访谈:莫里斯 · 尼奥
访谈:莫里斯 · 尼奥
WAR: Your book Unseen I SIipped Away opens with ‘Sovereignty & SinguIarity’, which is one of your most mature essays. If you had to trace up your research themes during your career, couId you say that aII the themes were aIready present in your works rather than they appeared time after time? Can we speak about an evoIving grammar?
Maurice Nio: As you probably know, in 1988 I translated Jean Baudrillard’s book Amérique (1986). It is a book full of small but explosive, half dream-like, half journalistic observations, a book disguised as a seemingly unaimed mental fragmentation bomb. In Cool Memories (1987) Baudrillard looks back on this book: ‘’For America, only one method: given a certain number of fragments, notes and stories collected over a given time, there must be a solution which integrates them all, including the most banal, into a necessary whole, without adding or removing any: the very necessity which, beneath the surface, presided over their collection. Making the supposition that this is the only material and the best, because it is secretly ordered by the same thinking, and assuming that everything conceived as part of the same obsession has a meaning and that there must necessarily be a solution to the problem of reconstituting it. The work starts out from the certainty that everything is already there and it will be sufficient simply to find the key.’’
When I read this, I was graduating, but it was not until many years later that the essence of that statement started to dawn on me. And immediately an enormous weight fell off my shoulders- the weight of coherence. After all, the desire for coherence is everywhere and always tangible, especially within the circle of writers, artists, architects etc. Because what is it that you are if you cannot even manage to build a coherent oeuvre? Just like Baudrillard, at a certain point I started to wonder what all those different, all too diverse projects- incomparable video productions,incomparable texts, incomparable graphic designs, incomparable buildings- made by (or around) one person, had in common. An outsider cannot make any sense of it. At least that is very well imaginable, and that feeling of being unpursued started to gnaw at me. Where most architects have managed to build a beautifully coherent style, with me every project seems to erase the memory and the image of the previous one. As if you are constantly working on burning all your architectural, cinematic, graphic and textual boats. Fortunately, now the weight of coherence does not bother me anymore. After writing the text ‘Sovereignty & Singularity’, but actually already during the production of the book You Have the Right to Remain Silent in 1998 (ten years after the appearance of the Dutch translation of Amérique) I understood that coherence could not be found in style, form and the explicit, but in method, structure and the implicit. That is also precisely the difference between notions such as ‘theme’ and ‘code’. In ‘Sovereignty & Singularity’ I have opposed them against each other. To design on the basis of a theme- or metaphor, or story- is always aimed at an external coherence, while designing on the basis of a code is aimed at an internal coherence,a coherence that is not directly visible. To design on the basis of a code cannot be done in a structural, causal or explicit way. The process is whimsical, intuitive, impulsive, implicit. You can therefore not speak of an evolution because there is no development; the design was always there. It was there waiting for you, even though the process of designing can take many years. All you need to do is to find the design and decode its code. All these projects can thus be so different because they share the same intention and motive.
WAR: Your architecturaI practice takes pIace mostIy within the NetherIands that keep on being one of the most interesting architecturaI Iaboratory. In generaI, can you outIine some characters of undoutbfuIIy dutchness in architecturaI design? Among them, which are those characters that you care mostIy of and in which you can recognize yourseIf?
Maurice Nio: I think, I hope, the desire to detach. And with ‘detach’ I mean to disrupt, to parody, to ridicule, to radicalise;all methods that are applied to break new ground, to create new possibilities, to open doors instead of closing them. As an example of this strategy you may look to the research entitled the Fire Emperor whose images can be seen in this issue. We have done research into the role that food plays in the urban public domain. The supply of food and drink are often a reason to go out of the house, into the city. Everybody has to eat every day. For some, this daily routine of buying,cooking and eating has even become a ritual. All these routines and actualities we want to bring closely together, so the intimacy and cultural richness of the food becomes clearer, more visible. That is where the public and the private life can tolerate each other wonderfully. We have talked to food suppliers and providers of space and together with them we drew up ten models varying from very simple to more complex, from non-profit to commercial, from lean to fat.
Our proposals, whether that is for the design of a market hall or for the plan for planting fruit trees, they always operate exactly on that area between public and private. Where for example shopping malls have the character to privatise and streamline the public space, we use our models to give the space different faces. And where the public space, because of its generic character, has lost the involvement of the townsman, we introduce local intimacy.
One of those models is the Fire Emperor, the new appearance in the heart of Rotterdam’s city centre. The Fire Emperor will be the pivot of public life. No-one can escape from this voracious building that day and night devours anything that comes near: innocent tourists and experienced gluttons, pale potatoes and fresh coriander, tame pigeons and live squid, raunchy market stalls and exclusive restaurants, worn-out musicians and erotic services,the water of the ‘Rotte’ and the faded perfumes of waitresses. Everything is being digested, pushed along and shovelled out again, but not before it has been substantially reshaped under high pressure. Because it is the new non-stop market hall that houses in the Fire Emperor. Everybody has something to look for here, and everybody and everything is prepared to defy the heat of the kitchen in the Fire Emperor. This is where the city boils and where people travel along on the vapours of exotic dishes.
The Fire Emperor has no transparent airy hall on the inside, but is one big devouring machine, a hedonic tangle of spaces inspired on intestines. The dazzling diversity of the food on offer is reflected in the festive spirit of the interior design. It is as if the market hall itself has been fattened with interiors that have all nationalities and styles. A corny German-expressionist space is being alternated with an obscure Thai-New Age room. It is a market hall that is not embarrassed of anything and that burps nicely after having consumed yet another stylistic tour de force.
The Fire Emperor is situated on ‘het Steiger’, a spot that, before the war, was one of Rotterdam’s most mysterious places but now looks desolate and deluded. That is why we have converted this needlessly broad canal into an interior, strewn with sizzling sampans, and the famous black hole- the entrance to the canal under the ‘Grote Markt’- that was re-opened so that there is an entrance to the market hall on water level. Turning it round, you can say that the interior of the Fire Emperor is being continued in the water, so the pre-war hunger, that unfathomable gluttony of‘het Steiger’, can be satisfied. The stream of food from the improved outside market is, as it where, being diverted via the Fire Emperor to the new floating market in the canal, where, on those sampans, the secret can be tasted again.
I like to investigate topics in not a conventional way, to collect all the fragments from different points of view. I don’t know if this design-politics could be called typically Dutch but I am sure I am not the only one who feels about it this way.
Of course not all renewing projects in the Netherlands are equally successful, but I prefer (insofar as I have something to say in this matter) a failed project in which questions were asked rather than a ‘successful’ building that is neither one thing nor the other.
WAR: Your projects seem to come out from a strong conceptuaI matrix that gives to them an abstract character. Which is the reIationship that they endow with the Iandscape, the naturaI environment? ShaII we say, in your works, that the naturaI environment simpIy happens and does not influence the projects?
Maurice Nio: All projects are, contrary to what you think, very contextual. To me, context and code are the two key notions. But of course you are right if you mean that the projects do not adjust to the environment. They do not treat the context as an environment or background, but as an opponent, a player of the other team, something you have to tackle. It is the only way to build up a tension between context and code, between environment and project. Within that tension, as a user or passer-by, you could acquire an experience. Maybe that is the reason why, to you,they seem ‘abstract’.
WAR: Which are the greatest difficuIties that you have to cope in your architecturaI practice? (deaIing with cIients, administrations,structuraI probIems, inspiration) And on the other hand, which kind of requirements shouId fuIfiII a perfect project?
Maurice Nio: That question is rather difficult to answer because this can change from one project to the other. Problems can also arise suddenly, from unexpected angles. But there are two general problems. The first problem are the developers, the developing contractors; they have become the architect’s biggest enemies. As representative of future users and clients, they serve the common denominator and nip all possibilities, all possible new programs or forms of living, in the bud. The second problem are the consultancies, the agents that as project managers have taken over the role of commissioning authority due to a lack of knowledge of the latter. These project managers’ sole aim is to realise the project in time and within the appointed budget. Which is fine of course, but it completely ignores the cultural aspects of architecture. A project manager is also not capable of giving you trust. He is not even allowed to, because it is his task to distrust the architect of fiddling, or something like that. Trust, however, is always the base for a real good project.
WAR: Facing our gIobaI age of overwheIming information, digitaI worIds, bits identities, virtuaI reaIities, which kind of roIe can Architecture stiII pIay? Is Architecture stiII necessary? I know that you are not a magician but which are your foresights about the future of the Architecture?
Maurice Nio: That is very simple. Architecture is important, if not essential, because it is bound to gravity and capable of embodying this union. A pixel or a vertex cannot do this. Apart from something as natural as mountains,architecture is the best medium to externalise gravity. Look at your churches and palaces: what an absorbing display of power, what a glorification of the gravity, what a voluptuous ode to the centre of the earth. I personally believe that this union between architecture and gravity is the secret of the sensual space. Everything virtual is impotent,inflationary, immune. Everything real is virile, vital, virulent. A pixel and a vertex are not sexy, not sensual. That entire so-called dominance of the virtual in the fields of sex, politics and economy is one boring, dead mess. I rather walk on the street or in a building than in cyberspace. You could say that architecture is only becoming more important nowadays, but then we have to deploy architecture very precisely as a medium, as a means, and not search for the light, the transparent, the lean, the dry and the democratic, but for the heavy, the turbid, the Rubenesque full, the lusty and the sovereign.
INTERVIEW: Maurice Nio
The Fire Emperor