The Discussion on Teaching Portfolio
【Abstract】The basic information of Teaching Portfolio has been listed in this article, including the background, history, definitions,structure, contents, significance features, types. And the studies abroad and home has also been displayed in detail.
【Key words】Teaching Portfolio; studies
1. The Description of Teaching Portfolio
Teaching Portfolio is always considered as “a container for sorting an displaying evidence of a teachers knowledge and skills” as Kenneth Wolf (1995: 20), “structured documentary history of a set of coached or mentored acts of teaching, substantiated by samples of student portfolios” by Shulman (1998: 37).
Teaching Portfolio can tell the complexity of teachers work, and it is also a portrait of teachers personal reflection and value in teaching. Teaching Portfolio is a recital and also a dynamic record of teaching processes, which collects various kinds of information.
There are four kinds of portfolios generally: the dossier portfolio, the training portfolio, the reflective portfolio and the personal Development portfolio. Usually, Teaching Portfolios transfer according to the different aims as developmental, formative, reflective, interactive and representative..
2. Studies on Teaching Portfolio
Teaching portfolio has used to document college teaching performance beginning in Canada in the 1970s. In 1987, Lee Shulman brought forth the ideas of taking advantage of Teaching Portfolio in daily teaching. In the late 1980s.
2.1 Studies Abroad
In the statement of “A Portfolio Assessment Model for ESL” presented by Sharon S. Moya and J. Michael OMalley, 1994, features about portfolios had been provided like “it must be the product of a complete assessment procedure that has been systematically planned, implemented, and evaluated”(M. OMalley, 1994: 1). And they also had given the six interrelated levels of Portfolio Assessment Model. During 1999, a book named “Assessing the Portfolio: Principles for Practice, Theory, and Research” was published. The author, Liz Hamp-Lyons stressed that the Portfolio was a sort of performance assessments and Portfolio could help students to show their progress and achievements and the teachers to show their appropriate pedagogical effectiveness (Hamp-Lyons, 1999: 21).
Thus, the Teaching Portfolio has drawn booming concerns from both domestic and overseas.
2.2 Recent Domestic Studies
In China, Teaching Portfolio has come to be known around 2000. Advocates in the field of Comparative Education and Teachers Professional Development have introduced and explained the details about the theory of Teaching Portfolio and some domestic scholars have studies and analyzed the theory and brought forth the hypothesis and implementing of practice. The introductory domestic studies could be reflected in the following articles. “Teacher Evaluation Model: Teaching File” (WANG Bin-hua, 2004: 24-28), “The Development of Teaching Portfolio: A New Way in Professional Development and Assessment” (MA Hai-tao, 2010: 11-16), both of which have introduced the basic information of Teaching Portfolio. Recently, the studies on Teaching Portfolio are rare, but extend to the applications on certain courses or Credit Portfolio, such as “The Construction of Pupils Credit Portfolio” (SHI Zhi-zhan & SHI Zhi-hong, 2015: 31-35).
Guided by teacher education experiences in the western counties, Teaching Portfolio has initially been adopted in teachers training program in Jilin Educational Institute and brought about some significant effects. In No. 2 primary school of Liangxiang in Fangshan district in Beijing, Teaching Portfolios were built up for every teachers to promote teachers professional advancement in implementing the New Curriculum Standards.
[1]Liz Hamp-Lyons(1999).Assessing the Portfolio:Principles for Practice,Theory,and Research[M].Cresskill,NJ:Hampton Press.
[2]Seldin,Peter(2004).The Teaching Portfolio:A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions[MA].Bolton:Anker Publishing.
[3]Sharon S.Moya & J.Michael OMalley(1994).A Portfolio Assessment Model for ESL[J].The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students Spring:1-16.
[4]王斌华.教师评价模式:教学档案袋[J].教育理论与实践,2004, 24(7):24-28.