贾登·史密斯— 想要像超级英雄那样拯救世界


疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年12期

贾登·史密斯— 想要像超级英雄那样拯救世界

Jaden Smith—Want to Heal the Whole World Like a Superhero


Jaden Smith, the most1)drivenyoung rich kid you might ever meet. He is the son ofJada Pinkett Smith注1andWill Smith注2. And he is known for a movie,The Pursuit of Happyness注3, which was with his father in 2006. He’s 18 and curious. He’s not passive. All he wants to do is making things. He’s studying Photoshop, to be a better clothing designer. He just put LED lights in his bedroom so that it looks like space. He’s making things, constantly:

“Like, the clothes I’m wearing right now, done it on my own. I built my own bed, I built my own closet, um, I built two closets, I built four beds, I built, um, one2)pyramid.”

Every time you make one of your3)pronouncements, the Internet seems to4)go wild. Why do people care so much?

I ask myself the same question. People really only care if there’s something that they can make fun of and if it’s something that’s 100 percent true. I don’t feel like people will necessarily care unless there’s an aspect that they can laugh at.

Is that5)frustrating?

No. That’s the nature of human beings that are not aware.

1) driven [΄drɪvn] adj. 奋发努力的,发愤图强的

2) pyramid [΄pɪrəmɪd] n. 金字塔

3) pronouncement [prə΄naʊnsmənt] n. 看法

4) go wild(喜得或气得)发狂

5) frustrating [frʌs΄treɪtɪŋ] adj. 令人泄气的,使人沮丧的

注1:贾达·萍克特·史密斯(Jada Pinkett Smith),美国女演员、创作歌手及女实业家。她与威尔·史密斯于1997年结婚,育有一子一女。

注2:威尔·史密斯(Will Smith),美国演员、歌手。1997年推出的《黑衣人》系列是威尔·史密斯在商业电影上最成功的作品之一。同时,他因主演《拳王阿里》和《当幸福来敲门》两度获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖提名。

注3:《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness),一部取材于真人真事的影片,讲述了一位濒临破产、妻子离家的落魄业务员如何刻苦耐劳、奋发向上地成为了股市交易员,最后成为知名金融投资家的励志故事。

What do you think is the most influential thing you’ve ever done?

Being born was the most6)influential thing that’s ever happened to me, for myself. But for people, what they think is influential. And when people don’t understand something, they’re afraid of it, and if they don’t understand it, they don’t accept it or like it. There’ve been so many things we don’t understand, like Galileo注4saying the Earth is not the center of the universe.

If pop culture creates so many misunderstandings, why are you involved in the entertainment7)industry? Why do you go to8)awards shows?

I like to make music because I’ve been making music since I was 7. I can9)get acrossthe things that I want to say in my music so that I don’t have to say anything. I don’t have to speak out about the things I believe; I can say them in my music. The listeners, the people that take the time to listen to my music, are the people that will be10)receptiveto my message. And awards shows, I only go because my friends are there. And I want to see my friends, it’s the only reason. That’s why I don’t walk the red11)carpet, because I don’t care for you to12)commenton what I’m wearing, and how I’m wearing it, and who wore it better.

How does your outlook on your own career differ from your father’s?

You would have to ask him. His thoughts are equally if not more13)complexthan mine, and more14)individual, in a way that I’m still learning and understanding. You would have to have a full conversation with him. His15)philosophieson life are extremely interesting and valuable, so I couldn’t speak on his, compared to mine; I haven’t fully understood his yet, nor have I fully understood mine. That’s the journey of life.

What does your future hold?

My whole goal is to heal the entire planet. People say, “I want to change the world.” You can change the world for better or for worse. And for me, I want to heal the whole world like a superhero would do. I want to balance out the whole planet so that everyone can be working together to make things better.

















6) influential [ˌɪnflʊ΄enʃl] adj. 有影响力的

7) industry [΄ɪndəstrɪ] n. 产业,行业

8) awards show 颁奖典礼

9) get across 传达

10) receptive [rɪ΄septɪv] adj. 善于接受的,能接纳的

11) carpet [΄kɑːpɪt] n. 地毯

12) comment [΄kɒment] v. 评论

13) complex [΄kɒmpleks] adj. 复杂的,综合的

14) individual [ˌɪndɪ΄vɪdjʊəl] adj. 独特的,个性的

15) philosophy [fɪ΄lɒsəfɪ] n. 哲学


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