1. 北京师范大学环境学院 水环境模拟国家重点实验室,北京 100875 2. 北京师范大学环境学院 水沙科学教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
1. 北京师范大学环境学院 水环境模拟国家重点实验室,北京 100875 2. 北京师范大学环境学院 水沙科学教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
Received 30 November 2015 accepted 13 January 2016
1 底栖生物在我国沉积物毒性研究中的应用(Benthon in sediment toxicity studies in China)
2 河蚬应用于毒理学研究的生物学背景(Biological background of Corbicula fluminea in toxicology research)
2.1 河蚬的生物学背景
河蚬,拉丁名Corbicula fluminea(Müller,1774),俗称蚬子、黄蚬、黑蚬或沙蚬等,为双壳类淡水软体动物,原产于我国及东南亚,也称亚洲蚬(Asian clam)。目前,在欧洲、美国等也有分布,但被视为入侵物种[31]。
河蚬最适宜生长和繁殖在水流畅通,食料丰富,流速缓慢的水域。成体壳长约1.5~2.8 cm,很少超过3 cm[32]。以浮游生物为食料,以硅藻为主,次为绿藻类[3]。河蚬耐低氧能力较差,溶解氧饱和度低于70%就会导致个体死亡[33]。生长最适水深为1.3~2.2 m[34],适宜水质pH为7.0~7.2,透明度是0.7~1.7 m。河蚬属广温性贝类,水温适应范围在9~32 ℃之间,最适宜水温是24~29 ℃。穴居于底泥表层,穴居深度与季节、个体大小有关。夏季潜钻浅,冬季潜钻深,稚蚬潜钻浅,大蚬潜钻深。不同的底质会影响河蚬壳表面色泽变化。
表1 我国沉积物毒性研究中常见受试生物及测试指标
2.2 河蚬的生态分布
2.3 河蚬备选受试生物的优势分析
3 河蚬的生物累积效应及生物毒性(Bioaccumulation and biological toxicity effect of Corbicula fluminea)
3.1 河蚬对重金属的富集特征研究
3.2 河蚬对有机污染物的富集特征
图1 我国河蚬生物富集效应应用研究现状Fig. 1 Bioaccumulation studies of Corbicula fluminea in China
3.3 河蚬的生物毒性效应研究
表2 河蚬在我国生物毒性实验中的应用研究
Note: CAT-Catalase, SOD-Superoxide dismutase, GSH-Px-Glutathione, GST- Glutathione S-transferase, MT-Metallothionein, MDA- Malondialdehyde, POD-Peroxidase, GR-Glutathione reductase, TR-Thioredoxin reductase.
从表2也可以看出,已有研究目标污染物涉及重金属、有机农药、内分泌干扰物及一些新型药物等各类污染物。而在实验指标的选取上,对于能够产生急性致死效应的毒物多将半致死浓度值作为测试指标。除此之外,还有一些指标,如耗氧率(oxygen consumption rate, OCR)和排氨率(ammonia excretory rate, AER),其大小及变化能够反映其呼吸代谢能力的高低及变化规律,因而可以作为反映某些污染物毒性大小的敏感指标[77]。过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)等抗氧化酶是生物体抵抗污染物毒性作用的屏障,对机体的氧化和抗氧化平衡起着重要的作用[21],它们的活性可作为生物逆境生理和衰老生理指标[77]。同时,生物体在发生氧化应激时,会发生脂质氧化,而一些不饱和脂肪酸氧化代谢会产生丙二醛(MDA)。因此,MDA增加同样是细胞内活性氧(ROS)过多,机体产生氧化应激的生物标记物[79]。
4 展望(Prospect)
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Corbiculaflumineain Sediment Toxicity Evaluation and Identification Studies in China
Guo Xiaoyu1, Li Rufeng2, Feng Chenghong1,2,*
1. State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 2. Key Laboratory for Water and Sediment Science of Ministry of Education, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
The freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea is native to Southeast Asia and China. As a benthonic dominant species, C. flumineais has strong capacity to accumulate pollutants and has been successfully used in the study on the bioaccumulation and biological toxic effects of multi-pollutants in sediments. However, the determination method and technology system for C. fluminea used in identification and evaluation (TIE) of sediment tocxicity are still in a primary stage. Therefore, based on the investigation of the benthic organisms in sediment toxicity in previous studies, this paper firstly investigated the ecological distribution and other background information of Corbicula fluminea and then analyzed the development in bioaccumulation characteristics and biological toxic effects. The purpose of this study is to develop Corbicula fluminea as a characteristic benthonic species in sediment toxicology identification and evaluation in China.
Corbicula fluminea; benthic organisms; bioaccumulation; biological toxic effects; sediment
郭晓宇(1988-),女,博士研究生,研究方向为污染物迁移转化及环境效应,E-mail: 201431180041@mail.bnu.edu.cn
*通讯作者(Corresponding author), E-mail: fengchenghong@bnu.edu.cn
2015-11-30 录用日期:2016-01-13
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