

农业工程学报 2017年2期

吴万荣,梁向京,娄 磊


吴万荣,梁向京※,娄 磊

(中南大学机电工程学院,长沙 410083)



0 引 言




1 空气压缩机系统建模


1.1 柴油发动机子模型










1.2 空气压缩机子模型


1.2.1 基本热力学过程




1.2.2 压缩过程建模









1.3 进气控制子模型











2 仿真分析

2.1 模型建立与仿真参数确定


螺杆空气压缩机系统主要参数如表1所示。仿真初始条件为:加载压力1=0.71 MPa,卸载压力2=0.76 MPa,仿真时间280 s,空气压缩机系统绝热效率78%,大气压力0.1 MPa,环境温度23.8 ℃,空气压缩机进气管直径为76 mm。

表1 空气压缩机主要参数

2.2 仿真结果分析

图4为设定的3种用气量Q曲线。其中:曲线1表示用气量Q在2.49~16.64 m3/min周期性变化;曲线2表示用气量恒定为11 m3/min;曲线3表示用气量恒定为8.16 m3/min,是曲线1所示用气量的平均值。3种用气量条件下得到的系统仿真结果如图5所示。

图5a为不同用气量条件下空气压缩机系统压力的变化曲线。由图5a可知,3种用气量条件下,空气压缩机系统压力均在设定的加载压力0.71 MPa与卸载压力0.76 MPa之间变化。随着用气量增大,空气压缩机加载卸载频率减小。用气量波动时,系统压力随之波动。


图5c为不同用气量条件下的空气压缩机系统轴功率。如图5c所示,进入卸载状态后,空气压缩机系统的轴功率迅速下降,并且明显小于加载状态下系统的轴功率。当用气量Q=8.6 m3/min时,空气压缩机在一次加卸载时间内平均轴功率为96.2 kW,单位用气量的平均轴功率为11.18 kW/(m3/min)。用气量波动时空气压缩机平均轴功率为99.5 kW,单位用气量的平均轴功率为11.57 kW/(m3/min)。这说明当平均用气量不变时,用气量波动会导致空气压缩机的平均轴功率和单位用气量的轴功率都增大,空气压缩机能量利用率下降。用气量Q=11 m3/min时空气压缩机系统平均轴功率为112.2 kW,单位用气量的轴功率为10.2 kW/(m3/min)。这说明用气量大时,空气压缩机平均轴功率增大,但单位用气量的平均轴功率随之减小,空气压缩机能量利用率有所提高。

3 试验与分析

为了对仿真结果进行验证,搭建空气压缩机试验平台进行试验。试验系统主要由空气压缩机及有关传感器等组成,如图6所示。采用日本横河EJA110A压力传感器测量系统压力,测量范围为0~1.4 MPa,测量精度为±0.065%;采用日本横河YEWFLO涡街流量传感器测量空气压缩机流量,测量精度为±1%,采用北京新宇航JN338-A转矩转速传感器测量空气压缩机功率,测量精度为±0.2%,并利用台湾研华的PCI-1712数据采集卡将数据传递至计算机中进行数据处理。空气压缩机主要参数见表1。试验时设定空气压缩机加载压力、卸载压力与仿真时一致,用气量保持11 m3/min不变。


表2 螺杆空气压缩机加/卸载工况下性能试验结果与仿真结果对比


4 结 论




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Dynamic characteristics analysis of portable twin screw air compressor system

Wu Wanrong, Liang Xiangjing※, Lou Lei


As the producer of compressed air, portable twin-screw air compressors are widely used in many industrial applications taking into account its reliability and compact feature.The compressor system is frequently operated under unload condition to achieve the air flow consumption. Under the unload condition, the air compressor still requires a lot of energy, but the air compressor stops supplying compressed air to the network. This is often ignored when studying the energy consumption of the compressor. It is important to research the dynamic performance of the portable twin-screw air compressor to reduce the energy consumption of compressor system. The system composition of portable twin-screw air compressor was described and the operating principle was analyzed. The twin-screw air compressor was divided into 3 subsystems: diesel engine, twin-screw compressor and intake valve control. For each subsystem a mathematical model was established and explained in detail. The dynamic simulation model of the portable twin-screw air compressor was implemented on the platform of MATLAB/Simulink. Three different air flow consumption loading patterns of compressor were simulated in order to understand the dynamic performance of the portable twin-screw air compressor with different air flow consumption. Some primary performance parameters of the screw compressor under load and unload conditions, such as system pressure, flow rate and shaft power, were analyzed by numerical simulations. Experimental investigation on a twin-screw air compressor under load and unload conditions was carried out to verify the integrated model. The performances of the compressor under load/unload conditions, such as system pressure and shaft power consumption, were measured with the experimental apparatus. The research results showed that the dynamic characteristics of twin-screw air compressor system under load/unload conditions were influenced by air flow consumption. According to the influence of air flow consumption on the screw compressor system, the system pressure had obvious fluctuation with the variable air flow demand pattern. The pressure change rate decreased with the increased air flow consumption. It meant that the load/unload frequency of screw compressor was reduced. When the air flow consumption was greater, the twin-screw air compressor had a greater average shaft power of system, a smaller shaft power of air flow consumption per unit and a higher energy utilization ratio. When the fluctuation range of air flow consumption was greater, the twin-screw air compressor had a greater average shaft power of system, a greater shaft power of air flow consumption per unit and a lower energy utilization ratio. Therefore, when the twin-screw air compressor runs under the load/unload conditions, it should reduce the fluctuation range of air flow consumption, and increase the air flow consumption to improve working efficiency. Simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental ones. It was shown that the error between the measured and calculated data was less than 5%. So the dynamic working process of twin-screw compressor under load/unload conditions can be predicted exactly by means of the mathematical models. Therefore, this research can be useful for energy-saving running of twin-screw air compressors.

computer simulation; models; experiments; twin screw air compressor; thermodynamics; energy losses








吴万荣,湖南汉寿人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事机电液集成控制研究。长沙 中南大学机电工程学院,410083。

梁向京,湖南长沙人,博士生,主要从事机电液集成控制研究。长沙 中南大学机电工程学院,410083。

吴万荣,梁向京,娄 磊. 移动式双螺杆空气压缩机系统动态特性分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):73-79. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.010

Wu Wanrong, Liang Xiangjing, Lou Lei. Dynamic characteristics analysis of portable twin screw air compressor system[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 73-79. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.010

