The World’s Best Jokes (Part II)


疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年4期

The World’s Best Jokes (Part II)


Walking through a market, a man enters a fortuneteller’s[算命人]tent for a laugh. “I see you’re the father of two,”says the seer, looking into her crystal ball[水晶球]. “Ha! That’s what you think,” says the man scornfully[轻蔑地]. “I’m the father of three.”

“Ha!” says the fortune-teller. “That’s what you think.”

Doctor: Have you taken my advice and slept with the window open?

Patient: Yes.

Doctor: So has your asthma[哮喘]disappeared completely?

Patient: No, but my watch, TV, iPod and computer have.

Father: My son, arak[亚力酒,黎巴嫩国酒]is a person’s worst enemy[敌人].

The Drunk: Father, you have always preached[反复灌输,说教]that we should love our enemy.

Father: This is very true, my son. But I have never said you should swallow[吞下]your enemy.

Indians[印第安人]ask their new chief[酋长]whether the winter will be cold or mild[温暖宜人的]. Since the young chief never learned the ways from his ancestors[祖宗], he tells them to collect firewood[木柴], and then he calls the National Weather Service. “Will the winter be bad?” he asks.

“Looks like it.”

So the chief tells his people to gather more firewood. A week later, he calls again, “Are you sure that the winter will be very cold?”

“I’m telling you, it’s going to be the coldest winter ever.”

“How do you know?”

“Because the Indians are gathering firewood like crazy!”

As they leave the courthouse[法院], a lawyer turns to his upset client[委托人]and says, “Janez, what’s wrong? You were acquitted[宣判无罪].”

“I know, but now I’m really in trouble,” says Janez. “I just rented out[租出去]my house for three years.”

A teacher has told her students to write an essay on a cricket match[板球比赛]. All students are busy writing except Udurawana.

He wrote: “Due to rain, no match!!!”




Quora:What Is the Saddest Truth about Life
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