Facts About Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Facts About Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Track 4
by Evie Digirolamo
Antoine never learned English. When asked why, he replied because he had not finished learning French. Though at another time, he answered he would lose the joy of1)miming to the waitress at the café.
He was extremely2)clumsy. He was3)notorious for4)knocking over furniture, running into door frames, and even knocking over important equipment at the5)military base. Though graceful in the air, he described himself as a clumsy bear on the ground.
Antoine loved to read when he was flying. He once circled the airport many times while the radio tower begged him to land. But he refused to land before finishing the page he was on.
Antoine had a position in South Morocco where he was6)responsible for receiving pilots and also saving pilots who had crashed and had been captured by enemies. He had lived for a long time alone in the Sahara desert,7)taming animals to keep himself company, including a desert fox, on which the fox in The Little Prince is based.
In 1931, Antoine married Consuelo Suncin,a8)Salvadoran writer and artist. It was a stormy relationship. They had9)separated and10)reunited over the years. The Rose, the most precious creature to the Prince, is inspired by Consuelo. The planet on which the Rose is surrounded by three11)volcanoes represents12)El Salvador, Consuelo’s motherland, which is known as “the land of volcanoes”. Antoine also reveals his doubts about the nature of marriage and13)fidelity in the passage when the little Prince discovers a field of roses on his visit to Earth.
Antoine based the crash described in his famous book The Little Prince on his actual experience. During his life, Antoine crashed on many14)occasions. On December 30th,1935, Antoine, as well as his15)mechanic and16)navigator crashed while trying to break the speed record in the Paris-to-17)Saigon air race. They suffered from18)auditory hallucinations and19)miraculously20)survived with very little water. They were saved four days later.
Morocco 摩洛哥王国,非洲西北部的一个沿海阿拉伯君主制国家。东部以及东南部与阿尔及利亚接壤,南部紧邻西撒哈拉,西部濒临大西洋,北部和西班牙、葡萄牙隔海相望。其最大的城市是卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca)。1912年3月,法国占领摩洛哥。1956年3月,摩洛哥获得独立。其境内除通行阿拉伯语外,也使用法语和西班牙语。
Sahara desert 撒哈拉沙漠,于大约250万年前形成,是世界第二大荒漠,仅次于南极洲,也是世界最大的沙质荒漠,其总面积约等于美国本土。它位于气候条件极其恶劣的非洲北部,是地球上最不适合生物生存的地方之一。安东尼驯养的沙漠狐(又称大耳小狐)主要分布于此。
1) mime [maɪm] v. 比手划脚,做哑剧动作
2) clumsy [ˑklʌmzɪ] adj. 行动笨拙的
3) notorious [nəʊˑtɔːrɪəs] adj. 臭名远扬的
4) knock over 打翻
5) military base 军事基地
6) responsible [rɪˑspɒnsɪbəl] adj. 有责任的
7) tame [teɪm] v. 驯养,驯服
8) Salvadoran ['sælvəˑdɔːrən] adj. 萨尔瓦多的
9) separate [ˑsepərət] v. 分离
10) reunite [riːjuːˑnaɪt] v. 重聚
11) volcano [vɒlˑkeɪnəʊ] n. 火山
12) El Salvador [elˑsælvədɔː] n. 萨尔瓦多(共和国)
13) fidelity [fɪˑdelɪtɪ] n. 忠诚
14) occasion [əˑkeɪʒən] n. 时候,场合
15) mechanic [mɪˑkænɪk] n. 机械师,机修工
16) navigator [ˑnævɪgeɪtə] n. 领航员
17) Saigon [saɪˑgɒn] n. 西贡,即现在的越南胡志明市
18) auditory hallucination 幻听
19) miraculously [mɪˑrækjʊləslɪ]adv. 奇迹般地,不可思议地
20) survive [səˑvaɪv] v. 活下来,幸存
Baobabs tree 猴面包树,又称波巴布树,是大型落叶乔木,寿命可达5000年左右,主干短,分枝多,树冠巨大。其果实巨大如足球,甘甜汁多,果实成熟时,猴子就成群结队来摘果子吃,其名字由此而来。它的木质像多孔的海绵,据说能贮存几千公斤甚至更多的水。在沙漠旅行,如果口渴,只需用小刀在随处可见的猴面包树的肚子上挖一个洞,清泉便喷涌而出,因此它被称为“生命之树”。
Marseille 马赛,法国第二大城市和第三大都会区,于公元前600年由古希腊人作为贸易港而兴建,位于地中海沿岸,是普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸大区的首府,也是罗纳河口省的首府。它是法国最大的商业港口,也是地中海最大的商业港口。法国国歌《马赛曲》便是以马赛义勇军命名的。广泛传播的塔罗牌也来自马赛,被称为马赛塔罗牌。
21) undisciplined [ʌnˑdɪsɪplɪnd]adj. 无纪律的,散漫的
22) mission [ˑmɪʃən] n. 使命,任务
23) territory [ˑterɪtərɪ] n. 领地,行政区域
24) occupied [ˑɒkjʊpaɪd] adj. 被占领的
25) version [ˑvʒːʃən] n. 形式,版本
26) symbolize [ˑsɪmbəlaɪz] v. 象征,代表
27) attempt [əˑtempt] n. 企图
28) dominate [ˑdɒmɪneɪt] v. 统治,支配
29) illustration [ɪləˑstreɪʃən] n. 插图
30) architecture [ˑɑːkɪtektʃə] n. 建筑学
31) ground [graʊnd] v. 使停飞
32) dial [ˑdaɪəl] n. 标度盘,刻度盘
33) oxygen mask 氧气面罩
34) black out 昏厥,暂失知觉
35) reconnaissance [rɪˑkɒnɪsəns]n. 侦察,搜索,勘测
36) scatter [ˑskætə] v. 散落
37) recover [rɪˑkʌvə] v. 复原,恢复
38) authenticate [ɔːˑθentɪkeɪt]v. 鉴定,证明……的真实性
Antoine was a much21)undisciplined flyer. He was very impatient with instructions and orders. He once returned from a22)mission to take pictures of enemy23)territory in24)occupied France with pictures of a French gift that reminded him of his childhood home.
The pilot, the main character of The Little Prince, is based on the writer. The little Prince could be based on a younger25)version of Antoine, although some people believe it is inspired by the son of aviator Charles Lindbergh, who lived near Antoine and developed a good relationship with him. The Baobabs trees that destroy the planet with their roots26)symbolize the Nazis and their27)attempts to28)dominate the world.
The29)illustrations in The Little Prince were created by Antoine. Before becoming a pilot, Antoine studied30)architecture, but never graduated. The author had never been considered good at drawing.
When Antoine flew during World War II, he was in poor health and was considered too old for flying. He was once31)grounded by the air force because he was crashing and destroying their expensive planes. And he often misread the32)dials. Once he flew up 10,000 meters rather than 10,000 feet without an33)oxygen mask and34)blacked out.
The Little Prince ends with the little Prince’s disappearance. As a reader, you don’t know if he is dead or if he has traveled back to his planet. During a35)reconnaissance mission on July 31st, 1944 , Antoine,too, disappeared. In May 2000, a diver found the remains of an aircraft36)scattered along the coast of Marseille. It was not until 2003 that the remains were37)recovered. It was38)authenticated as the aircraft used by Antoine the day he disappeared. For over 70 years, the death of Antoine was one of the great mysteries of the world.
1. 安东尼从没学过英语。当被问及原因时,他回答说是因为他的母语都还没学完。不过在另一回,他回答的是学会英语将失去在咖啡店跟女服务员打哑谜的乐趣。
2. 他行动极其笨拙。众所周知,他常常撞翻家具,撞到门框上,甚至在军事基地撞倒重要设备。虽然他在空中飞行时很优雅,他形容自己在地面时就像一只笨熊。
3. 安东尼喜欢在飞行时阅读。有一次,他驾机绕着机场飞了很多圈,而无线电塔一直在发出信号恳求他着陆。但他要读完正在读的那页书才肯着陆。
4. 安东尼曾在摩洛哥南部任职,负责接应飞行员和营救坠机的或被敌人俘获的飞行员。他在撒哈拉沙漠独自生活了很长时间,期间驯养了一些动物来作伴,这些动物中就有一只沙漠狐,是《小王子》里狐狸的原型。
5. 1931年,安东尼与萨尔瓦多作家、艺术家康素爱罗·森琴结婚。他们的关系很紧张,几年间分分合合。小王子最珍爱的那朵玫瑰就是以康素爱罗为原型的。在小王子的星球上包围玫瑰的三座火山代表着康素爱罗的祖国—被称为“火山之国”的萨尔瓦多共和国。在描写小王子于地球上发现一片玫瑰花田的这一章节,安东尼显露出自己对婚姻的本质和忠诚的质疑。
6. 安东尼的知名著作《小王子》中撞机的情节是他基于自己的真实经历而写的。安东尼的一生经历过很多次撞机事故。1935年12月30日,安东尼和他的机械师兼领航员在试图打破巴黎至西贡航线飞行比赛的速度纪录时坠机。他们仅有非常少的水,还得了幻听,却在四天后获救,奇迹般生还。
7. 安东尼是个非常不守纪律的飞行员。他对指示和命令表现得极不耐烦。有一次他的飞行任务是拍摄法国被敌军占领疆域的情况,而他带回来的照片,拍摄的却是勾起他童年家乡回忆的法国礼物。
10. 安东尼在第二次世界大战期间当飞行员时,健康状况很糟,而且年纪也超过了当飞行员的年龄限制。有一次,他被空军禁飞了,因为他会撞毁昂贵的飞机。他还经常读错刻度盘。有一次,本该飞上一万英尺(约3048米)的高空,他却飞了一万米高,而且没带氧气面罩,并因此昏了过去。