Battle 人机大战
Battle 人机大战
Man VS Machine
3月9日,围棋"人机大战(man VS machine battle)"正式在韩国首尔打响。谷歌开发的计算机程序(Google's computer program) AlphaGo与围棋世界冠军(the world Go champion)、韩国棋手李世石对弈。这场"世纪大战"备受瞩目,被视作人类和人工智能之间的代表性对决(it is seen as a representative match between humans and AI)。比赛共分五场,持续至15日。
For example:
The artificial①artificial英 [ɑːtɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l] 美 [,ɑrtɪ'fɪʃl] adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的But when he had gone the brief round of her he returned discouraged by the thought that all this frankness and innocence were only an artificial product.然而对她进行一番解剖之后,他重又变得气馁起来,因为他想到,所有这些坦率与天真只不过是人为的产物。intelligence (AI) program AlphaGo defeated top professional Go player Lee Sedol in the first and second games of historic "man vs machine battle".在具有历史性意义的"人机大战"前两场对决中,人工智能程序AlphaGo打败了顶级专业棋手李世石。