

世界建筑 2016年4期


Artist: Okuda San Miguel



Artist: Okuda San Miguel

1内景/Interior view

2艺术家与轮滑者/Artist and skating boy

滑板教堂是一座位于亚内拉(阿斯图里亚斯)的老教堂。Iniciativas Habitat公司(简称IH公司) 最先将它收购下来,对其进行了初步的修复。“教堂突击队”组织随后对其实施了改造,使之成为了一座滑板爱好者的天堂。





欧库达与他的执行团队Ink and Movement,在一个众筹平台(Verkami)上发布了项目的信息,筹到了足够的资金。所有参与者和赞助人都可以挑选一件欧库达的艺术产品作为回报。


这无疑是欧库达最重要的艺术作品——一幅绘制于艺术史中经典媒介上的画作;这一创意也很快拨动了文化领域的风向标,为当代艺术的表达开辟了新的空间。(张裕翔 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

合作者/Collaborators: Okuda San Miguel, Ink and Movement, Iniciativas Habitat, Church Brigade

赞助商/Sponsor: Red Bull

其他合作方/Other Collaborators: Miller Division, Montana Colors, Socketines

摄影/photos: Elchino pomares

The so called Iglesia Skate is an ancient temple located in Llanera (Asturias) acquired in 2007 by the company Iniciativas Habitat, donors and precursors of the restoration initiative, and later converted by the collective Church Brigade in place of pilgrimage for skate culture lovers.

Built as part of the complex that once housed and gave services to workers in the explosives factory Santa Barbara, it was after the end of the Spanish Civil War when the company closed down and its facilities were abandoned. A few years ago,Casimiro Fernández and his sons acquired the church as an investment after a lifetime devotion to the international distribution of contemporary furniture (Iniciativas Habitat). precursors that alongside a group of friends decided to build a skateboard ramp within the church to host art and cultural exhibitions, reconverting space and function of the building, always in a popular fashion.

Without institutional support of any kind,in the purest DIY tradition, Iniciativas Habitat and the Church Brigade crew slowly shaped their own dream: from concerts to skate championships through barbecues and, of course, plenty of worn soles. They gave identity to this place and turned it into a temple to house his passion for skateboarding and to encourage youth culture in an unbelievable location: a church.

It is not until late 2014 when the artist Okuda San Miguel, an international representative of Spanish young emerging artist, visited the church and admired the new interpretation of the uses for such a space and the concept of meetings and activities taking place there. Somehow he visualized the perfect complement to the spirit of the new Skate Church, and proposed to express that conceptual paintings on its walls and vaults as always in churches.

In Okuda's imagery there is a recurring figure, his iconic Kaos Star, depicting a colorful and asymmetric compass that come to say that it doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing,the only important direction is to have your own references to achieve your goals, something that was clearly perceived there leading to thinking of such an amazing project as KAOS TEMpLE.

Together with Ink and Movement, his management and communication team, they published the project in a crowdfunding platform(Verkami) and reached the amount needed to make it possible. All the participants, art patrons of the twenty-first century, could choose their rewards between different types of artistic products produced by Okuda.

The artist began painting the church on November 23 and spent 7 days completing the artwork. The Skate Church was reopened to the public on December 10 and honored the presence of professional skateboarder Danny Leon, who had the mission to be the first one to ride the renewed temple.

There is no doubt that this is the most important work in Okuda's career to date, painting on one of the most characteristic media in art history; a creative expression that has quickly become a landmark of cultural convulsion promoting new spaces for contemporary art expression.

3.4施工中/Under construction

5开幕式/Opening ceremony




WEI Chunyu: This project raised the design fund through a fundraising platform, in a way similar to "crowd funding". And by introducing a bold and romantic artistic activity, DIY, into the design, it activates the abandoned church and successfully transforms it into a place full of passion and romantic spirit - a skateboard church. The design diverts the original function and presents the elegant classic structural beauty together with modern artistic aesthetics. Moreover, it provides a light-weight and pluralistic path for the organic renovation of architecture.


CUI Guanghai: Reform is an inside-out creative activity, through which they accomplished integration between modern art and classical style architecture, and transformed a church for believers into a "temple" for skating sport, where colorful paintings replaced traditional frescoes on the ceiling as amateur participation turned out to be independently organized instead of by authorities. Owing to the synchronized transformation of manipulation mechanism, function, and artistic style, both fun and success have been guaranteed in this renewal.

Kaos Temple, Asturias, Spain, 2014


布尔诺Beatified Restituta教堂