Fock-Sobolev Spaces and Weighted Composition Operators among Them
(School of Mathematics,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou,510006)
Fock-Sobolev Spaces and Weighted Composition Operators among Them
(School of Mathematics,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou,510006)
Fock-Sobolev space,dual space,weighted composition operator
2010 MR subject classification:32C37,47B33,47A3O
Document code:A
Article ID:1674-5647(2O16)O4-O3O3-16
1 Introduction
Throughout this paper,let Cnbe the complex n-space and dv be the usual volume measure on Cn.For any points z=(z1,...,zn)∈Cnand w=(w1,...,wn)∈Cn,we denote
Suppose that α=(α1,...,αn)is an n-tuple indices of non-negative integers.Write
For O<p≤∞,s>O,set
For convenience,we simply denote f≲g or g≳f if there is a positive constant C such that f≤Cg,and f∼g if f≲g and g≲f.
Motivated by some recent ideas by Cho and Zhu[1],we show the equivalence that‖f‖p,m,s∼‖|w|mf‖p,sin the next section.
Let u and φ be entire functions on Cn.The weighted composition operator uCφis defined by uCφf=u.(f◦φ)for any entire function f.When u=1,the Cφis called a composition operator.
As we known,there are plenty of results concern the boundedness,compactness and Schatten p-class for composition operators and weighted composition operators among several Banach spaces,as a consequence,the norms and essential norms of composition operators and weighted composition operators on these spaces are estimated.For instance,Shapiro[2]gave an equivalent description about the compactness of Cφon Hardy spaces and weighted Bergman spaces,and estimates the essential norm of Cφby using the angular derivative of its inducing map.Cuˇckovi´c and Zhao[3]showed that uCφis bounded on Bergman space L2a(D)if and only if Bφ(|u|2)is bounded on D and uCφis compact if and only if Bφ(|u|2)vanishes to zero at the boundary of D,where D is the open unit disk of the complex plane ℂ and
is the φ-Berezin transform of|u|2.Indeed,for various spaces,the problems of composition operators or weighted composition operators as well as their applications have attracted many other authors:by Roan[4]among Lipschitz spaces,by Smith[5]among Bergman and Hardy spaces,by Zhao[6]from Bloch type spaces to Hardy and Besov spaces,by Tjani[7]among Bloch spaces and Besov spaces,BMOA and VMOA.
Moreover,extensions of many of these conclusions to Fock-type spaces are also obtained. Fock-type spaces,are also called as Bargmann-type spaces or Segal Bargmann-type spaces,have a great deal with quantum mechanics,see[8]and[9].In recent years,there are abundant results about composition operators and weighted composition operators on these type spaces.Ueki[10]characterizes the boundedness and compactness of weighted composition operators on Fock space Fpα(C)in terms of a certain integral transform,and gets some estimates about the essential norms of uCφ.Stevi´c[11]shows that the similar conclusion still holds in Fock space in the higher-dimensional case.For more details,refer to[12]-[26].
2 Preliminaries
This section is devoted to doing some preparation work for the later sections,mainly includes equivalently characterizing the Fock-Sobolev space and showing how fast an arbitrary function grows.
Proof.It is similar to the proof of theorem 11 in[1].Hence,we omit the detail here.
According to the equivalence given above,it is more convenient for us to use the following definition instead of using(1.1).That is,for O<p≤∞,we define
with the norm
is the normalizing constant such that‖1‖p,m,s=1.
Lemma 2.2[1]Suppose that O<p<∞,O<r<∞,O≤a<∞and O<b<∞.Then there exists a positive constant C=C(a,b,r)such that
Lemma 2.3[1]Suppose that O<p<∞,O≤a<∞and O<b<∞.Then there exists a positive constant C=C(a,b)such that
by changing the variable u=w-z,which indicates
since|w-z|<r yields|z|<r+|w|.Thus,
This ends the proof.
Next,we introduce two transformations for entire functions on Cn,which were firstly defined by Cho and Zhu[1].They are
where ckare constants with cm=1,q0=1 and qkis the Taylor polynomial of eλof order k-1 for k≥1.
A direct calculation yields
Lemma 2.4Suppose that s>O and m is a non-negative integer.Then we have
Proof.Just like the proof of Proposition 8 in[1],it is easy to obtain that
To complete the proof,we still have to show that
Note that
Then we get
and this finishes the proof.
Consequently,it is natural to obtain the following estimates.
Proposition 2.2Suppose that O<p≤∞,s>O,m is a non-negative integer and f∈H(Cn).Then
Proof.It is obvious that
from equality(2.1)and Lemma 2.4.To obtain the latter half,it is enough to prove the case O<p<∞because the case p=∞is obvious by the definition of‖.‖∞,m,sand the estimate for|Km,s(z,w)|given in the first half.By direct computation,for O<p<∞,we have
3 Weighted Composition Operators among Some Fock-Sobolev Spaces
In this section,we give the framework and the main results of this paper.We are going to study the weighted composition operators among some Fock-Sobolev spaces.
3.1Boundedness and Norm of uCφ
Moreover,we still have
from Proposition 2.1,and this yields
which implies that
Thus,the proof of this theorem is completed.
3.2Compactness and Essential Norm of uCφ
as the Taylor expansion of f.Take
Consequently by the principle of uniform boundedness.The following proposition plays an important role in calculating the essential norm of uCφ.
Taking the infimum over compact operators K and letting k→∞in(3.1),we get
by H¨older's inequality,we have
A direct calculation shows that
this yields
Proof.See Proposition 3.11 of[17]or Proposition 1 of[19].
Theorem 3.2Suppose that 1<p<∞,s>O,t>O and m is a non-negative integer.
Further,uCφis compact if and only if
Proof.Firstly,we want to show that
which implies that
for fixed r>O.Now,we claim that
In fact,Lemma 3.1 gives
as|α|→∞,where the last equivalence comes from the Stirling's formula.It is not difficult to find the convergence of the series
by using d'Alembert criterion,which implies that
also converges.Thus,we have
as k→∞,and
Combining(3.2),(3.3)and Proposition 3.1,we have
and this yields that
Further,we also take a sequence{zj}j∈N⊆Cnsuch that φ(zj)→∞as j→∞.Set wj=φ(zj).Then we get
where the last inequality follows from the proof of Theorem 3.1.This indicates that
Combining(3.4)and(3.5),we obtain
Consequently,uCφis compact if and only if
This ends the proof.
QuestionIs Theorem 3.4 right when p=∞?
4 Duality Space of(O<p<∞)
Lemma 4.1Let 1≤p≤∞and Is(z,w)be an integral kernel satisfying the condition
Proof.Similar to the proof of Lemma 9 in[1].
The desired conclusion holds from Lemma 4.1.
This completes the proof.
Lemma 4.3[1]Suppose that O<p≤1,O≤a<∞and O<b<∞.Then there exists a positive constant C=C(a,b)such that
for all f∈H(Cn).
by Proposition 2.2,then
This follows that
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date:June 11,2014.
The NSF(11501136,11271092)of China,the Key Discipline Construction Project of Subject Groups Focus on Mathematics and Information Science in the Construction Project(4601-2015)of the High-level University of Guangdong Province,and the Project(HL02-1517)for the New Talent of Guangzhou University.
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Communicated by Ji You-qing
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