5 苏氏圆腹肌肉脂肪酸组成(n=3,%总脂肪酸)Table 5 Fatty acid profiles of muscle ofP. hypophthalmus(n=3,% total fatty acids)
表5 苏氏圆腹肌肉脂肪酸组成(n=3,%总脂肪酸)Table 5 Fatty acid profiles of muscle ofP. hypophthalmus(n=3,% total fatty acids)
3 结论
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Analysis and evaluation of chemical components of muscles ofPangasiushypophthalmus
LIU Xiu-ying1,LIU Ye-zi2,ZHU Chong-mei1,ZHAO De-fu3
(1.Henan Vocational College of Water Conservancy and Environment,Zhengzhou 450008,China;2.Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;3.Henan Academy of Fishery Science,Zhengzhou 450044,China)
Chemical components of muscle ofPangasiushypophthalmuscultivated in ponds were analyzed and evaluated in this study. The results showed that contents of moisture,crude protein,crude fat and ash in fresh muscle ofP.hypophthalmuswere 79.56%,17.44%,2.07%,1.11%,respectively. Eighteen kinds of amino acids were detected in its muscle,in which the contents of total amino acids(TAA),essential amino acids(EAA)and non-essential amino acids(NEAA)were 79.90%,32.32% and 47.58%(dry basis)respectively. The ratios of EAA/TAA and EAA/NEAA in its muscle were 40.45% and 67.93%,respectively. These data suggest that the EAA profile of the muscle ofP.hypophthalmuscan meet completely the FAO/WHO standard. According to amino acids score(AAS)and chemical score(CS),lysine was the most abundant while tryptophan was the main limiting amino acid in the muscle. Besides,the essential amino acids index(78.59)or the content of delicious amino acids(30.80% of dry basis)of muscle ofP.hypophthalmuswas both higher than those of some economic fish species. Total lipids were characterized by high percentages of saturated fatty acids(43.70% of total fatty acid),low percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids(18.31% of total fatty acids)and very low percentages of docosapentenoic acid(0.50% of total fatty acids)and docosahexaenoic acid(0.42% of total fatty acids)in its muscle. The P:S ratio was 0.42. These results indicate thatP.hypophthalmuscan be an excellent source of protein and lysine,a potential source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low-fat food for human.
Pangasiushypophthalmus;muscle;chemical component;evaluation of nutritive quality