修复; 策略; 机制; 组织疗法; 生物技术
2.把修复医学视为基于修复器官功能和组织损伤的跨学科补充和替代医学(CAM)[2],治疗方法包括营养补充剂、化学药物、植物药物和激素等替代治疗(https:// restorativemedicine.org/)。
鉴于此,用医学修复学而不是修复医学命名这一体系应更为合适和准确,其系列分支可以分别命名为× ×修复学学科,如神经修复学、口腔修复学、肾脏修复学等。
神经修复学[4-5,96-98]和口腔修复学(http://baike.baidu. com/subview/363988/9288115.htm)在医学修复学系列学科发展中已走在前列,并形成完整的学科框架体系,包括学科概念、核心目的、学科理论、修复机制、治疗策略、治疗范围、发展策略等;尤其是强调基础与临床转化、治疗和预防并重、修复与康复结合这三大战略方针也一定是医学修复学发展的战略方针[14,97]。对于人体而言,修复无所不在,关键是我们要找到打开每一层次和环节的修复钥匙;所有交叉学科如材料学、生物学、工程学、机械电子学等学科的技术进步都有可能会改变或体现在医学修复学中,这种修复探索的无限性必会使医学修复学成为现代医学的重要支撑学科和发展方向。
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Medical Restoratology—An important supporting discipline of modern medicine
Huang Hongyun1, Feng Shiqing2, Chen Lin3, Mao Gengsheng1, Zheng Zuncheng4.1Institute of Neurorestoratology, General Hospital of Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100039, China;2Department of Orthopedic, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, T ianjin 300052, China;3Department of Neurosurgery, Tsinghua University Yuquan Hospital, Beijing 100040, China;4Department of Rehabilitation, Tai'an Central Hospital, Shandong 271000, China
Huang Hongyun, Email:hongyunh@gmail.com
With the rapid development of the medicine, it has shown four development directions and branches including clinical medicine, preventive medicine, rehabilitation medicine,and restorative medicine or medical restoratology. Medical restoratology has been paid more and more attention from the medical community, because it has as a medical disciplinary system been treating and preventing dysfunction of both human body structure and functions resulting from disease, damage as well as aging through restorative strategies. Especially cell therapy technology and bioengineering technology are accelerating the development of this disciplinary system. This review summarizes its development process, restorative mechanism, the basic concepts and coverage of the discipline, measures accelerating its development, and concept that "medical restoratology is an important direction of medical development, and one of the four carriages in modern medical discipline system".
Repair; Strategy; Mechanism; Tissue therapy; Biotechnology
100039 北京,武警总医院神经修复学研究所1;300052天津医科大学总医院骨科2;100040 北京,清华大学玉泉医院神经外科3;271000 山东省泰安市中心医院康复科4
黄红云,冯世庆,陈琳,等. 医学修复学——现代医学重要支撑学科[J/CD].中华细胞与干细胞杂志(电子版), 2017, 7(1):1-6.