

航海教育研究 2016年4期


(江苏海事职业技术学院,南京 211170)



(江苏海事职业技术学院,南京 211170)














图1 多元人才培养模式构建













表1 差异化人才培养路径表

图2 “分层分类”培养示意图






图3 “双线并举”多元选择课程体系













作者简介:Capt. Alexander Gorobtsov, Director of Maritime Academy, Admiral Makarov SUMIS, St.Petersburg, Russia.

1. Introduction

The application of e-learning and distance education technologies in International Maritime Education and Training (MET) Institutions takes one of the most important places in the education process organization. This is, partially, due to the fact that using Internet as the education process addition is necessary for a quick data search, professors’ and students’ communication and their resources outreaching as well.

2. The world experience of e-learning and distance education technologies

According to various researches, International MET Institutions, including those that are specialized in training seafarers and are reported to be official members of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), have been using the e-learning and distance education technologies for a long period of time: 7-10 years on the average or more than 15 years in some cases.

The e-learning and distance education technologies are used in different levels of MET. Generally they are applied for advanced professional training. High and higher education programs apply the e-learning and distance education technologies as an addition to the traditional MET.It is necessary to point out that there is a national list of professions, issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science Order No.22, dated January 20th, 2014, whose ET programs are restricted to accept education solely provided by e-learning and distance education technologies. Actually, this fact prevents the e-learning and distance education technologies from being applied to ET programs on designated professions.[1]

To carry out the e-learning and distance education technologies education process, it is essential to use program—technical, technological and telecommunication aids.

Original aids of the e-learning and distance education technologies are considered to be Learning Management System (LMS), Learning Content Management System (LCMS). Such an advanced type of systems let not only the course general information be available, but also the lectures, seminars and webinars, courses, tests and examinations be hold online. The most widely-used technology is LMS—Moodle, Blackboard, etc. are based on.

Sometimes MET Institutions use several program platforms to have the education process conducted as Moodle, Blackboard, Sakai, Canvas, edX, Coursera and others, including own platforms, for example.

Figure 1 shows that Moodle LMS is widely used by 27% of the observed MET Institutions. Looking from the geographic point, this platform is mostly installed in Eastern Europe and much less in Asia, Africa and America.

Figure 1 The application of e-learning and distance education technologies in MET Institutions

Approximately 30% of MET Institutions design their own education and training applications and distribute it free of charge in Internet-shops for iOS or Android operational systems. MET Institutions issue training materials in e-libraries as well as in universal applications such as iTunes U (iTunes U appears to be the most prominent online catalogue of free-of-charge books all over the world). To store and distribute lecture, conference and practical training video-materials, MET Institutions have got used to making up their own channels at video-hosting, such as Youtube, Wikimedia Commons,, Flickr, to let various materials be available for free.

3. The legal background of E-learning and distance education technologies

The core legal document in Russia for the appliance of e-learning and distance education technologies by MET Institutions is considered to be the State Law No.273—SL on “Education in Russian Federation”, issued—December 29th, 2012[2]. This bill stands for public relations, appearing to exist within education process, when people use their right to get education. Moreover the document determines the legal status of education process participants and establishes the economic, legal and organizational basis of education and training in the Russian Federation as well. Also the document fixes the rules/the order of both the educational system and the educational process to carry out.

Not only this, but also the state education standards and the legal documents of Russian Federation Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Education and Science fix the observed problem. For example, Ministry of Education and Science Order No.2, dated January 9th, 2014, “On assertion of the e-learning and distance education technologies order of application by MET Institutions”[3].

The major paper, concluding international standards on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers and providing the points that stand for requirements to the proper level of seafarers’ education and training as well as their sufficient experience and skills, is the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. Also the document reveals out the points that stand for the necessity of seaferers’ coincidence with the requirements to their work, age, health condition and their ability to cope with their duties the way, essential for human life and property safety in the sea and sea environment protection as well[4].

The STCW Convention admits the application of e-learning and distance education technologies within the education process of seafarers, according to training and evaluation standards.

4. The example of the LMS “FARWATER” compliance to training and competency evaluation standards of the STCW Convention

There has been applied LMS “FARWATER” to carry out educational and training programs in Admiral Makarov SUMIS with application of distance educational technology. The system is based on Moodle platform, which is considered to be a system to manage education process. The full title is Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.

Table 1 presents the correspondence of our distance learning system LMS “FARWATER” capacity to STCW Code guidance.

Table 1 Correspondence to STCW Code

5. Analysis and discussion

Authors believe distance learning system is a smart and useful tool for upgrading seafarer’s competency. More discussion requires questioning whether LMS or similar system can be effective in simulator training, are there limits for virtual simulators to serve as analog of existing computer based simulators, how we can tie it with STCW requirements.

6. Conclusions

In conclusion, it is essential to mark out that at present Admiral Makarov SUMIS obtains initial experience of LMS implementation. It clearly shows preferences of vocational training in a distance learning environment and convenience of LMS “FARWATER” for trainees (according to feedback reports). It was also recommended by first groups of trainees to add more reference materials, adjust or reduce some sections or even certain lectures for better understanding and time saving. Needless to say, all feedback reports were positive.

Admiral Makarov SUMIS has a serious plan for expansion of distance learning program range. Our strong base is commitment to rather conservative approach keeping harmony between variety of courses delivered and traditional high quality of education and training.

[1] Minobrnauki RF Order of 20.01.2014 N 22 (update of 10.12.2014) “On adoption of nomenclature of professions and specialties of high professional education which cannot be provided solely in a form of electronic education and/or distance educational technology” (Ministry of Law Registry, 21.02.2014 N 31377).

[2] Federal Law of 29.12.2012 N 273-ФЗ “On education in the Russian Federation”. online reference system URL[EB/OL].(2015-07-13):;base=LAW;n=182943.

[3] Minobrnauki RF Order of 09.01.2014 N 2 “On adoption of regulation of distance learning for educational organizations based upon electronic education, distance learning educational technology during education process” (Ministry of Law Registry, 04.04.2014 N 31823).

[4] IMO. STCW Convention 1978 and the STCW Code as amended.

The Application of E-learning and Distance Learning Technologies to Crew Education and Training in the Russian Federation

A. Gorobtsov, N. Kovalnogova, S. Kurguzov, V. Marich, S. Sokolov

(Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation)

The article examines the world experience of e-learning as well as distance education technologies within the education process organization on higher and post-higher education programs. There have been listed the results of the most popular e-learning platforms analysis. Furthermore, there have been looked through the core legislative background of the development of the mentioned technologies in Russia and worldwide among the universities, specialized in seafarers training. There have been also drawn up the points of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping (Admiral Makarov SUMIS) design of the distance education system LMS “FARWATER” in compliance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention). The practical application of distance education system to the advanced professional training has been discussed in the article.

e-learning, distance learning technologies, MET Institutions, advanced education platforms, distance education system, seafarers training, International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers





A 文章编号:1006-8724(2016)04-0036-05

� 文献标识码:A


