Prayer of Shadow Protection
业主:Province of Noord-Holland
结构工程师: DHV Ruimte en Mobiliteit
设计团队: Sean Matsumoto, Maurice Nio, Giuseppe Vultaggio
竣工时间: 2008年
造价: 6 000 000欧元
Address: Vrouwenakker, the municipality of Liemeer and Uithoorn, the Netherlands
Client: Province of Noord-Holland
Structural engineer: DHV Ruimte en Mobiliteit
Design team: JSean Matsumoto, Maurice Nio, Giuseppe Vultaggio
Completion: 2008
Costs: € 6 000 000
大部分桥梁,无论可动还是不可动,恐怕都不需要建筑师来设计。圈内人称它们为工程师的计算产品。 这些桥梁的建造是完全基于功能性而不可避免的缺乏诗意。只有在工程很大并追求高端的前提的下,客户才会有雇佣建筑师的预算。这就是为何对于这个相对较小的桥梁设计来说,建筑师的存在是必要的,因为其有助于脱离工程师的无差别性设计操作。
我们为这座桥梁选择了暗色调。 此颜色在绿与蓝之间,有点像荷兰的水只不过多了点闪烁。老Vrouwenakker桥正如大部分其他桥一样,是白色的。为何如此?可能因为白色是中性的颜色。白色并不表达自我。在中国,白色代表生命的逝去, 也许这是为何我们从来不选择白色的原因。这座桥乃暗色,所以当夜晚开始降临时,它那神秘而优雅的轮廓将渐渐消失于渐暗的地平线。(2010年荷兰设计奖—最佳公共空间)
For most bridges, whether they are fixed or moveable, an architect is not required. They are simply“engineered”, as they call it in professional circles, which results in functional constructions devoid of any poetry whatsoever. Unless it be big, prestigious civil works for which the necessary extra financial resources are reserved. That is why it is actually quite nice that for this relatively small bridge an architect was considered necessary, thus escaping civil engineering indifference.
During the design process we were inspired by the limbs of the praying mantis and the shape of the famous Jedi starfighter from Star Wars, but the language of this bridge corresponds most of all with the design of the pleasure boats that inhabit the Amstel-Drecht canal. It is truly amazing how many different types of these boats there are, every one of them very stylized.
We have made the bridge dark. The colour is something between green and blue, a bit like the water in Holland but more sparkling. The old bridge Vrouwenakker was white, as most bridges are. Why is that? Probably because white is a neutral colour, a colour that does not really express itself. In China white is the colour of death, a reason for us never to choose for it. This bridge is dark, a mysterious and yet elegant figure of which the contours slowly disappear when the evening falls.