摘 要:不同类型的滑坡具有不同的变形破坏行为,同一斜坡在不同受力条件下也可能表现出不同的变形破坏行为。为了能在室内实际观测到斜坡在不同受力状态下的变形破坏行为,设计制作了可以调整角度的模型试验框架,自主研发了模型位移测量装置,通过大量测试最终选择成都粘土作为滑带土材料,开展了近一年的滑坡变形破坏行为的物理模拟试验研究,共完成7种倾角14组模拟试验,得到了不同受力条件下的滑坡变形-时间线簇,进一步揭示了滑坡变形-时间曲线的特征,为斜坡变形-时间曲线类型归纳提供了依据。
关键词:滑坡 滑带 物理模拟 变形—时间曲线
Abstract: Different types of landslide deformation and failure behavior is different, the same slope may also exhibit different deformation and failure behavior under different stress conditions. In order to observe slope deformation and failure behavior in different stress condition, a model test framework is designed which angle can be adjusted, and we independent research and development of the model displacement measuring device. We choose Chengdu clay as the slide zone soil materials through a lot of tests, the development of the study on the physical simulation test of the slope deformation and failure of nearly a year, completed 7 kinds angle and 14 groups simulation test. Acquired deformation time curves under different stress conditions by physical simulation. The datas further reveals the characteristics of the landslide deformation-time curve, provides the basis for induction of the curve types of slope deformation-time.
Key Words: Landslide; Sliding zone; Physical simulation; Deformation-time curve