
中国边疆民族研究 2017年0期

The Analysis of the Inward Mingration and Control of Tangut People in Tang Dynasty from the 7th to the mid-9th

Liang Xiaowen( 1)

During Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty, the government had set up many Subordinated Prefectures(羁縻州) in the area that Tangut(党项) people lived.Tuoba tribe of Tangut groups submitted to Tang government and had been keeping good relationship with it.However Tubo(吐蕃) tribe broke the balanced situation.Since Qianfeng period, Tubo tribe had been continuously attacking Tangut people and eastwardly occupying their residence.Tangut tribes suffered very much, so they asked Tang government for an inward migration permission.This article takes the An Lushan Rebellion(“安史之乱”) as a time node to divide Tangut migration progress into two phrases, and to further research on it by analyzing where they moving out and where they entering the inner land.At the beginning of Tangut people’s entering, Tang government still Tang took “organizing Subordinated Prefecture”(羁縻州化)as a policy toward Tangut people.However, the government had to make an adjustment to gain stronger control to Tangut people and to meet the needs of military development.So they changed the Subordinated Prefecture system and made the the Military Commissioner(节度使) hold the Constabulary of Aliens(押蕃使)This is to say that the post(使职) of aliens was incorporated into the duties of Military Commissioners.This article aims to discover the process of this transformation.

The new research about the time of Dung-Tan State moving the capital

Geng Tao(16)

The Dung-Tan State move its capital to southern area is an important event in the establishment of the Khitan, it reflects the political struggle between YelvDeguang and YelvBei and other issues.The academic recognized the time that DongDan State move to the south which written by History of Liao before the epitaph of YelvYuzhi came up.Then they are more inclined to epitaph records just because the epitaph`s writing time is earlier.But the epitaph of YelvYuzhi does not conform to the facts,the time written by History of Liao is still right.

On the Qara-qocho Lian's clan in the Yuan Dynasty

Shang Yanbin (21)

Perceptions of the Mongolian Customs as Reflected in Historical Writings of ZhengTong Emperor’s Northern Hunting during the Ming Dynasty

Han Huiling(70)

ZhengTong Emperor Zhu Qi Zhen was captured in Battle of Tumubao and stayed in Mongol around a whole year, that was called ineffably by Ming dynasty as “ZhengTong Emperor’s Northern Hunting”.There are some historical writings which are relating to this event as following: Yuanbin’sBEI ZHENG SHI JI, Haming’sZhengtong LIN RONG LU and ZHENG TONG BEI SHOU SHI JI so on.Additionally, Liudingzhi’sFeng Tai LU was basic records of ZhengTong Emperor’s event and written earlier.These bunch of records reported a lot of events during ZhengTong emperor’s staying in the Mongol.All of authors of these books were Chinese who had communicated with Mongolian high-ranking officials or lived in Mongol.Therefore, this records are very precious.Although , this records were not written for Mongolian folklore, there are still so many informations on Mongolian Customs which cannot be replaced by any historical writing.

A research on the establishment of the administrators to Ningxia and Shenmu

Wang Funiu(77)

At the beginning of Ching Dynasty, there existed a special reservation in the South boundaries of Ordos where farmland and grassland met up with.The reservation system resulted from the serious situation by the borderland.During the reign of Kangxi, the Prohibition Policy gradually slackened, owing to the improved stability of Central Plains and active services of Ordos’ forces.In the 47thyear of Kangxi’ reign, the Lifanyuan assigned two administrative officers to Ningxia to supervise the Mongol tribes crossed the boundary and grazed there.The author finds that one of the two officials was resident in Ningxia and the other in Hengcheng.In the year 1722, the latter was assigned to Shenmu to deal with the frequently appeared lawsuit between the Han people and the Mongols, which is originally caused by the increasing of the Han people.

The Qing Dynasty collected the Intelligence of Junggar and the Tibet Lord Polanai

Qi Guang(88)

This paper, the use of the “zhongguo di yi li shi dang an guan” of “qingdaixinjiang man wen dang an hui bian”, the “qingdaijunjichu man wen ao cha dang”, coupled with Tibetan quite Polanai the light transmission and other historical materials, expounds a Polanailight and his family at the time of the qingempire and the role of the junggar in the intelligence war,to explore the situation of the Qing empire and thejunggar at that time, and a Polanai the light in the relationship is real, and was in a light on illustrate the position to give a new evaluation.

Study on Hougoulu in Xinjiang in the Qing Dynasty

Wang Qiming(110)

The paper found that the road between Turpan and Urumuqi is Bai-shui-jian-dao in Tang Dynasty, as the main traffic path between the above two cites, it also was called Hou-gou-lu in Late Qing Dynasty, and used by Qing Army in 1757 at least, soon six Juntais with some staff and vehicles were built in 1760, and soon seven Staitions were also built in this road,then it was destroyed in Tongzhi period, and rebuilt by Qing Army in early years in Guangxu period, and the juntais was replaced by stations, some rooms and water wells were also built for wayfarer.

The Fortune of A Junggar’s Jaisang in the War of the Qing Dynasty Pacified the Junggar

传统的照明消耗大量能源,据统计,我国目前有12%的能源应用于照明.目前用于照明的白炽灯和荧光中大部分能量会转化为热能而损耗,而使用最普遍的节能灯由于其主要成分水银会污染环境,也不是理想的照明用具,因此发展环保节能的照明用具十分紧迫.有机电致发光器件(Organic Light-emitting Devices, OLED)由于其驱动电压低、轻薄、用料广泛无污染、发光均匀柔和、健康护眼、可弯折、轻便易安装等特点,受到国内外研究者和生产商的关注和重视,并逐渐在固态照明中崭露头角,未来有望成为与发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode, LED)并驾齐驱的照明能源.

Zhao Yi(121)

Hasak sira is one of three Jaisangs of Gelzat.He surrendered to the Qing Dynasty when suppressed rebellion of Junggar in the war , and be reused by the Qianlong , only half a year,he promoted Sanyi(散佚) minister to coordinating official, and granted Gong.But he rebelled against the Qing Dynasty soon.We used Manchu and Chinese literature trying to discuss the surrender, after rebellion exterminated rebel reasons.Then snooping the policy of Qianlong for the one who attached and rebellious later.

Reviews on Tserendorj, the prince of Mongolia in Qing DynastyBased on the case of disasters representation in four leagues of Khalkha Khanates

Lu Tingting(129)

Based on the case of disasters representation in four leagues of Khalkha Khanates,this paper will analysis Tserendorj, the prince of Mongolia and role he had played in the case.The case, which happened during the Emperor GuangXu of Qing dynasty, involved the representation behaviors of Tserendorj and the other league chiefs, vice-generals.They gave a disaster report to the authority in order to curtail the corvee labor for Khalkha Mongolians.As a result, Xichang, the former Kulunamban impeached Tserendorj’s crimes of “collaboration”and “misrepresentation”.As will be revealed in this study, though the disasters happened in four leagues of Khalkha Khanates was truly happened, the Tserendorj’s ambitions to control the political power in Khalkha and suppress Kulunamban was also matter of truth.

Xinjiang Local Chronicles of Qing Dynasty which recorded the non-material cultural heritage in Xinjiang

Shi Mingwen,Cao Lizhong(140)

Xinjiang province is a region assembled a variety of civilization and rich in non-material cultural heritage.The Local Chronicles of Qing Dynasty recorded the heritage about the traditional performing arts, technical skill and festival ceremony in Xinjiang area.Those records have important value to exploit the heritage.First of all ,The Local Chronicles prove the survival time of the heritage.Secondly, the government and scholar circle can know the history and current situation of the cultural heritage through the document record.Finally The Local Chronicles can provide literature reference to investigate, protect and research non-material cultural heritage in Xinjiang area.The value of Local Chronicles should be attached great importance to all classes of society.

On Yanbian University’s Educational Assistance to North Korean Red Cross Society’s Twelfth-Wartime Nursing School

Liu Jianlin ,Song Junhang(145)

Abstract: Korean War broke out on June 25th of 1950.United Nations Command launched the Inchon Landing on September 15th which brought a upright downfall situation to Korean battlefield.October 8th, Chairman Mao made the strategic decision of“Anti-imperialist America and assisting Korea, protecting and guarding our homeland”.In late October, with the permission of Chinese government, the Eighth Army of People’s Army of Korea evacuated to Henan Street, Yanji City, Jilin Province of China to take a break and Korean Red Cross Society’s Twelfth-Wartime Nursing School came along with the army.From November of 1950 to January of 1951, Yanbian University was instructed by the Central Committee of Jilin Province and the local committee of Yanbian, CPC to offer educational assistance to the school.Students majoring in Nursing of the school are all korean people from Northeast China.After graduation, they joined the Hospital and the rescue teams of People’s Army of Korea on the front line.The educational assistance from Yanbian University is an embodiment of internationalism of proletariat and plays an essential role in the history of Chinese-North Korea relationship.

Prof.P.K.Crossley’ s thesis re-examined


From 1983 to 1989 Prof.P.K.Crossley successively published four papers on the subject of the histories of Manchus and Qing.Her primary concern was to rebuild the narrative formula of the Qing History.Unlike the usually accepted opinions, She believed that it was the Qing Empire made the Manchus , Mongols and other ethno-nations.Also she tried to link the Qing Empire’s spatial identity to the Northeastern Asia, thus to the exclusion of China as its direct territory.Unfortunately her above thesis wholly misread the basic historical facts and accordingly was untenable.

