□ 文/本刊记者 胡睿
□ 文/本刊记者 胡睿
Peter Kuppens(皮特·库朋斯)是来自荷兰的资深“中国迷”,从1998年第一次来到中国,就对这片发展中的土地抱有极大的期望和热爱。2008年,皮特开设了他的公司,专为外籍来华人员和外资企业提供从最基本的生活服务和解决方案,到商务咨询的全方位服务。同时,他的网站和公司也时常分享、推广在重庆等中国城市的生活和最新的资讯,吸引更多对重庆感兴趣的外资企业来渝,进行文化、投资方面的交流与合作。
起初,因为皮特服务的一家外资企业要建化工厂 ,他随团来渝考察。当他发现了重庆的潜力和市场后,就分别在成都和重庆设立了办公室。他的个人网站上显示,他是17个项目的主要创始人和负责人。如今,他自豪地分享自己在重庆主要的客户,是美国的福特汽车和苹果公司,公司主要为这两家外企提供信息及咨询服务。
另一个让皮特引以为傲的客户是美国汽车大腕福特公司。自2001年,福特就与长安汽车合作在重庆设立工厂 ,2014年长安福特第三工厂建成,长安福特成为其在美国本土以外最大的工厂 ,重庆也跻身中国最大的汽车产业基地。据了解,扩大重庆生产基地的产能,是福特在中国和亚洲市场推进激进发展计划的关键一步。所以,帮助外企了解重庆当地市场的情况,为外籍员工提供最基本的生活服务成为麦克斯林业务的重要一环。类似这样的国际大品牌,皮特服务过不少,重庆的凯悦酒店和兰博基尼品牌酒店入驻时,都曾找到公司进行选址及市场信息的商业咨询。
In recent years, it is the rapid development period for Chongqing to open to the outside world and attract investments. Whether the business giants or the professionals are hoping to make themselves a big name in this potential city. Co-developing and integrating into Chongqing, foreign consulates in Chongqing and foreign business people come to Chongqing for bright prospects.
When Peter Kuppens, a veteran “Chinese fan” from the Netherlands, came to China for the fi rst time in 1998, he already had great expectations and love for this growing land. In 2008, Peter found his Maxxelli company which aims to provide a full service from the basic life services and solutions to the business consulting for the foreign personnel and foreign-funded enterprises. Meanwhile, his website and company also share and popularize the life in Chongqing and other cities in China as well as the latest information to attract more foreign-funded enterprises, which are interested in Chongqing and other cities in China, to come to Chongqing and make the communication and cooperation in culture and investments.
Today, with more foreign-funded companies aiming at the Chinese market, Peter, as a “foreigner” who came to the western China in an early time, holds a optimistic expectation for the future commercial development in Chongqing and is willing to build a bridge for the further connection between the western countries and Chongqing.
Impression of Chongqing: The Most Potential Inland City in China
In the 1990s, Peter spent 10 years to travel around the world, starting from the Europe and going through the Russia and Mongolia, all the way to China. Due to the affection for China and the perception of the huge market in China, he stayed. He believed that although there would be a large number of foreignfunded enterprises becoming interested in the Chinese market, their unfamiliar with culture, language and the Chinese citieswould become an barrier for the their developments. That’s why Peter sets up Maxxelli companies in Chengdu and Chongqing, which fi rst involves the foreign real estate intermediary, and then the business consulting and housing services are provided to the foreign personnel and the foreign-funded enterprises from all over the world. In such a way, he has worked hard for this career in the western China for more than a decade.
When the journalist asked Peter about his impression on Chongqing, he showed a positive attitude towards Chongqing’s increasing GDP in successive years and its economic development. He regarded Chongqing as the most potential inland city in China,“Many European brands are targeting at the consumption ability of the middle-and-high-salaried stratum in Chongqing. Compared with Chengdu, there is more room for Chongqing’s openness. For that reason, more opportunities for the investment and development are given to both the domestic and foreign companies. Chongqing will surely make an even better job in opening to the outside world. ”
Full Service is Provided to Apple, Ford and Other Foreign Enterprises Coming into Chongqing
At first, because a foreign-funded enterprise Peter served at, was going to build a factory, he accompanied the delegation to visit Chongqing. When he discovered the potential and market of Chongqing, he set up Maxxelli of fi ces in Chengdu and Chongqing respectively. According to the personal website named by “Mr. Peter”, he is the main founder and person in charge for 17 events. Nowadays, he is proud to share his primary customers (i.e. the Ford and Apple) in Chongqing. The company mainly provides information and consulting services for this two foreign-funded enterprises.
Peter said that when those foreign companies first came to Chongqing, without exception they were not familiar with the rhythm and style of Chongqing as a mountain city. Apple, his largest customer, is going to open stores in the major cities in China. As Apple’s consultant in China, Maxxelli provides them with the business and life report of the Chinese market and makes important references for the development of the domestic retail stores. Based on the different characteristics of each city, Peter and his team will recommend the customers about how to set up the retail store to meet the local customers’ consuming habits and where to locate the of fi ce. Another important service is to arrange accommodations for the foreign customers in line with their living habits.
Peter is also proud of another customer, Ford, which is the biggest car-maker in America. Since 2001, Ford has set up factories in Chongqing together with Changan Automobile. And the third one was completed in 2014, which has made the Changan Ford the largest factory outside the U.S. and Chongqing one of the largest automobile industrial bases in China. It is understood that the expansion of the production capacity in Chongqing’s production base is a key step for Ford to promote the development plan in the Chinese and Asian market. Therefore, it is an important part of Maxxelli business to help foreign companies understand the local market situation in Chongqing and provide the most basic life service for foreign employees.
The fi rst step is to help the foreign employees fi nd a well-content shelter. The dishwasher, washing machine, modern and functional decoration are required by most foreign employees. As most local landlords’ houses can not meet the seemingly simple requirements, the decorations need to be transformed by Maxxelli. Now Maxxelli has its own brand of real estate, which focuses on this kind of house. Peter had served a lot of similar international brands. For example, when the Hyatt Hotel and Lamborghini were planning to settle in Chongqing, they had consulted Maxxelli about the information on the site selection and market.
For enterprises’ first visit to Chongqing, their unfamiliar with Chongqing’s supernew market and the local policy will bring a lot of trouble. So after his awareness of this, information sector is added, which provides the one-stop service to help customers from the application for a business license, the bank account, tax to the marketing program helping the customers be familiar with the local. On the other hand, the business report of the consulting service will list a series of transparent information according to the customer’s needs and make an objective assessment for the customers. Maxxelli published a book of Chinese cities’ reports, which focuses on the various information of the inland cities in China, including international flights in each city, the number and distribution of international schools, international medical facilities, and the city’s business districts and etc. The report shows the comparison and integration situations of the degree of opening up of each city, so that the foreign companies who want to come to China can have an overall pro fi le of the various cities through the data intuitively.
Peter believes that his career is to help foreign enterprises in Chinese cities to settle down. In fact, business people in many parts of Europe are very interested in investing in China, but what they need is a correct channel to understand the contemporary China. Peter and his team hope that through their efforts, more foreigners will get to know about Chinese market so as to promote the foreign investments in Chongqing and help Chongqing carry out economic and trade exchanges with foreign-funded companies in a friendly way.
(Pictures were provided by interviewees)
The Career of A Holland Business Tycoon: To Help Foreign Companies Settle Down in Chinese Cities
□ Article/ Journalist Hu Rui