新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 2 STEP BY STEP随堂通


中学生英语 2017年3期

新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 2 STEP BY STEP随堂通

Section A



( )1.Helen volunteers at an Old People’s Home.

( )2.We should care for old people more.

( )3.My bike is broken.

( )4.How will you do with the clothes?

( )5.What are your interest and hobbies?


A.You are right.

B.I can help you repair it.

C.She is great.

D.I enjoy reading and singing.

E.I’ll give them to poor people.


( )1.—Don’t be so sad.You should_______.Everything will be better.

—Thanks for your help.I’ll get through.

A.cheer up B.give up C.fix up D.put up

( )2.—My aunt goes to climb mountains every Sunday.

—Oh?But she_______hate climbing mountains.

A.used to B.was used to used to D.use to

( )3.—It’s too noisy here.I can’t stand it.

—Me,too.We have to_______new ways to solve the problem.

A.catch up with B.keep up with C.come up with D.look up with

( )4.—Let’s do our part to help the homeless people.

—Good.And now we should make some_______first.

A.plans B.decisions C.stories

( )5.—I think I can work in an animals’hospital.

—But do you know anything about how to_______animals?

A.think about about C.look for D.look after

Section B


1.We normal people should help those d_______ones.

2.He can’t watch TV because it is b_______.

3.B_______people are those who can’t see well.

4.Because of her k_______,we got out of trouble at last.

5.Henry has no i_______in playing computer games.

6.Everything c_______when he came back to his hometown again.

7.Dora is so c_______that no math problems are difficult for her.

8.I want to give my old school things a_______.

9.A car has two or four doors and four w_______.

10.Can you help me c_______these vegetables onto the truck?


( )1.—I am asked to_______my room every weekend.

—That’s a good idea.

A.clean up B.cut up C.put up up

( )2.—Why do you collect so many old bikes?

—I’ll have them_______and give away to the children who don’t have bikes.

A.used up B.given up C.fixed up D.set up

( )3.—I don’t think Sue is now used to_______in this neighborhood.

—But I am sure she will be soon. B.lives C.lived

( )4.—You’re so brave and good at making decisions.

—Thanks.I_______my father.I learned these from him.

A.look after B.look like C.take after D.feel like

( )5.—Was the English competition_______?

—Yes,and we are all_______that Nancy has got the first place.

A.excited;excited B.exciting;exciting C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excited

( )6.—We can’t_______how our lives will be if there are no trees.

—It’ll be terrible.We should plant more trees.

A.imagine B.think C.tell

( )7.—Disabled people are quite poor.

—Some of them can’t see or listen well,and others walk with great_______. B.satisfaction C.difficulty D.accident

( )8.—My computer doesn’t work.What should I do?

—Uncle Bob is a computer engineer.He can_______it. C.control

( )9.—What a perfect dog it is!

—Of course it is.We_______it to do many things that other dogs can’t do.

A.cared B.trained C.hoped D.used

( )10.—Did you_______what the Englishman said?

—Just a little.I don’t know much English.

A.hear B.write C.notice D.understand


That day in a jewelry shop,I stood at the counter,putting a bag with some books aside.When I was choosing jewelry,a well-dressed handsome man also came to choose jewelry.I moved away my bag politely,but the man looked at me angrily,telling me he was an upright gentleman and had no idea of stealing my bag.Feeling that he was beinginsulted(侮辱),he shut the door,and walked out of the jewelry store.

“Asicko(神经病)!”Being shouted without reason,I was also very angry,lost the mood to pick and choose jewelry,went out and drove home.

Thevehicles(车辆)on the road were moving slowly.Seeing the vehicles around me,I got angrier.Afterwards,a large truck and my car arrived at a crossroad at the same time.I thought,“His truck is so big.I’d better let it go first.”When I prepared to slow down and gave way,the truck slowed down first.The driver put his head out of the window and waved his hands to ask me go first.I saw the cheerful smile on the face.After driving across the crossing,all the displeasure suddenly went completely.

The bad mood of the man in the jewelry store made me angry.With such a mood,the world in my eyes was full ofhostility(敌意).Everything and everyone were all against me until I saw the trucker’s bright smile.He brought me a good mood.With the happy mood,I heard the birds were singing.

( )1.The writer moved her bag away_______. let the man choose first show her kindness to him order not to be stolen order not to make mistakes

( )2.Why did the writer also leave the jewelry store?

A.Because she wanted to have a talk with the man.

B.Because she had no mood to buy jewelry.

C.Because she had to hurry home.

D.Because she wanted to change her mood.

( )3.While driving on the way home,_______.

A.the writer met someone making her happy

B.the writer disliked anybody and anything around

C.the truck driver drove across the crossing first

D.the truck driver made her lose mood completely

( )4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.The gentleman in the jewelry store was a thief.

B.The gentleman and the writer were angry with each other.

C.The truck driver made the writer feel better.

D.The writer came home with a good mood.

( )5.The writer wants to tell us that_______.

A.there are both bad things and good things in life

B.people should not be polite to each other

C.only when you have a good mood,can you enjoy yourself

D.though you are angry sometimes,you can still be happy

Self Check


( )1.—Cindy,look at your new shoes.Aren’t they beautiful?

—Yes,they are really nice,Mum.I can’t wait to_______.

A.put them on B.put it on C.put on them D.put on it

( )2.—How can I become a teacher?

—You’ll have a four years’_______at a teachers’college.

A.volunteer C.plan D.vacation

( )3.—Mandy is_______her sister in many ways.

—Yes,they are twin sisters.

A.kind to B.popular with C.similar to D.different from

( )4.—How does Jack usually go to work?

—He_______drive a car,but now he_______there to lose weight.

A.used to;is used to walk B.was used to;is used to walking

C.was used to;is used to walk D.used to;is used to walking

( )5.—Does your son get to school_______in the morning?

—No,he goes with several of his friends.

A.alone B.lonely C.safely D.quietly

( )6.—When did Kim begin to learn the piano?

—He began to learn it at the_______of ten.

A.side B.age C.time D.past

( )7.—How was Edison special when he was a boy?

—He liked to_______his new ideas by doing some experiments.

A.try out B.think out out D.keep out

( )8.—There is something wrong with my mobile phone.Can you_______it?

—You’d better take it to a mobile service center. D.send

( )9.—What will you do if you see an old man lying on the road?

—I’ll take him to the hospital_______. most times last once

( )10.—Why do people in England always_______an umbrella with them?

—Because it’s rainy in England.

A.hold B.take C.raise D.pass


volunteers/changes/set up/call up/came up with/journey

1.They_______an office in Beijing to start another business.

2.We are going to be_______this summer.

3.Who_______this good idea which helped us a lot?

4.The group of young man began their_______to Xinjiang on a fine day.

5.Can you see the_______on Jack?He’s quite different now.


Mr.Johnson wants a car for long.His home is far from his factory.He has to set the alarm clock for his1every evening before he goes to bed.The woman has to get up earlier.When breakfast is2,she wakes him up.Then he hurried to catch the early bus.Once something was wrong with the3,he was late for work.At the gate of the shop,he4with thehead.He was hardly sent away.Since then he’s always gone to the car shops and5them carefully.He always wears old clothes and his wife often buys the6food.They never travel in the cities or visit the places of interest.He7to have his own one.

Now,after three years,Mr.Johnson has8money to buy a car.He went to the shopkeeper. The man counted it9and then said,“Sorry,sir.They’re four thousand nine hundred and ninety-five dollars.”

At that moment Mr.Johnson10he spent some money on thelottery(彩票).He went out and found his friend Mr.Hunt and wanted to borrow some.“Certainly,”said the man,“What do you borrow five dollars for?”“To buy a car.”“Here’s ten dollars—buy one for meas well (也).”

( ) B.wife D.head

( )2.A.ready B.over C.early

( )3.A.clock C.woman D.bus

( )4.A.talked B.met C.greeted D.walked

( )5.A.cleaned B.counted C.heard D.watched

( ) B.fastest C.cheapest D.least

( )7.A.needs B.thinks C.asks D.hopes

( )8.A.enough B.real C.all D.good

( )9.A.happily B.politely C.carefully D.quickly

( )10.A.forgot B.remembered C.knew D.understood


Voltaire was a very famous French writer.He had a man who took care of his life,but he was so lazy.

One day Voltaire said to him,“Bring my shoes here quickly.I have to go out to meet one of my friends.”

The servant brought his shoes very quickly.But when Voltaire had a look at the shoes,he found the shoes were dirty.They were covered with dust.It seemed that it had been dirty for a long time.But the servant didn’t do anything about it.He asked the servant,“Why did you forget cleaning them?”

“No need,sir,”the servant answered calmly,“The road is full of dust,so two hours later aren’t your shoes as dirty as now?”

Voltaire wore the shoes with a smile and went out of the door without a word.The servant ran behind and caught up with him,“Sir,don’t go!Where is the key?You forgot to leave the key at home.”


“Yes.The key to the kitchen.I need it to enter the kitchen and make my lunch.”

“My friend,no need to have lunch!Aren’t you the same with now after two hours?”Voltaire said.

1.Voltaire was good at_______,but he wasn’t good at looking after himself.

2.The servant didn’t clean his shoes because he was rather_______.

3.The servant tried to find_______for his laziness.

4.Voltaire didn’t think the servant’s_______for not cleaning his shoesproper(合适的).

5.Voltaire wanted to teach the servant a lesson that he was_______.


Helen Keller lived in the USA.She was a great woman.One day when she was a baby, she b1very ill.After many weeks,the doctor said,“She is better,and now she can’t see, and she can’t hear,either.”Her parents were very s2.After a few years,things got w3. She couldn’t speak to other people;she saw nothing;she h4nothing;she didn’t understand anything.

Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her f5.The teacher helped Helen l6about words.Helen was very c7and soon she could spell her first word.When she was older,she went to college.

Later Helen became very f8.She helped manyblind(瞎的)anddeaf(聋的)people. She t9around the world and helped many people.The world remembers her today as abrave (勇敢的)and w10woman.She was blind and deaf,but she found a way to see and hear. 1.b__________2.s__________3.w__________4.h__________5.f__________ 6.l__________7.c__________8.f__________9.t__________10.w__________


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Section B
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