高 云,郁厚安,雷明刚,黎 煊,郭 旭,刁亚萍
高 云1,2,郁厚安1,雷明刚2,3,黎 煊1,2,郭 旭1,刁亚萍1
(1. 华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070;2. 生猪健康养殖协同创新中心,武汉 430070;3. 华中农业大学动物科技学院动物医学院,武汉 430070)
0 引 言
1 材料与方法
1.1 视频采集
在湖北金林原种畜牧有限公司的商品保育舍中一个猪栏中拍摄群养猪俯视视频,栏内共有30 kg左右的大长白保育猪10头。拍摄时间为2016年1月12日上午,拍摄条件为自然采光。将高清摄像机(型号:CL03,深圳沃世达,分辨率为1 280 pixÍ720 pix)固定于猪栏上方天花板中央,距离猪栏地面3.2 m处,垂直俯拍。猪栏长4.7 mÍ宽2.6 m,拍摄面积比猪栏面积略小。猪栏内为半漏缝地板,漏缝地板材料为绿色PVC,无漏缝地面为混泥土。猪栏为半机械通风,装有风机、湿帘和玻璃窗。
1.2 粘连猪体分割方法
对视频进行分帧处理后的图像如图1a所示。人工分析猪体颜色范围,图像帧中10头猪RGB(red, green, blue)分量的总均值为[213.774 0,203.512 3,204.712 3]。采用欧式距离法对图像帧进行阈值分割去除背景。分割冗余范围值设为=100得到最优效果,获得如图1b所示二值化图像。RGB分量总均值与猪品种和颜色密切相关,当被拍摄猪群为其他品种或颜色时,需要重新计算RGB分量的总均值设置相应的分割冗余范围值。
a. 原始图像帧(编号为手工标记)a. Original image frame (with manual marks)b. 背景去除后的二值图像b. Binary image with background removed c. 剔除小面积后二值图像c. Binary image after small areas elimination
a. 圆形结构a. Circular structureb. 方形结构b. Square structure c. 菱形结构c. Diamond structured. 斜45°线形结构d. 45°oblique line structure
以每只猪体连通区域的极小值区域为“山谷”,寻找分水岭脊线,得到图3b和图4a中所示分割脊线。用图4a所示脊线分割图1c,即将图4a取反后(使脊线处像素对应值为0)与图1c进点乘计算。图1c中与图4a脊线对应像素被置0,其余像素保持不变,结果如图4b 所示,脊线恰好把粘连猪体用一根脊线分开,每头猪自成一个连通域,且各猪体轮廓保持较好。
a. 分割脊线a. Ridge lines for segmentationb. 分割结果b. Results of segmentation
1.3 头尾定位
1.3.1 头尾边缘轮廓的截取
1.3.2 头尾识别算法
Note: (,) is center coordinates of circle, andis radius.
图6 图像空间到参数空间的转换
Fig.6 Transformation from image-area to parameter space
a. 头部封闭轮廓a. Head closed curveb. 尾部封闭轮廓b. Tail closed curve
图8 头尾封闭轮廓
Fig.8 Closed curves of head/tail
1.4 视频标记及运动轨迹识别
1.4.1 视频标记
分帧时间Δ的选取与猪的移动速度密切相关。如果Δ取得过大,当某头猪在两帧之间移动范围较大时,有可能会造成上一帧中距离圆心最近的质心并非同一头猪,导致标记错误。与白鼠等速度较快的小动物不同,猪的运动速度相对较慢,合理选择分帧时间,即可保证两帧间同一头猪的移动范围不至过大,又可得到一定的移动距离,方便显示猪的移动轨迹。本研究中选择分帧时间为Δ=1 s。
a. 起始图像帧标记a. Markers in first frameb. #3猪下一帧标记搜索b. Marking #3 pig in next frame c. 下一帧中搜素c. Searching all pigs in next framed. 下一帧标记d. Marking in next frame
1.4.2 运动趋势修正
2 试验与分析
采集到的猪群活动视频(15 mins)通过Matlab软件进行处理,处理硬件设备为华硕台式机,配置为IntelCore i7-4790cpu,3.60 GHz,内存8 G。
2.1 视频分帧及标记
2.2 头尾识别
a. 类Hough聚类识别a. Clustering recognition based on analogous Houghb. 圆度识别b. Roundness recognition
由于在粘连猪体分割过程中,猪体边缘轮廓经过腐蚀和膨胀后出现轮廓曲线畸变。类Hough聚类识别算法基于分割后头尾部轮廓曲线上的像素点,对轮廓畸变较为敏感,因此轮廓曲线畸变对类Hough聚类头尾识别正确率影响较大;圆度识别算法建立在整体目标像素基础上,在一定程度上平均了边缘轮廓畸变带来的不利影响。因此在识别正确率上圆度识别优于类Hough聚类算法。2种算法在计算时间上有所差异,类Hough聚类识别平均每帧计算耗时3.063 6 s,圆度平均每帧计算耗时7.105 9 s,类Hough聚类算法较快。
2.3 轨迹生成
a. 头部/尾部位置运动轨迹
a. Trajectory tracking based on head/tail locations
2.4 头/尾运动轨迹与质心轨迹对比
a. 头/尾轨迹
a. Head/Tail trajectory
b. 质心轨迹
b. Centroid trajectory
Note: 1-6 represent images from 37th picture to 42nd picture of 63 images. In Fig.12a, heads of arrows represent coordinates of pig’s heads, and tails of arrows represent coordinates of pig’s tails.
图12 头/尾轨迹与质心轨迹对比
Fig.12 Comparision between trajectories on head/tail locations and centroids
3 结 论
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Trajectory tracking for group housed pigs based on locations of head/tail
Gao Yun1,2, Yu Hou’an1, Lei Minggang2,3, Li Xuan1,2, Guo Xu1, Diao Yaping1
(1.430070,; 2.430070,;3.430070,)
Observing animal’s individual and social behaviors is the most effective way to assess animal welfare and healthy. Automated trajectory tracking based on head/tail locations is supposed to be extremely helpful for the realization of pig behavior recognition, especially for group housed pigs in the commercial pig facility. The methods of trajectory tracking for group housed pigs based on head/tail location were described in this paper. The video of group housed nurseries was taken in a commercial pig breeding farm of Hubei Jinlin Original Breeding Swine Co. Ltd. on January 12th, 2016. A high resolution camera (Woshida CL03) was used to record 15 min video. Afterwards, image frames were extracted from the original video in a one-second time interval. Image frames were processed in a computer (configured with IntelCore i7-4790 CPU (central processing unit), 3.6 GHz, 8 G memory) with MATLAB software platform. The image processing for each image frame included 4 steps: background removal, pigs division, head/tail identification and trajectory tracking modification. The background removal was based on the RGB (red, green, blue) color space, from which a vector of RGB mean values of the pig’s body was calculated. If the Euclidean distance between the RGB values of one pixel and the RGB mean values vector was less than a small threshold of 100, the pixel was involved in a pig body area and set as 1. Otherwise, it was outside any pig body area and set as 0. When all pixels of the image frame were scanned and calculated by this method, a binary image was acquired. The white area referred to pig’s body area, while the black area referred to the background. After that, the morphology erosion and expansion were utilized before the watershed segmentation algorithm to improve the dividing effect for the pigs with adhesion. Pigs division was implemented on the binary images with the improved watershed segmentation algorithm. To discriminate each pig in each image frame, a video tracking and marking method was necessary to be implemented in the video. After being manually marked with the identify number in the first frame, each pig had a unique number and was labelled automatically throughout the video. Abstracting image frames from the video with a very short time interval (1 s), the distance of 2 centroids of the identical pig between 2 continuous image frames would be sufficiently small. Therefore, the video tracking was to find the pig with the closest distance in the next image frame and mark it with the same identify number of the current pig until all the pigs were marked. After each pig was marked throughout the video, using the head/tail location as the coordinates of the pig, the trajectory of each pig in herd could be tracked by the trajectory calculation. Extracting the outline of each pig in frames, the head and the tail outlines were divided from the whole outline, after a sixth of whole outline distance was moved along the outline in 2 opposite directions from the 2 intersection points of the outline and short axis of the minimum bounding rectangle. After the head/tail outline curve was gained from each pig outline, 2 recognition algorithms, the analogous Hough clustering recognition algorithm and the roundness recognition algorithm, were employed to identify the head/tail of each pig. Thus the location of the pig’s head/tail could be spotted by locating the centroid of the heat/tail curve. Then the trajectory tracking of the pigs was calculated based on the location of head/tail, and corrected by the motion trends of pigs. Experiment showed that the background was successfully removed from each image frame using the Euclidean distance of RGB values between the pixels and the mean value vector. The improved watershed segmentation algorithm has been verified as an effective tool to divide the pigs with adhesion. The identify number of each pig was tracked from the first frame to the end. The average recognition rate of analogous Hough clustering algorithm was 71.79% for the identification of pig’s heads/tails, while the roundness algorithm was 79.67%, which was less sensitive to the distortion of head outline curve. If not including the pigs outside the camera range, the recognition rates would be up to 75% and 85.7% respectively. The roundness algorithm shows an obvious advantage in comparison. The modified trajectory of each pig shows a high agreement with the manually labelled trajectory. More understanding for pigs’ behaviors can be acquired from the trajectory of head/tail locations. This trajectory tracking method provides a good reference for further research of behavior recognition.
algorithms; image recognition; image segmentation; pig herd; individual pig; identification of head/tail; improved watershed segmentation; trajectory tracking
高 云,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事农业智能检测与控制方面的研究。武汉 华中农业大学工学院,430070。 Email:angelclouder@mail.hzau.edu.cn。美国农业工程学会会员ASABE(1049530);中国农业工程学会会员(E041700006M)
高 云,郁厚安,雷明刚,黎 煊,郭 旭,刁亚萍. 基于头尾定位的群养猪运动轨迹追踪[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):220-226. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.030 http://www.tcsae.org
Gao Yun, Yu Hou’an, Lei Minggang, Li Xuan, Guo Xu, Diao Yaping. Trajectory tracking for group housed pigs based on locations of head/tail[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 220-226. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.030 http://www.tcsae.org