

风景园林 2016年8期



Text: MA Jin-wu

Translator: HU Kai-fu




Text: MA Jin-wu

Translator: HU Kai-fu



1 序言

整个世界在地理位置方面的联系正日益紧密。然而在古代,世界各国之间的文明似乎没有什么联系。六大古文明便是这样的例子,它们在世界版图上都是分散的点。然后,在2 000多年前出现了不同地区间的交互,使得它们发生了变化。尽管它们的地域界限不是很明确,但人们至少知道它们的大概位置。



HU Kai-fu, who was born in 1992 in Inner Mongolia, is a postgraduate student in Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University. His research focuses on Landscape Planning and Theories(Beijing 100083)

2 当前以地缘为导向的归档和表达方式

1 世界遗产名录中中国的50个文化景观地点China's 50 Cultural Landscape Sites Made into World Heritage List


同样,如瑞典等其他一些西方国家,也在大量地使用地图来标记他们国家的文化景观遗产所在的位置(文化遗产与保护,1994年)。除了其文化意义,这些景观也具有天然的美感。一个典型的例子是中国五大名山,黄山在地理位置上位于中心。即使有些景观文化遗产的场地被摧毁,但它的精神美感依然延续,就像北京的圆明园。但是,一个理想的景观名胜应该兼具以上两个特点,杭州西湖便是很好的例子,它在1 000多年前就已经被视为珍宝。所有这些名胜景观,无论是具有文化意义还是现实意义或者两者兼具,都应该在地理上具有可识别的空间位置,因为所有这些都存在着丰富的文化和自然方面的联系,使其处于相应的地理环境背景下才能更有效的维护它们。

3 地理信息系统在景观保护中的作用

2 春秋时期的中国的平原(公元前5世纪)Chinese Plain in the Late Spring and Autumn Period (5th Century BC)


4 不同级别的信息处理



5 地理基础设施的概念


3 六大古代世界文明Six Ancient World Civilizations

6 案例












4 最美中国的手机应用程序China the Beautiful Cell Phone App

5 中国风景名胜展示项目China Treasured Landscape Attractions Dashboard

6 中国风景名胜展示项目中个人查询功能的两种方式CTLAD Individual Feature Query in Two Ways


7 三个标志性的文化景区



故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州——黄鹤楼, 位于武汉市。


落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色——滕王阁,位于南昌市 。

它们的共同的特征就是主体建筑依水而建。然而,通过GIS能够发现近期水位的降低竟然超过了20% (Wikipedia),这使得它们完美视觉效果在感官和人们的头脑中大大降低。全球变暖是视觉价值降低的罪魁祸首,并且像中国风景名胜展示这样的项目,如果水位下降的问题不能得到缓解,至少要把风景保护专家及时的反馈意见运用到对于这个问题的评估中,才能使得解决方案相应地开展。

8 其他应激因素的思考



这里举一个例子,三峡大坝的建设被认为是直接导致鄱阳湖水位下降的原因 (Zhang Q, 2014)。间接原因是全球气候变暖,这也是由于人类在全球范围内的破坏行为而引起的。随着鄱阳湖水位的降低,一个更具威胁的因素就是我们该如何能保护 “落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”这种能够识别该场景的珍贵景观价值?我们需要客观地对待地理信息系统对于影响评估的分析和类似于中国风景名胜展示这类的项目,这或许是一个良好的开端。此外,随着 ArcGIS Online 已被应用于实时地图,评估过程中更多的因素将会受到重视,正如实时地图这个名字所表达的含义一样,它的数据是不断更新和升级的。

9 重新思考风景园林设计师的角色


10 结论


1 Introduction

The world is increasingly inter-connected geographically. In ancient times, world civilizations seemed to have originated independently without much inter-connections among them.The great six ancient civilizations are such examples and they can be represented by scattered dots on a world map.Then about two thousand years ago came the interactions among different regions. Although their geographical boundaries are not clearly defined, people at least know where they are approximately centered.

Sites of great landscape values developed over hundreds or even thousands of years are of similar significance, although at a much smaller dimension in their spatial extents.However, the references of valuable landscape sites are still usually portrayed in the similar manner like those of ancient world civilizations, sometimes even worse, when only a name and pictures are used.In this latter case, people would typically have only a mental image about a scene, but would have no idea on where exactly it’s located. It is fine for regular tourists not knowing such a site’s geographical location, but for professional landscape architects who specialize in landscape preservations this is definitely a deficiency, because this geographical insensitivity could compromise efforts to protect these valuable landscape sites. For China, with its large expanse of geographical area and heterogeneous cultures, a geo-sensitive approach on landscape preservation is even more imperative.

2 Current Geo-Oriented Archiving and Presentation Method

In 2004, the US-based Global Heritage Fund identified eight sites in China of great cultural values (Fund, 2004), and showed them on a onecolor China map.UNESCO World Heritage List also maintains an interactive map for China, showing 50 sites of great cultural significance (Figure 1) (World Heritage List).

Similarly, some other western countries, such as Sweden, have also used large amount of geographical maps in mapping their cultural landscape treasures (Cultural Heritage and Preservation, 1994).Besides cultural significance, there may exist physical beauties in each of them. A typical example would be China’s five famous mountains, Mount Huang being the central one geographically. There are also perpetuated“mental beauties” even after a physical site has been destroyed, such as that of the well-known Yuanmingyuan in Beijing.An ideal landscape of values, however, should retain both, and a great example would be the West Lake in Hangzhou, which has been treasured since at least a thousand years ago.All of these highly treasured landscapes, be it cultural or physical or both, should have their spatial setting recognizable in geographical space, since all of them exist in rich cultural and physical inter-connections, and it is more effective to manage them in geographical context.

3 The Role of GIS in Landscape Preservation

In her well-known book “Past Time, Past Place - GIS for History”, Knowles argued that history and geography cannot be separated. Therefore, a spatial phenomenon cannot be separated with its temporal factors, as geography is the study of spatial differentiation, and history the study of temporal differentiation (Knowles, 2002).The power of GIS is that it can provide vital information about a feature, i.e. a valued landscape attractions, instantly. The information can be geographical, such as location, elevation etc. or attributes, such as historical information. When in real use, people often do not distinguish them clearly and use them together. Using a GIS for landscape value assessment and preservation proves to be an effective way, as were shown with various examples in the work of Knowles.A simple GIS use example for China is one that shows various boundaries throughout Chinese’s rich history in animation forms.It’d be quite difficult if only verbal and static mapping approach is employed (Figure 2).

4 Different Levels of Information Processing

It is widely recognized that Data→Information→Knowledge→Wisdom continuum presents an effective way to understand how human thoughts are processed by way of digital means.With each different stage comes with its most appropriate ways of expression/presentation, and each subsequent stage is an advancement of the previous one.

There are also different granularities in this data-wisdom continuum.We start with pure texts, which is good at describing individual feature verbally. Then comes tables or matrix, and they are good at enumerating multiple entries with more attribute information. Images are great in giving people graphical information in an intuitive way about an especially physical appearance.Locational labels can show people where a feature is locatedand what it is named. However, the ultimate information presentation is through maps or geo-sensitive infographics. This is a typical GIS presentation. It is data rich, and it frames a specific feature in an accurate geographical setting precisely. With this presentation method, what, how, why can all be graphically explained by showing where.

5 Concept of Geographical Infrastructure

Placing everything, especially landscapes of great cultural and physical values, into geographical context, is the idea of geographical infrastructure. Placing features on a map not only for its locational identification, such as place names, but also spatial relationship, along with a plethora of rich geographical-sensitive attribute information is what a geo-infrastructure is about. We need to show their dots, as well as connections among the dots. The great six ancient world civilizations can in this way be presented in a simple world map (Figure 3), although a better approach would be using a 3D globe.

6 An Example

An unnamed author created a nice cell phone app showing 48 Chinese landscape treasures in eight categories.Here is a screen shot showing a page (Figure 4).

The project is well-done but there are some issues.What problem does it have?Besides a name and a picture, people don’t know where they are and how they are related, not to mention further information about a place.

As an enhancement, the author proposed the following project, which is named as China Treasured Landscape Attractions Dashboard (Figure 5) (CTLAD).

This is China treasured landscapes at a glance, in which the following problems are addressed:

1. Where they are?Are they where I think/ guess they are?

2. How each category is distributed spatially?Are they close by or scattered around?

3. Why they’re located where they are?

4. Are they natural beauties, cultural treasures, or mixed?

5. What is possible human impact?

6. How can we better manage/protect them?

Users can query the features in two ways: select a cell in the table or select a dot on the map. Either way a corresponding information sheet, with a picture and texts, is updated on the right.What’s more, a user can query a category (a column), and a particular attractions in that category (a cell in the column) and the corresponding dot is highlighted in the map (Figure 6).

The description for each feature is bi-lingual in both English and Chinese.The CTLADP can still be extended to add more features and contents, such as linking to static or dynamic videos, showing live climate data and more cultural information etc. Since this is only a prototype, more enhancement options can be added, of course.The advantage of this dashboard project is to let users use a minimum screen real estate to obtain maximum information, on which to make sound decisions for landscape preservation effectively.

7 Three Iconic Cultural and Scenic Attractions

The three south-China famed ancient structures are well-known in China.They are Huanghe Lou, Yueyang Lou, and Tengwang Ge. Due to the fact that they were constructed in wood and prone to fire, they were destroyed many times and reconstructed many times as well. It is imperative to avoid any future destructions and preserve them in great conditions.

They are not only aesthetically pleasing in their physical appearance, but also boast rich cultural context.Some well-known poems about each of them are (without English translation):

故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。-- 黄鹤楼, Wuhan

先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。--岳阳楼, Yueyang

落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。--滕王阁, Nanchang

One common feature for each of them is that they are all built by a water body, either a river or a lake.However, due to recent lowering of water levels, some suffering a drop of more than 20% by GIS analysis (Wikipedia), their actual visual quality dropped precipitously from their perceived, perfect images.Global warming proved to be the main culprit for their visual value degradation, and project like CTLAD can be used, if not alleviate the problem, at least send preservation experts quick feedback to assess the issue, so that possible resolutions can be planned accordingly.

8 Other Stress Factors Consideration

There could be several stress factors that can impact a valued landscape site.Among them are pressures from population that leads to more consumption and more industry and agricultureactivities.Accessibility also can be an impact and some control of human access may be a measure to prevent landscape degradation.

Ecology is not only a foundation for lots of landscape attractions but also a sensitive indicator of an attraction’s healthiness.Sound ecological planning is thus a sure way for landscape value preservation.

Take Poyang Lake water level drop, for example, the direct cause is believed to be the construction of Three Gorges Dam (Zhang Q, 2014).The indirect cause is global warming, which is also due to human interferences at a global scale. With the decreasing water level of Poyang Lake, a more threatening factor, how can we preserve “落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”, a treasured landscape value that identifies with the scene?We need objective GIS analysis for impact assessment, and project like CTLADP could be a good start. Moreover, with ArcGIS Online that tabs into the Living Atlas, more factors can be weighed in for assessment purposes, and the Living Atlas, as its name suggests, is live in that the data are constantly added and updated.

9 Rethink Landscape Architects’ Roles

We are proud to be landscape architects. However, do we live in an Ivory tower?Are we the icing on the cake?I think we’d better not, as we’re here to rescue the earth, not just make it better. To heal the earth, ecological planning is the way to go. Sounds familiar?Yes, we need to re-examine Ian McHarg’s contributions, as he predicted our environmental issues years before most of us realizing it.He advocated us to think out-of-thebox, and our “profession”, because it’s not only about improvements, but more about survival.

10 Conclusion

To value/preserve a landscape is to value/ preserve our life!Geography ought to be the infrastructure for our landscape value assessment and preservation efforts’ framework. Preservation requires wise and smart conservation. We need to balance between our own needs and nature’s needs, and leveraging digital technology, especially GIS. This will eventually make our landscape preservation work more efficient.




The author thanks for the technical help of esri’sJinnan Zhang with his assistance for CTLADP.


[1]L. W. et al. (1994). Cultural Heritage and Preservation. Stockholm, Sweden: SNA Publishing.

[2]Center, U. W. (n.d.). World Heritage List. Retrieved from UNESCO World Heritage Center: list/

[3]Fund, G. H. (2004). Saving Our Global Heritage. Palo Alto, CA, USA: Global Heritage Fund.

[4]Knowles, A. K. (2002). Past Time, Past Place. Redlands, USA: esri Press.

[5]Wikipedia. Poyang Lake.Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Poyang_Lake

[6]Zhang QX, Werner A, Li Y, Yao J, Li X, Xu C.Ye. (2014,May). Science Direct.Journal of Hydrology: S0022169414004156

Landscape Values and Preservation in Geographical Context

This paper attempts to present valued landscapes, both natural and cultural, on geographical backdrops starting with the six ancient civilizations and moving onto landscapes of great values in China.It analyzes different levels of representing valued landscapes, with a presentation on how to appropriately showcase any landscape of value based on various needs.Spatial recognition and perception are stressed in relating them geographically, especially with contemporary landscapes.Landscape preservation needs are analyzed with consideration of several stress factors such as population, industrial and agricultural activities, and human consumption needs. Landscape preservation policies should then be assessed based on these stress factors.

Cultural Landscape; Landscape Value; Landscape Preservation; Geographical Context; GIS









MA Jin-wu, bachelor in architecture from Tsinghua University, master in landscape architecture from Beijing Forestry University, master in geography from University of Kansas, USA.Now he serves as a senior GIS product engineer at esri, USA, with expertise in geodesign.

胡凯富/1992年生/男/内蒙古人/北京林业大学风景园林学硕士研究生/研究方向:风景园林规划设计与理论(北京 100083)

