The Amazing Whale Jaw
业主:Schiphol Project Consult
结构工程师: Ingenieursbureau Zonneveld & Engiplast
设计团队: Henk Bultstra, Mirjam Galjé, Hans Larsen,Maurice Nio, Jaakko van ‘t Spijker
竣工时间: 2003
造价:1 000 000欧元
Address: Voorplein Spaarne Ziekenhuis, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands Client: Schiphol Project Consult
Structural engineer: Ingenieursbureau Zonneveld & Engiplast
Design team: Henk Bultstra, Mirjam Galjé, Hans Larsen, Maurice Nio,Jaakko van ‘t Spijker
Completion: 2003
Costs: € 1 000 000
Area: 330 m2
2003年伊始, 一个令人惊奇的公车站竣工于Hoofddorp’s Spaarne医院的前院。此设施坐落于广场中央并给当地的公车服务提供中转服务。在过去,这种设计类型往往中规中矩。不过我们的目标是创造一幅非一般的有视觉冲击性的图景。因此,此车站的设计我们依据奥斯卡·尼迈耶奠定的传统,在白色现代主义和黑色巴洛克主义之间寻找交点。
此车站完全由泡沫聚苯乙烯和聚酯建造。在全世界用合成材料建造的结构里面,没有能比它更大的了(50米 x 10米 x 5米) 。有限的预算决定了传统的建造方式是不可行的。
人们经常好奇此车站的造型的隐藏于表面之下的内涵。对于这个问题有几种可能的答案。 从建筑角度上讲,一个正确的答案是我们可以说它是块被脚步和视线雕琢的巨砾。从哲学的角度上讲,我们可以说无招,即让造型在过程中自我塑造,才可以胜有招,即一开始就定下造型必须如何。 从设计过程的角度上讲,我们可以说这样的结果是设计过程的直接产品。在此次设计过程中,因为参与人员都要在不熟悉的技术领域探索,直觉起了很大作用。所有这些答案都是正确的却又都是无关紧要的。 如同艺伎的白色妆容, 每个个体都可以对这个建筑有不同的意见,不过建筑本身不会给予任何答案。
At the beginning of the year 2003 a bus station was built on the forecourt of Hoofddorp’s Spaarne Hospital. This facilities block is located in the middle of a square and is a public area in the form of an island that serves as a junction for the local bus service. The design of this kind of building is generally neutral, but here the aim was to create a strong, individual image that was less austere and generic. Hence, the building was designed in the tradition of Oscar Niemeyer as a cross between white modernism and black Baroque.
The building is completely made of polystyrene foam and polyester and is, as such, the world’s largest structure in synthetic materials (50m x 10m x 5m). The available budget meant that it could never have been created using conventional construction methods.
People often wonder about the building’s shape and what it represents, and there are a number of possible answers. A correct answer in architectural terms is that it can be viewed as a large boulder that has been worn away by footsteps and sight lines. A correct answer in philosophical terms is that it can be regarded as a form that has not been pored over but which simply allowed itself to be discovered. A correct answer in terms of the designing process is that it can also be explained as a product of this process, which in this case was somewhat intuitive because of the unfamiliar technical terrain in which everyone had to operate. All these answers are simultaneously correct and irrelevant. Like the white face of a geisha, every opinion and image can be projected onto the building and it has no answers of its own.