

世界建筑 2016年12期



3rd Global Holcim Awards Silver: Urban Remediation and Civic Infrastructure Hub, São Paulo, Brazil


Main Authors: Alfredo Brillembourg, Hubert Klumpner/Urban Tink Tank

1 将空隙转化为具有生产性和动态的公共空间/Transforming a void into a productive zone and dynamic public space



Jury Appraisal

The jury was impressed by this proposal for a multifunctional public building in Paraisópolis, one of São Paulo's largest favelas, because of its macroand micro-scale approach to sustainability. Located in the heart of the favela, the Grotão Fábrica de Música (music factory) creates vertical density within the lowrise sprawl of the neighborhood's informal housing and thus additional space and activity programs available to all residents. To address the lack of social and cultural infrastructure in the area, the building provides a music school, sports facilities, and transport infrastructure. Public spaces for social interaction are located around, under, and within the Fábrica de Música. Despite its central location, the marginalized area of Grotão is completely separated from the formal city. Within this isolated zone, increased erosion and dangerous mudslides have designated the site as one of the highrisk zones of São Paulo. Te project structure retains and stabilizes the area's challenging topography, creating a green island in a terraced public space and room for urban agriculture. Te architects have proposed a variety of low-tech features. A water management system will be introduced to collect rainwater and reuse grey-water. Both the building and its amphitheater will adopt an integrated system of active and passive ventilation, cooling, and air conditioning. Building and landscape will thus combine into one system to effectively handle the area's varying climatic conditions. The project is clear and powerful: it expands sustain-ability beyond the management of natural resources and takes it into the realm of social sustainability. Te design process is participatory in both its initial phase and in the end use of the space. By applying locally-known construction materials and technologies, the project will create work opportunities for small-scale construction businesses in and around the neighborhood. The jury selected this project because it is a very strong and important intervention in one of the most conflicted areas of São Paulo. The proposed program has the complexity that brings satisfaction and opportunities to many of the people in the favelas. It provides social cohesion and additional jobs in a very efficient way, through the process of building a community center together.


入围2016 IDEA金银奖的18款科技类产品