叶扬 采访/Interviewed by YE Yang
王欣欣 译/Translated by WANG Xinxin
叶扬 采访/Interviewed by YE Yang
王欣欣 译/Translated by WANG Xinxin
The power Station of Art hosts the architect and theorist Bernard Tschumi's exhibition BERNARD TSCHUMI - Architecture: Concept & Notation,which opens to the public on March 12th and runs through June 19th. World Architecture interviewed with Benard Tshumi after the openning.
WA: Your farther was a very good architect. Did he have any influence on you?
Bernard Tschumi (BT): My father was a very good architect, and died when I was quite young. And I had not much opportunity to talk about architecture with him. I developed my work quite independently. And it was another era, I was influenced by the 1968 era of questioning, and after I finished my studies I was really in an experimental phase. In particular first in London and then in New York, I developed a lot of explorations, quite different from the real building. But it's much later when I started to build that I started to understand the architecture of sophistication and the art of construction of my father's and liked it very much. But in the early days it was completely, completely separate.
WA: Your most well-known work, parc de La Villette was one of the signs that architecture shows social critique through the form intervention. Did it have anything to do with Debord's situationism which was an important thought?
BT: Yes, I was very aware of Situationism. Debord was interested about the city, I was interested about the city, and I was even more interested about the city than I was interested about buildings and individual architecture. For example, there was a concept by Debord called, "dérive" in French, or "drift" in English, which means walking at random in an urban environment, so when I started to work on La Villette, I said it's not a park of nature, it's a piece of the city, but a piece of the city with trees, so it had to be active, it had to be cultural, it had to be the encounter and the interaction between people,and that is how I devised the system of points, lines and the surfaces-the points of actions, the lines of movements and the surfaces of spontaneous action.
1伯纳德·屈米/Bernard Tschumi
2“伯纳德·屈米——建筑:概念与记号”展览现场/The exhibition BERNARD TSCHUMI - Architecture: Concept & Notation
3拉维莱特公园轴测/Axonometric of parc de La Villette
4拉维莱特公园/parc de La Villette
屈米:这又是一个好问题。“叙事空间”仅是指人们从中移动到另外一个空间的空间。例如,在所有的文化和宗教中,都有叙事空间。人们从一个空间移There's no question what was being done at the time was not only influenced by the Situationist, but also by films, films like Jean-Luc Godard's, or philosophers like Jacques Derrida who were questioning clichés and were trying to invent a new world.
WA: Being regarded as an architect from the generation of 1968, what is your opinion on the contemporary architecture related with human development in a broader sense?
BT: Regarding the contemporary situation, my criticism would be that, today, we architects tend to look at "objects", at icons, at buildings which are an image; and we are not looking enough at how building relates to one another, and how the city works. This is something that we have to now concentrate again about.
WA: In your competition entry of la Bibliothèque Nationale, there was a running track in your proposal, but it was not chosen. After years, a numbers of buildings used this idea, including some Chinese buildings. Do you have any comments?
BT: The Bibliothèque Nationale was of course a polemical statement, but it was a serious polemical statement. I was saying that programs can mix with one another, that you don't have to have a library with only books, or you don't have to have a concert hall with only music, or you don't have to have a museum with only paintings, that life is different,life intersects different activities. And the architect should be the one to propose the intersection. Well, you have seen now that airports have hotels,shopping malls, conference centers and churches, all at the same place. That is the evolution of life. In the case of the library, whereas, I proposed that there would be a running track, because I said that the athlete of the 21st century will be an intellectual,and the intellectual of the 21st century will be an athlete. I think it was too early for that time, and they said "no, no".
WA: Why the concept of notation is so crucial in your research and design?
BT: The reason is very simple. If you want to talk about movement, about the movement of the body in space, if you want to talk about activities and events,then the tools of architects are often not sufficient. We learned to use sections, plans, axonometric,perspectives, but all these are very static, very passive means. If you want to talk about dynamic use of the building, like movement, you have to invent new systems of notation-they don't exist. It is very difficult to do that, because we don't have yet an organized system, there are few architects would do this, like us, and we all invent our own system,even from one project to the next. But it's still very important, and that is what I call "notation". The word was inspired by music notation, where the musician/ the composer can have one line for the piano, one line for the trumpet, one line for the violin, architects should be able to do that. More importantly, it is in "time". So I would like architectural notation to be about both space and time.
WA: In your opinion, what is the difference between space of narrative and space of text?
BT: This is also a good question. A narrative space can be only a space where you move from one space to another. For example, in all cultures and religions, there are narrative spaces, you move from one space to a more secret space and so on-that's important. But there is also the "text"-they talk about architecture, which I think are also important in terms of their structure. When you tell a story,there is also a narrative structure and you can make a relation. I think even there are certain books which through the words help you understand the nature of architectural differences. I give you the title of one book which I am sure is translated into Chinese-Invisible Cities, by Italo Calvino. It is a very beautiful book because it talks always about the same city,but in different ways. This allows you to understand that the city is really very important, every time it is another way to understand the world. Architecture is about the world, it is not simply about making beautiful objects-some looking like this, some looking like that.
WA: You try to distinguish between the forming of knowledge and the knowledge of form. But how do you think of the difficulties in visualizing knowledge in design process?
BT: When I do things with my iphone or with digital networking, it doesn't have a visible form, but it creates knowledge. and that knowledge is one that we have now to understand as a complementary. In other words, it goes together. I think it will make our life richer by having simultaneously very complex information that I will get through the digital media and at the same time information I get through the environment. So I am optimistic about the future of our society, but I feel that it is not because we know form, it is also because we have the knowledge of form.
WA: How to understand the relationship between space and event nowadays with the rapid expansion of virtual networking?
BT: You have very good questions. Indeed, it is changing how we relate, public space has become different. Before, the plaza, the street, was one very important social dimension. Today, for example,GpS has completely changed the way we walk in the city. The way we interact, to meet somebody,is also not necessarily the same. Instead of going to a square and talk, people are sending each other messages. So we have to start to understand what are the implications of this new digital virtual networking on architecture. And I don't think we have yet the answer, I think this is the challenge for the next 20 years. (Special Thanks to FAN Lu and ZHOU Jianjia for their contributions to this interview)
5-9展览现场/The exhibition scences
Interview with Bernard Tschumi