

中国学术期刊文摘 2017年1期







来源出版物:科学通报, 2016(11): 1181-1187






来源出版物:科技导报, 2016, 34(5): 26-31




摘要:星系的平直型旋转曲线以及引力透镜效应观测结果暗示暗物质的存在,但迄今还不知道暗物质是什么。有文献曾提出,这种旋转曲线表明暗物质是星系所发射的稳定、各向同性能量流;在此基础上,本文提出猜测:这种能量流的主要成分是电磁辐射,并以星系核的表面亮度与远离星系核的旋转速度的关系证实了这个猜测。根据这个猜测解释了太阳系的旋转曲线为何呈现开普勒型,还解释了1E 0657-56星系团观测结果所显示的现象。根据这个猜测还能够解释令天文学家感到困惑的异常现象:大部分星系旋转曲线呈现平直型,而NGC4736星系、NGC3521星系以及NGC4258星系中心黑洞等等的旋转曲线为何呈现开普勒型。


来源出版物:内蒙古科技大学学报, 2016, 35(1): 1-7







来源出版物:山西师范大学学报: 自然科学版, 2015, 29(2): 49-54



摘要:在中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项的支持下,紫金山天文台等单位正在建造“暗物质粒子探测卫星”(DAMPE),预期将于2015年底发射升空。暗物质粒子探测卫星是一个高能伽玛射线、宇宙线探测器,有望在1~10 TeV的电子宇宙射线能谱测量以及GeV-TeV伽玛射线线谱搜寻方面取得重要进展。在本文中,我们扼要介绍暗物质粒子探测卫星探测器的主要组成及功能,并介绍紫金山天文台的科学组在邻近电子宇宙射线源方面的研究进展。


来源出版物:中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学, 2015, 45(11): 119510





来源出版物:物理, 2015, 44(06): 411-417




摘要:暗物质是当今物理学最基本也是最吸引人的前沿研究课题之一,对认识宇宙起源、演变和结构以及物质的本源等基本科学问题具有十分重要的意义。暗物质的理论研究和实验探测经过几十年的积累和发展已经取得了长远的进步。实验上有多种方法可以进行暗物质粒子的探测,直接探测是一种非常重要的手段。本文评述了暗物质直接探测方法的原理和当今国际国内采用直接探测法的不同实验的研究现状,着重介绍了中国暗物质实验(China Dark matter Experiment,CDEX)合作组的研究历程、探测技术和数据分析方法、以及研究取得的重要成果和未来规划。


来源出版物:科学通报, 2015 (25): 2376-2386




摘要:作为暗物质粒子探测器(DAMPE,Dark Matter Particle Explorer)的一部分,触发系统主要用于判选所需探测的目标粒子(高能电子和伽玛射线)事例,剔除非目标粒子事例。触发系统由触发探测器和触发判选逻辑电路组成。介绍了触发地检测试系统和宇宙线触发系统的设计和功能实现。触发地检系统实现了对触发判选逻辑电路的电子学验证;另外,配合宇宙线触发系统对部分触发逻辑和触发效率进行了测试。主要介绍了触发系统的测试方法和一些初步测试结果。


来源出版物:天文学报, 2014, 55(6): 522-533






来源出版物:北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 2: 142-153



摘要:欧洲大型强子对撞机(LHC)上发现的125 GeV新希格斯粒子可能成为标准模型预期的“上帝粒子”。这一革命性发现开启了探索宇宙中一切基本粒子质量起源的新时代,成为21世纪粒子物理学的转折点。文章着重介绍:1)探寻上帝粒子的重大科学意义;2)探索质量起源的历史,以及为什么牛顿力学和爱因斯坦相对论均未解决质量起源问题;3)神秘的真空与希格斯机制;4)上帝粒子是如何提出的和怎样在LHC上发现的;5)展望21世纪质量起源的探索与新物理定律的革命。


来源出版物:物理, 2014, 43(01): 12-24


来源出版物:Physics Letters B, 2016, 755: 426-432

联系邮箱:Arcadi, G;

The characterization of the gamma-ray signal from the central Milky Way: A case for annihilating dark matter

Daylan, T; Finkbeiner, DP; Hooper, D; et al.

Abstract:Past studies have identified a spatially extended excess of similar to 1-3 GeV gamma rays from the region surrounding the Galactic Center, consistent with the emission expected from annihilating dark matter. We revisit and scrutinize this signal with the intention of further constraining its characteristics and origin. By applying cuts to the Fermi event parameter CTBCORE, we suppress the tails of the point spread function and generate high resolution gamma-ray maps, enabling us to more easily separate the various gamma-ray components. Within these maps, we find the GeV excess to be robust and highly statistically significant, with a spectrum, angular distribution, and overall normalization that is in good agreement with that predicted by simple annihilating dark matter models. For example, the signal is very well fit by a 36-51 GeV dark matter particle annihilating to b (b) over bar with an annihilation cross section of sigmav= (1-3) × 10-26cm3/s (normalized to a local dark matter density of 0.4 GeV/cm3). Furthermore, we confirm that the angular distribution of the excess is approximately spherically symmetric and centered around the dynamical center of the Milky Way (within similar to 0.05 degrees of Sgr A*), showing no sign of elongation along the Galactic Plane. The signal is observed to extend to at least similar or equal to 10 degrees from the Galactic Center, which together with its other morphological traits disfavors the possibility that this emission originates from previously known or modeled pulsar populations.

关键词:dark matter; indirect detection; gamma-rays

来源出版物:Physics of the Dark Universe, 2016, 12: 1-23

联系邮箱:Linden, T;

The diphoton resonance as a gravity mediator of dark matter

Han, CC; Lee, HM; Park, M; et al.

Abstract:We consider the possibility of interpreting the recently reported diphoton excess at 750 GeV as a spin-two massive particle (such as a Kaluza-Klein graviton in warped extra-dimensions) which serves as a mediator to Dark Matter via its gravitational couplings to the dark sector and to the Standard Model (SM). We model non-universal couplings of the resonance to gauge bosons in the SM and to Dark Matter as a function on their localization in the extra dimension. We find that scalar, fermion or vector dark matter can saturate the dark matter relic density by the annihilation of dark matter into a pair of the SM particles or heavy resonances, in agreement with the diphoton resonance signal strength. We check the compatibility of our hypothesis with other searches for the KK graviton. We show that the invisible decay rate of theresonance into a pair of dark matter is subdominant in the region of the correct relic density, hence leading to no constraints from the mono-jet bound at 8 TeV via the gluon coupling. We also discuss the kinematic features of the decay products of a KK graviton to distinguish the KK graviton from the SM backgrounds or a scalar particle interpretation of the diphoton resonance.

来源出版物:Physics Letters B, 2016, 755: 371-379

联系邮箱:Lee, HM;

The 750 GeV diphoton excess at the LHC and dark matter constraints

Bi, XJ; Xiang, QF; Yin, PF; et al.

Abstract:The recent reported 750 GeV diphoton excess at the 13 TeV LHC is explained in the framework of effective field theory assuming the diphoton resonance is a scalar (pseudoscalar) particle. It is found that the large production rate and the broad width of this resonance are hard to be simultaneously explained if only visible final states are considered. Therefore an invisible decay channel to dark matter (DM) is strongly favored by the diphoton resonance with a broad width, given a large coupling of the new scalar to DM. We set constraints on the parameter space in this scenario using the results from LHC Run 1, DM relic density, and DM direct and indirect detection experiments. We find that the DM searches can exclude a large portion of the parameter regions accounting for the diphoton excess with a broad width.

来源出版物:Nuclear Physics B, 2016, 909: 43-64

联系邮箱:Yin, PF;

Searching for dark matter annihilation from Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies with six years of Fermi Large Area Telescope data

Ackermann, M; Albert, A; Anderson, B; et al.

Abstract:The dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies (dSphs) of the Milky Way are some of the most dark matter (DM) dominated objects known. We report on γ-ray observations of Milky Way dSphs based on six years of Fermi Large Area Telescope data processed with the new Pass8 event-level analysis. None of the dSphs are significantly detected in γ rays, and we present upper limits on the DM annihilation cross section from a combined analysis of 15 dSphs. These constraints are among the strongest and most robust to date and lie below the canonical thermal relic cross section for DM of mass≲100 GeVannihilating via quark and τ-lepton channels.

来源出版物:Physical Review Letters, 2015, 115(23): 231301

联系邮箱:Ackermann, M;

A tale of tails: Dark matter interpretations of the Fermi GeV excess in light of background model systematics

Calore, F; Cholis, I; McCabe, C; et al.

Abstract:Several groups have identified an extended excess of gamma rays over the modeled foreground and background emissions towards the Galactic center (GC) based on observations with theFermiLarge Area Telescope. This excess emission is compatible in morphology and spectrum with a telltale sign from dark matter (DM) annihilation. Here, we present a critical reassessment of DM interpretations of the GC signal in light of the foreground and background uncertainties that some of us recently outlaid in Caloreet al.2014. We find that a much larger number of DM models fits the gamma-ray data than previously noted. In particular: (1) In the case of DM annihilation intob, we find that even large DM masses up to mχ≃74 GeV are allowed atp-value>0.05. (2) Surprisingly, annihilation into nonrelativistic hh gives a good fit to the data. (3) The inverse Compton emission from μ+μ-with mχ~60-70 GeV can also account for the excess at higher latitudes, |b|>2°, both in its spectrum and morphology. We also present novel constraints on a large number of mixed annihilation channels, including cascade annihilation involving hidden sector mediators. Finally, we show that the current limits from dwarf spheroidal observations are not in tension with a DM interpretation when uncertainties on the DM halo profile are accounted for.

来源出版物:Physical Review D, 2015, 91(6): 063003

联系邮箱:Calore, F;

Dark matter with pseudoscalar-mediated interactions explains the DAMA signal and the galactic center excess

Arina, C; Del Nobile, E; Panci, P

Abstract:We study a Dirac dark matter particle interacting with ordinary matter via the exchange of a light pseudoscalar, and analyze its impact on both direct and indirect detection experiments. We show that this candidate can accommodate the long-standing DAMA modulated signal and yet be compatible with all exclusion limits at 99S% CL. This result holds for natural choices of thepseudoscalar-quark couplings (e.g., flavor universal), which give rise to a significant enhancement of the dark matter-proton coupling with respect to the coupling to neutrons. We also find that this candidate can accommodate the observed 1-3 GeV gamma-ray excess at the Galactic center and at the same time have the correct relic density today. The model could be tested with measurements of rare meson decays, flavor changing processes, and searches for axionlike particles with mass in the MeV range.

来源出版物:Physical Review Letters, 2015, 114(1): 011301

The nongravitational interactions of dark matter in colliding galaxy clusters

Harvey, D; Massey, R; Kitching, T; et al.

Abstract:Collisions between galaxy clusters provide a test of the nongravitational forces acting on dark matter. Dark matter’s lack of deceleration in the “bullet cluster”collision constrained its self-interaction cross section σDM/m< 1.25 square centimeters per gram (cm2/g) [68% confidence limit (CL)] (σDM, self-interaction cross section;m, unit mass of dark matter) for long-ranged forces. Using the Chandra and Hubble Space Telescopes, we have now observed 72 collisions, including both major and minor mergers. Combining these measurements statistically, we detect the existence of dark mass at 7.6σ significance. The position of the dark mass has remained closely aligned within 5.8 ± 8.2 kiloparsecs of associated stars, implying a self-interaction cross section σDM/m< 0.47 cm2/g (95% CL) and disfavoring some proposed extensions to the standard model.

来源出版物:Science, 2015, 347(6229): 1462-1465

First dark matter search results from the PandaX-I experiment

Xiao, MJ; Xiao, X,Zhao, L; et al.

Abstract:We report on the first dark-matter (DM) search results from PandaX-I, a low threshold dual-phase xenon experiment operating at the China JinPing Underground Laboratory. In the 37 kg liquid xenon target with 17.4 live-days of exposure, no DM particle candidate event was found. This result sets a stringent limit for low-mass DM particles and disfavors the interpretation of previouslyreported positive experimental results. The minimum upper limit, 3.7×10-44cm2, for the spin-independent isoscalar DM-particle-nucleon scattering cross section is obtained at a DM-particle mass of 49 GeV/c2at 90% confidence level.

关键词:dark matter; direct detection; xenon

来源出版物:Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(11): 2024-2030

联系邮箱:Harvey, D;

On the validity of the effective field theory for dark matter searches at the LHC

Busoni, G; De Simone, A; Morgante, E; et al.

Abstract:We discuss the limitations to the use of the effective field theory approach to study dark matter at the LHC. We introduce and study a few quantities, some of them independent of the ultraviolet completion of the dark matter theory, which quantify the error made when using effective operators to describe processes with very high momentum transfer. Our criteria indicate up to what cutoff energy scale, and with what precision, the effective description is valid, depending on the dark matter mass and couplings.

来源出版物:Physics Letters B, 2014, 728: 412-421

联系邮箱:De Simone, A;

The properties of warm dark matter haloes

Lovell, MR; Frenk, CS; Eke, VR; et al.

Abstract:Well-motivated elementary particle candidates for the dark matter, such as the sterile neutrino, behave as warm dark matter (WDM). For particle masses of order a keV, free streaming produces a cutoff in the linear fluctuation power spectrum at a scale corresponding to dwarf galaxies. We investigate the abundance and structure of WDM haloes and subhaloes on these scales using high resolution cosmological N-body simulations of galactic haloes of mass similar to the Milky Way’s. On scales larger than the free-streaming cutoff, the initial conditions have the same power spectrum and phases as one of the cold dark matter (CDM) haloes previously simulated by Springel et al. as part of the Virgo consortium Aquarius project. We have simulated four haloes with WDM particle masses in the range 1.5-2.3 keV and, for one case, we have carried out further simulations at varying resolution. N-body simulations in which the power spectrum cutoff is resolved are known to undergo artificial fragmentation in filaments producing spurious clumps which, for small masses (< 107M⊙in our case) outnumber genuine haloes. We have developed a robust algorithm to identify these spurious objects and remove them from our halo catalogues. We find that the WDM subhalo mass functionis suppressed by well over an order magnitude relative to the CDM case for masses < 109M⊙. Requiring that there should be at least as many subhaloes as there are observed satellites in the Milky Way leads to a conservative lower limit to the (thermal equivalent) WDM particle mass of~ 1.5 keV. WDM haloes and subhaloes have cuspy density distributions that are well described by NFW or Einasto profiles. Their central densities are lower for lower WDM particle masses and none of the models we have considered suffer from the “too big to fail” problem recently highlighted by Boylan-Kolchin et al.

关键词:galaxies: dwarf; dark matter

来源出版物:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 439 (1): 300-317

联系邮箱:Lovell, MR;

The poker face of the Majoron dark matter model: LUX to keV line

Queiroz, FS; Sinha, K

Abstract:We study the viability of pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons) arising in see-saw models as dark matter candidates. Interestingly the stability of the Majoron as dark matter is related to the scale that sets the see-saw and leptogenesis mechanisms, while its annihilation and scattering cross section off nuclei can be set through the Higgs portal. ForO(GeV)-O(TeV) Majorons, we compute observables such as the abundance, scattering cross section, Higgs invisible decay width, and emission lines and compare with current data in order to outline the excluded versus still viable parameter space regions. We conclude that the simplest Majoron dark matter models coupling through the Higgs portal, except at the Higgs resonance, are excluded by current direct detection data for Majorons lighter than 225 GeV and future runnings are expected to rule out decisively the 1 GeV-1 TeV window. Lastly, we point out that light keV-scale Majorons whose relic density is set by thermal freeze-in from sterile neutrinos can account for the keV line observed by XMM-Newton observatory in the spectrum of 73 galaxy clusters, within a see-saw model with a triplet Higgs.

来源出版物:Physics Letters B, 2014, 735: 69-74

联系邮箱:Sinha, K;

Cold dark matter haloes in the Planck era: evolution of structural parameters for Einasto and NFW profiles

Dutton, AA; Maccio, AV

Abstract:We present the evolution of the structure of relaxed cold dark matter (CDM) haloes in the cosmology from thePlancksatellite. Our simulations cover five decades in halo mass, from dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters. Because of the increased matter density and power spectrum normalization the concentration-mass relation in thePlanckcosmology has a ~20 per cent higher normalization at redshiftz=0 compared toWilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probecosmology. We confirm that CDM haloes are better described by the Einasto profile; for example, at scales near galaxy half-light radii CDM haloes have significantly steeper density profiles than implied by Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) fits. There is a scatter of~0.2 dex in the Einasto shape parameter at fixed halo mass, adding further to the diversity of CDM halo profiles. The evolution of the concentration-mass relation in our simulations is not reproduced by any of the analytic models in the literature. We thus provide a simple fitting formula that accurately describes the evolution between redshiftsz=5 and 0 for both NFW and Einasto fits. Finally, the observed concentrations and halo masses of spiral galaxies, groups and clusters of galaxies at low redshifts are in good agreement with our simulations, suggesting only mild halo response to galaxy formation on these scales.

关键词:methods: numerical; galaxies: haloes; cosmology: theory; dark matter

来源出版物:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 441(4): 3359-3374

联系邮箱:Dutton, AA;


The LHC diphoton resonance and dark matter

Mambrini, Y; Arcadi, G; Djouadi, A

A resonance with a mass of approximately 750 GeV has recently been “observed” at the LHC in its diphoton decay. If this state is not simply a statistical fluctuation which will disappear with more data, it could have important implications not only for particle physics but also for cosmology. In this note, we analyze the implications of such a resonance for the dark matter (DM). Assuming a spin-1/2 DM particle, we first verify that indeed the correct relic density can be obtained for a wide range of the particle mass and weak scale coupling, that are compatible with present data. We then show that the combination of near future direct and indirect detection experiments will allow to probe the CP-nature of the mediator resonance, i.e. discriminate whether it is a scalar or a pseudoscalar like particle.


Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the latenineteenth century
Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast