周小安 李耀清
摘 要:为有效抵抗选择明文攻击,已知明文攻击等密码攻击行为,改善加密结构,解决DNA编码透明等加密问题,提出了DNA乱序编码、基于多个一维Logistic混沌映射的按位抽取算法以及一种二维混沌置乱方法。利用混沌系统按本文相应算法产生的随机矩阵,结合明文图像矩阵进行DNA乱序编码,并用二维混沌置乱进行加密图像的比特级置乱来代替DNA碱基对互补替换。实验结果及安全分析表明,该算法具有良好的加密结构可有效抵抗各种密码攻击行为。
关键词:图像加密; DNA序列;混沌系统;图像置乱
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标志码: A
Image encryption Algorithm based on DNA out-of-order encoding and chaotic mapping
ZHOU Xiao-an1,LI Yao-qing1,2
( 1.College of Information Engineering ,Shenzhen University ,Shenzhen Guangdong 518000,China;
2.Shenzhen KeyLaboratory of Wireless Broadband Communication and Singal Processing,Shenzhen Guangdong 518057,China)
Abstract:This paper introduced a new image encryption algorithm based on DNA out-of-order encoding and chaotic mapping.First, generate four random matrices by using two separate Logistic maps in a certain way.Second a DNA matrix is obtained by out-of-order encoding the original image under one of the random matrix,and produce a new random DNA sequence matrix by using DNA standard code for another random matrix.Then perform the DNA sequence addition operation to add these DNA matrix.Finally, perform the scrambling to the result of the added matrix by using the rest of the two-dimensional random matrix instead of DNA sequence complement operation. Experimental results and security analysis show that the encryption algorithm have good encryption schemes that can resist the plaintext attacks.
Key words: image encryption; DNA sequences; chaotic systems; image scrambling
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5 结束语
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