张兴 刘晓彦
摘 要:该研究将针对集成电路特征尺寸发展至16 nm及以下技术节点后所面临的关键科学问题,以在16 nm及以下技术节点集成电路技术拥有自主知识产权的若干关键核心技术和解决方案为目标,围绕纳米尺度下集成电路进一步发展所面临的核心矛盾;从材料体系、集成工艺、新结构逻辑器件、新型存储器件与互连技术等基础层面进行系统深入的研究;将新材料体系、新的器件结构、存储单元、互连技术以及集成工艺技术基础等方面的研究工作有机结合,多层次、综合性地解决16 nm及以下技术节点集成电路器件和工艺所面临的关键科学问题。使我国在新一代集成电路技术领域拥有自主知识产权的若干关键核心技术,推动我国硅基集成电路产业的可持续发展,为国家重大科技专项开展16 nm特征尺寸集成电路产业化技术奠定理论和技术基础,同时为我国纳米尺度硅基集成电路科学技术和产业培养一批高水平人才。
关键词:集成电路技术 低功耗 逻辑器件 非易失存储器件 器件模型模拟 互连技术 工艺集成
Abstract:This project will focus on the critical issues of the science and technology as IC technology scaling down to 16 nm node and beyond. Aimed to have a number of core technologies and proprietary solutions for 16 nm node and beyond integrated circuit technology, organizes researches on the basics science and technology problems from material systems, integrated technology, the new structure logic devices systematic in-depth research, new technology and other memory devices and interconnect. Combined the material, devices structure, interconnect and process integration researches to investigating systematic solutions of the key scientific issues of 16 nm and beyond IC technology. The achievements of this project will support the sustainable development of silicon-based integrated circuit industry in our country.
Key Words:Integrated circuit technology;Low power;logic devices;NV memory devices;Devices modeling and simulation;Interconnect technology;Process integration