(1. 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,上海 200092;2. 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
(1. 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,上海 200092;2. 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
为了补偿拖网渔船作业过程中绞车纲绳张力波动或渔船转向造成的负载不对称性,保持网具良好的开口形状,基于电液控制技术设计了拖网张力自动控制系统。对拖网曳纲张力采集方法进行了研究,采用油压力传感器间接测量拖网左右曳纲张力数据作为输入信号,传输到控制器进行逻辑运算,控制先导溢流阀调整马达溢流压力,改变绞车输出扭矩,从而驱动拖网绞车收、放来控制左右曳纲张力,达到系统动态平衡。并基于实验室虚拟仪器工程平台(laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench,LabVIEW)对系统软件进行了设计,实现绞车张力控制系统的参数设置与控制管理。为了验证系统的张力控制特性和实用性,对系统进行了海上应用试验,在张力自动控制模式下,拖网绞车根据渔船航速和水流自动调节收放网速度,减少作业过程中曳纲张力波动。拖曳过程中拖网曳纲长度范围为350~490 m,绞车曳纲张力范围为118~148 kN,对应系统压力为2.3~2.7 MPa,渔船平均拖速为5.6节。试验结果表明,左右曳纲张力差在合理范围内,系统能很好调节曳纲张力大小,为渔船安全生产提供了保障;启用张力控制系统后网口面积比未使用张力控制系统前增大了9.5%,有效调整了网口扩张,提高了捕捞效率。
0 引 言
1 材料及方法
1.1 原理设计
图1 电液控制技术框图Fig.1 Block diagram of electro hydraulic control technology
以曳纲张力为反馈信号,张力值信号通过数据通讯线传输给可编程逻辑控制器(programmable logic controller,PLC)控制先导阀调整溢流阀压力,实现控制左、右绞机马达高压端溢流压力[25-27]。绞车放纲长度通过脉冲编码器来测量,编码器信号通过PLC高速计数模块进行处理,在操作界面上可以转换成曳纲放绳长度,作为曳纲张力控制的反馈信号。
图2 液压控制原理图Fig.2 Hydraulic control schematic diagram
1.2 控制功能
拖网过程中曳纲张力主要通过控制溢流阀压力变化来实现,溢流阀先导口控制器通过端口输出0~20 mA电流信号,通过比例放大器转换为0~5 V电压信号控制先导阀0~1 MPa输出,从而保证0~4 MPa油压溢流。
整个拖网作业过程主要包括放网、拖曳和起网阶段,系统控制流程如图3所示。当渔船达到指定渔场后,操作人员将网囊从艉滑道抛入海中,依靠水的阻力将网身、手纲、网板拖入水中。操作人员手动操纵绞车松放曳纲,当曳纲放出50 m后转入自动放网阶段,连通阀7得电,此时系统根据设定张力值自动对称的将两边曳纲放出,保证左右绞车受力平衡,放网速度稳定。因为放网速度过慢会导致作业效率低下,而放网速度过快会导致曳纲松弛引起网板倾覆,网具变形,导致放网过程失败。放网长度达到设定长度时,系统由放网转换为自动拖曳工作,此时,控制器自动采集左右绞车油路压力信号,经过换算转换成绞车曳纲张力,通过比例积分微分(proportion in tegration differentiation,PID)运算控制保证此张力差为一个定值,通过调整左右绞车工作压力差值,使拖网曳纲在一定长度变化范围内保持张力恒定,左右曳纲绞车的最大绳长差设为30 m。系统最小、最大拖曳压力可随时调整,最大拖曳压力设定线性溢流阀的压力,具体对应关系为0~4 M Pa线性对应0~5 V。当拖曳结束后,拖网绞车开始起网,此时网具在水中的拖曳速度为渔船航速与绞车起网速度之和,拖网曳纲张力最大。起网压力可通过人机界面调整,设定值线性对应溢流阀的设定压力输出。
图3 系统控制流程图Fig.3 Control flow chart of system
1.3 软件设计
基于实验室虚拟仪器工程平台(laboratory vi rtual Instrument engineering workbench,LabVIEW)进行了张力平衡控制系统人机界面设计,LabVIEW具有强大的计算机图形环境,采用可视化的图形编程语言和平台,能与整个硬件系统无缝连接。系统软件设计主要由参数设置、信息管理、系统监控、历史数据查询等子系统组成,主界面如图4所示,分别实现系统设置、张力平衡系统信息设置与管理、液压动力系统自动化操作与监视、历史信息查询等功能。软件使用操作系统:windows xp,windows7操作系统;软件数据库:基于微软Access数据库开发;
图4 系统软件设计界面Fig.4 Design interface of system software
2 系统试验与分析
为了验证系统的实用性,2015年3月在中国东海海域对拖网张力自动控制系统进行了海上试验,试验渔船为上海开创渔业公司“开裕号”渔船,气控拖网绞车主液压额定工作压力4 MPa,钢丝绳直径32 mm,测量了一个网次拖网左右曳纲作业数据,如表1所示。
表1 系统试验结果Table 1 System experiment result
拖曳过程是拖网作业最重要也是持续时间最长的步骤,曳纲长度范围:350~490 m;绞车工作压力:2.3~2.7 MPa;绞车拉力118~148 kN;拖速范围:5.3~5.8节,平均拖速为5.6节。渔船匀速拖曳,当放纲长度和水深不变时,拖网曳纲处于平衡状态,主要受到水动力、曳纲自重和水中渔具的阻力作用。拖网绞车大部分时间处于恒张力状态,曳纲张力始终在一定范围内波动。当曳纲张力差超过设定范围时,张力自动控制系统控制拖网绞车放出纲绳达到左右曳纲张力平衡。
借助船上网位仪采集了应用拖网张力控制系统前后的网口形状图,如图5a和图5b所示。对网形测试结果进行了分析,图5a为未使用张力平衡控制系统时网形,图5b为使用曳纲张力控制系统网形,对比2个图形,图5a中网口变形较为严重,左右两端出现明显的锐角;图5b中网形张开形状较好,呈流畅的椭圆形网口,网形变形量显著减小。对测量网形图进行计算,由图中可知每格为20 m,对应网形数据如表2所示,在网口周长基本一致的情况下,启用张力控制系统后网口高度增大明显,改善了网口扩张,网口面积增大了9.5%,有效提高了捕捞效率。
图5 拖网作业网口形状Fig.5 Shape of net mouth
表2 网形测试数据Table 2 Test data of net shape
3 讨 论
张力控制过程中,通过在不同作业模式下设定溢流阀开口压力,根据需要调整拖网曳纲最大张力。当左右曳纲张力差值最大为25 kN时,右舷绞车能够实时放出纲绳,张力控制系统对曳纲张力随波浪变化的动态响应性能较好。试验过程中,左、右舷绞车工作压力值从1.6 MPa变化至3.2 MPa,无论在放网、起网阶段还是拖曳阶段,左舷绞车和右舷绞车马达进油阀口压差始终保持恒定,减少了绞车速度受负载变化的干扰。
4 结 论
1)在放网初始阶段及收网的最后阶段,由于网板及网具距离渔船较近,拖网绞车一般为人工操作,采用速度控制。当曳纲长度不变,而拖网船加速或减速运动时,曳纲张力、位置和形状受惯性力的影响有较大的不同。渔船加速运动时拖网曳纲张力增大,而渔船减速运动时则拖网曳纲张力减小。该试验中起网时曳纲张力达到最大值208 kN,为了拖网绞车安全,此时,渔船减速航行。
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Design and experiment of automatic tension control system for trawl winch on fishing boat
Wang Zhiyong1,2,Tang Taolin2,Xu Zhiqiang2,Ni Hanhua2
(1. Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering,Ministry of Agriculture,Shanghai 200092,China;2. Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Science,Shanghai 200092,China)
Trawl winch is the most important equipment of t rawler fishing. In order to ensure safe dragging operations of fishing vessel equipment under the complex sea conditions as well as to realize the quick response and precise control of trawl winch,an d keep net sh ape goo d,in th is stud y,th e t rawl ten sion automatic co ntrol system was designed based on electro-hydraulic control technology. The systemmainly consisted of proportional directional valve,balance valve,overflow valve,pilot valve,oil pressure sensor,and electric control system. Through measured input and output pressure of motor,we calculated warp tension as the fee dback signal and usedPLC(programmable logic controller) to control the pressure of pilot relief valve,whichwas used to adjust the left and right warp tension and position,to maintain the dynamic balance of system as well as to keep the net s hape good. T he m an-machine interface and ope ration m ode of a utomatic tension c ontrol was developed bas ed on La bVIEW,of which i ts main f unction co nsisted of parameter set,in formation m anagement,syste m monitor an d data inqu ire. The system facilitated o perator m onitoring t he running state of th e various eq uipment,and management equipment operation. In order to verify the characteristic and practicability of tension control of th e system,application test w as carried on the East C hina Sea ar ea in 2015. The experiment continued about 4.5 hours,including three stages:shooting net,dragging net,and heaving net,which tested speed control and tension control performance of the system under the corresponding operating conditions,and measured relevant data su ch as sho ot depth,shoot length,shoot speed,heave speed,warp tension and winch working pressure. The test resultshowed that dragging stage was the longest,and in this process,the left warp and right warp were kept balance,warp tension was mainly affected by hydrodynamic,warp weight,and water resistance of fishing gear. Warp shoot length range was 350-490 m,warp tension range was 118 -148 kN,corresponding to the system pressure of 2.3-2.7 MPa,and the average trawling speed of fishing vessel was 5.6 kN. Although warp tension various with the shoot length and shoot depth change,the winch was in constant tension state at the most. Data showed that the system could adjust the warp tension well to en sure trawl warp tension maintained in a certain rang e through adjusting the speed of receiving or releasing net,which suppressed effectively the interference of the warp tension variation on the nets. In addition,experiment also recorded the chart of net shape by netsonde,calculated the net expansion parameter. It could be known that net mouth perimeter was equal before and after using the tension automatic control system by comparison data. The net mouth height and net mouth roundness increased and the net mouth area was expanded by 9.5% after using tension control system,which effectively adjusted the net mouth expansion and improving the fishing efficiency. During the different stage of experiment,the set pressure of overflow valve should be different correspondingly. At the beginning of shooting,the pressure value was small,which can maintain good net mouth shape and position. Due to net speed increased relative to water flow,warp tension was increased and the maximum value reached 208 kN. The set pressure of overflow valve should be large so that it could be used to effectively protect warp and net safety,provided a guarantee for the safe production of fishing vessel. The experiment process was basically consistent with the actual fishing conditions. We concluded that in the tension automatic control mode,the trawl winch can automatically adjust speed of heave and shoot according to the fishing vessel speed and water flow. Though the system could generate heat and result in power loss during uses,the warp tension control system still cab meet the requirements of warp speed and tension control in the different trawl condition.
fisheries;fishing vessels;control systems;trawl winch;warp tension;electro-hydraulic control;tension balance
王志勇,汤涛林,徐志强,倪汉华. 渔船拖网绞车张力自动控制系统设计及试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(1):90-94.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.01.012 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Zhiyong,Tang Taolin,Xu Zhiqiang,Ni Hanhua. Design and experiment of automatic tension control system for trawl winch on fishing boat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(Transactions of the CSAE),2017,33(1):90-94.(in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.01.012 http://www .tcsae.org
王志勇,男,河南汝南人,副研究员,主要从事海洋渔业装备研究。上海 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,200092。Email:wzy279@sina.com