

世界建筑 2016年4期


Architects: KAAN Architecten



Architects: KAAN Architecten










1鸟瞰/Aerial view

2总平面/Site plan

3改造前/Before renovation

4 改造后/After renovation

An Enlightened Intervention Introduces Light and Space

The Medical Studies Center in the academic section of Erasmus MC is a beneficent sea of space and light under a high ceiling with lots of glass.This used to be "level 2", a paved exterior courtyard intended by the original designers to guide the user on an attractive route through the complex. The connecting space never really worked. It has now been converted into a much used atrium that connects various new educational spaces.

In history, the white high- and low-rise complex that houses Rotterdam's academic hospital was designed in 1965 by local architect OD205 in partnership with Jean prouvé. It is situated in between the Rotterdam city and the old dike of the river Maas neighbouring the museum district and park. The once advanced building had become wornout and out-dated.

Fifty-nine colloquium rooms were lacking fresh air and natural light, long hallways in between closed walls made you feel lost and the interior design of the lecture halls was spartan. Of more importance however were the effects of a major intervention on the building concept only months after the building initially opened. Originally at dike level, a large deck gave entrance to various building parts, applying the philosophical no-border idealism of the 1960's into a spatial building concept. Soon after opening, the limitless accessibility proved to be problematic. The deck entrances were closed and an escalator to the third floor was added to give access to the building. It disrupted the layout and created many dead-end areas.

The atrium contains ensconced study areas,with furniture scaled to the size of a room for study groups to settle into. The red carpet has been rolled out and together with dark walnut woods create a subdued ambience throughout the public space,which is bordered by a 35-meter long and fourfloor high bookcase. Opposite this, lecture halls protrude into the space. The study square spills over into the foyer, complete with a service counter,robust chesterfields, a window onto the city and an extensive outdoor terrace. Beyond the window,passageways that run round the edge of the square's upper reaches allow access to the lecture halls. Sculptural concrete staircases cascade from the passageways, remnants of the previous construction,once outside and now part of the interior.

Excavating new space out of existing buildings is the ultimate architectural exercise. The characteristics of the original building were thoroughly researched. While it may seem contradictory, this knowledge was strategically used to germinate a design that creates a new atmosphere. Concurrent with the pattern of the existing complex and by employing existing supports, the study Center presents itself as an open,unbound space. Various academic disciplines within the Faculty of Medicine have been brought under one roof here. The exterior view of the Center is equally imposing. Rising from the anonymous substructure is an articulated cube with an enormous window that offers a view out and a look in.

Rather than placing the different programmes,which include medicine, surgery, general medical practice and midwifery, in separate, adjacent wings,this design merges all student related programmes into one central square, where students from all of the medical disciplines meet. All back-office is located in the renovated north Center wing. The extra area needed to create the square has been gained by covering the existing enclosed outdoor area at the deck on the second floor with a monumental, column-free roof, which continues the diagonal construction lines found in the existing design. By embracing the original concept of accessibility into an indoor environment, the deck floor is rehabilitated and clear routes and easy wayfinding are guaranteed.

The idea of superimposing a new roof over part of the existing complex is an enlightened intervention. The roof itself is equally as enlightened with its man-sized hollow rafters and glass roofing. An underlying ten-by-ten meter grid structure, the maximum prefabricated size, give the ceiling a clean look along with the pattern of day-lit triangles. The roof creates a feeling of space, provides daylight and general lighting and diffuses noise. Concrete beams, a gift of the fifty year old construction, were integrated to bear the load.

The Erasmus Medical Center houses the separate entities of academic education, research and patient care facilities together under one roof. They are now connected by a wide communal corridor through the complex. Two monumental staircases designate the interior entrance to the study Center. The slim white spirals presage the sea of space and light inside.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Erasmus MC Directie Huisvesting

项目团队/project team: Allard Assies, Luca Baialardo,Timo Cardol, Sebastian van Damme,Luuk Dietz, paolo Faleschini, Raluca Firicel, Michael Geensen, Renata Gilio,Walter Hoogerwerf, Michiel van der Horst, Kees Kaan,Giuseppe Mazzaglia, Eric van Noord, Hannes Ochmann,Vincent panhuysen, Antonia Reif, Dikkie Scipio, Shy Shavit,Koen van Tienen, Aldo Trim, Noëmi Vos

项目管理/project Management: KAAN Architecten

主要承建商/Main Contractor: J.p. Van Eesteren

建筑面积/Floor Area: 34,000m2

设计时间/Design period: 2006 - 2009

建造时间/Construction period: 2010.11 - 2013.03

摄影/photos: Airophoto Schiphol/Marco van Middelkoop(fig.1), KAAN Architecten(fig.3), Bart Gosselin(fig.4,13-15), Sebastian van Damme(fig.10,11)

5三层平面/Floor 2 plan

6四层平面/Floor 3 plan

7纵剖面/Longitudinal section


9屋顶-楼梯-图书借阅区/Roof stairs library

10.11屋顶建造过程/Roof under construction

12屋顶剖面/Roof section

13学习区/Education square


15内景/Interior view





LONG Hao: Under the daylight cast from the added "big roof" atrium, which continued the diagonalline structure of the original design, proper-sized enclosed space, cozy and eye-catching white sofa,as well as the 4-storey-high bookshelf at the end of the space, are among the red carpet, dark-brown walnut floors, and white skylight and walls. This has provided the students from different disciplines of the Medicine Facultywith a new space full of the vigor of free communications; and a number of exterior and sculptural staircases are now in the atrium space of the new construction, while performing the original function of vertical transportation, they also retained the memory of people who used to study and work here in the past decades. In the field of architecture renovation featuring small-scaled, residential,recreational and historical buildings, this project has made an example, or in other words, the architect used the contemporary aesthetics and modernistic design methods to re-point out a possibility for the former avant-garde and now so-called "traditional" modernistic architecture. Certainly, technical progress and support are the foundations of this project's realization. ZHANG Li: KAAN takes a rather relaxed and clear attitude on the transforming of the old courtyard into a new learning centrer: the coherence of the new space is more important than the usual drama between the new and the old. This results in a space that is remarkablypopular. Old components are painted white and integrated into the new system. The spatial potential beneath the old auditoriums and above the staircases are explored in full. The new translucent roof and library are character makers that take the space into the 21st century. For some, the interplay of the two grids in the roof might be a little bit exaggerated,for others, that is exactly the key of the new space.

Erasmus Medical Studies Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2013


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