

中学生英语·阅读与写作 2016年10期

【新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 3 STEP BY STEP


Section A

一、1. I; my 2. her 3. your

4. His; He 5. is 6. my; her

7. am; Are 8. He; His 9. Is; is

10. My; I

二、1~5 CBABD

Section B

一、1~5 BDACB

二、1~5 AACBB 6~10 BDCCA

三、1~5 CDABC

Self Check

一、1~5 ADBDC

二、1~5 CDCBB 6~10 ACAAB

三、1~5 ACABC

【新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 4 STEP BY STEP


Section A

一、1. Excuse; me; wheres

2. Her; are; in

3. schoolbag; under

4. think; fathers

5. isnt; on

二、1~5 BDBBC

Section B

一、1~5 CADBD

二、1~5 ABACD 6~10 CBBAC

三、1~5 ABACB

Self Check

一、1~5 ABACA

二、1~5 DCCAD 6~10 BABAD

三、1. Yes; is

2. They are on the desk.

3. No, it isnt. It is behind the door.

4. Yes, he does.

5. Yes, we can.

四、1. their 2. beds 3. yellow

4. Lucys 5. under 6. new

7. player 8. some 9. girls

10. help

【新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 5 STEP BY STEP


Section A

一、1. does 2. has 3. balls

4. them 5. get 6. play

7. sounds 8. go 9. sports

10. us

二、1~5 BBDCB

Section B

一、1~5 CABCC

二、1~5 ACAAB 6~10 ABABA

三、1~5 ACABA

Self Check

一、1~5 BDCBA

二、1~5 CBCDC 6~10 CABAC

三、1~5 FFFTF

四、1. sister 2. same 3. boys

4. in 5. them 6. girls

7. club 8. collection 9. balls

10. good

【新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 4 STEP BY STEP 随堂通参考答案】

Section A

一、1. carefully 2. meals 3. theater

4. pretty 5. comfortable 6. close

7. screen 8. service 9. choose

10. menu

二、 1~5 BCDCC

Section B

一、1~5 BBDBD 6~10 ADABC

二、1~5 CBCDA 6~10 BBDAB

三、1~5 CACDD

Self Check

一、1~5 DBBAC 6~10 DBAAC

二、1~5 BCDAA 6~10 CDBCB

三、1. Three/ 3.

2. She wanted to relax at the hotel.

3. No, she knew about it from a magazine.

4. About ten oclock in the morning.

5. Sam.

四、1. younger 2. played 3. washing

4. free 5. garden 6. until

7. kitchen 8. stopped 9. loudly

10. crying

【新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 5 STEP BY STEP


Section A

一、1. soap 2. hope 3. stand

4. discussion 5. plan 6. happening

7. jokes 8. expect 9. may

10. News

二、 1~5 ABBAD

Section B

一、1~5 BDDAC 6~10 BBCAA

二、1~5 BADAC 6~10 DBABB

三、1~5 CBDBC

Self Check

一、1~5 DABCC

二、1~5 CBDAB 6~10 ADCAD

三、1~5 FTFTT

四、1. until 2. wait 3. late

4. heard 5. got 6. receive

7. then 8. kitchen 9. find

10. lets


1~5 BCCAB 6~10 CCAAA 11~15 CBCBA

16~20 BCAAD 21~25 DBBCA

26~30 BDCAB 31~35 ACCBD

36~40 CABDA

41. same 42. with 43. shy

44. few 45. However 46. never

47. best 48. doing 49. ones

50. forget

情景作文(One possible version)

Dear Peter,

I went to have a look at the two restaurants. Carols Cafeteria has the most delicious food in town, but there is one problem. Its not in the funniest place of town and a bit far. Its about 30 minutes walk from our school.

Lennys Lunch Bar is much closer and the food is also very delicious. The people at Lennys are also friendlier than those at Carols. I can say it has the friendliest service in town. They also have the biggest hamburgers and best salad.

As for me, I would like to go to Lennys Lunch Bar. How about you?



