Some Inequalities for the Polynomial with S-Fold Zeros at the Origin


Analysis in Theory and Applications 2016年1期

Ahmad Zirehand Mahmood Bidkham

1Department of Mathematics,Shahrood University of Technology,Shahrood,Iran

2Department of Mathematics,University of Semnan,Semnan,Iran

Some Inequalities for the Polynomial with S-Fold Zeros at the Origin

Ahmad Zireh1,∗and Mahmood Bidkham2

1Department of Mathematics,Shahrood University of Technology,Shahrood,Iran

2Department of Mathematics,University of Semnan,Semnan,Iran

Abstract.Let p(z)be a polynomial of degree n,which has no zeros in|z|<1,Dewan et al.[K.K.Dewan and Sunil Hans,Generalization of certain well known polynomial inequalities,J.Math.Anal.Appl.,363(2010),pp.38–41]established

for any|β|≤1 and|z|=1.In this paper we improve the above inequality for the polynomial which has no zeros in|z|<k,k≥1,except s-fold zeros at the origin.Our results generalize certain well known polynomial inequalities.

Polynomial,s-fold zeros,inequality,maximum modulus,derivative.

AMS Subject Classifications:30A10,30C10,30D15

Analysis in Theory and Applications

Anal.Theory Appl.,Vol.32,No.1(2016),pp.27-37

1 Introduction and statement of results

Let p(z)be a polynomial of degree n,then according to a result known as Bernstein’s inequality[3]on the derivative of a polynomial,we have

The result is best possible and equality holds for the polynomials having all its zeros at the origin.

If the polynomial p(z)has all its zeros in|z|≤1,then it was proved by Turan[10]that

With equality for those polynomials which have all their zeros at the origin.

For the class of polynomials having no zeros in|z|<1,the inequality(1.1)can be replaced by

The inequality(1.3)was conjectured by Erd¨os and later proved by Lax[6].

As an extensionof the inequality(1.2)Malik[7]proved that if p(z)having all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1,then

Govil[5]improved the inequality(1.4)and proved that if p(z)is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1,then

As a refinement of the inequality(1.4)Aziz and Zargar[2]proved that if p(z)is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1,with s-fold zeros at the origin, then

Recently Dewan and Hans[4]obtained a refinement of inequalities(1.2)and(1.3).They proved that if p(z)is a polynomial of degree n and has all its zeros in|z|≤1,then for every real or complex number β with|β|≤1,

and in the case that p(z)having no zeros in|z|<1,they proved that

In this paper,we obtain an improvement and generalizations of the above inequalities. For this purpose we first present the following result which is a generalization and refinement of inequalities(1.5),(1.6)and(1.7).

Theorem 1.1.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1,with s-fold zeros at the origin where 0≤s≤n,then for every β∈C with|β|≤1 and|z|=1,

With equality for p(z)=aznwhere a∈C.

Remark 1.1.Clearly for k=1 and s=0 the inequality(1.9)reduces to the inequality(1.7).

According to Lemma 2.1,if p(z)is a polynomial of degree n,having all its zeros in |z|≤k,k≤1,with s-fold zeros at the origin,then for|z|=1,

then for every complex number β with|β|≤1,by choosing suitable argument of β we have

Combining(1.9)and(1.10)we have




Since for 0≤s<n and k≤1,we haveand for s=n we have n−s=0,therefore the following result is a refinement and extention of the inequality(1.6).

Corollary 1.1.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1,with s-fold zeros at the origin,then we have

If we take s=0 in Corollary 1.1,theninequality(1.11b)reduce to inequality(1.5).Now if we take β=−1 in Theorem 1.1,we have the following result

Corollary 1.2.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1,with s-fold zeros at the origin,then

If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n,having no zeros in|z|<k,k≥1,except s-fold zeros at the origin,i.e.,p(z)=zsh(z),where h(z)is a polynomial of degree(n−s)that does not vanish in|z|<k,k≥1,then the polynomial

is of degree n,having all its zeros in|z|≤1/k,with s-fold zeros at the origin.Also

By applying Theorem 1.1 for the polynomial q(z),we get the following result

Corollary 1.3.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n,having no zeros in|z|<k,k≥1,except s-fold zeros at the origin,then for any β∈C with|β|≤1 and|z|=1,


Finally by using Corollary 1.3,we prove the following interesting result which is a generalization of the inequality(1.8).

Theorem 1.2.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n,having no zeros in|z|<k,k≥1,except s-fold zeros at the origin,then for every complex number β with|β|≤1,

If we take k=1 in(1.14)we have

Corollary 1.4.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n,having no zeros in|z|<1,except s-fold zeros at the origin,then for every complex number β with|β|≤1,

For s=0 the inequality(1.15)reduces to the inequality(1.8).

2 Lemmas

For the proof of these theorems,we need the following lemmas.The first lemma is due to Aziz and Shah[1].

Lemma 2.1.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n,having all its zeros in the closed disk|z|≤k, k≤1,with s-fold zeros at the origin,then for|z|=1,

Lemma 2.2.Let F(z)be a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1 and f(z)be a polynomial of degree not exceeding that of F(z).If|f(z)|≤|F(z)|for|z|=k,k≤1,and F(z), f(z)have common s-fold zeros at the origin,then for every real or complex number β with|β|≤1 and|z|=1,

Proof.Let α be a complex number with|α|<1,then|αf(z)|<|F(z)|for|z|=k.It is concluded from Rouche’s Theorem,the polynomial αf(z)−F(z)has as many zeros in |z|<k as F(z)and so has all of its zeros in|z|<k,with s-fold zeros at the origin.On applying Lemma 2.1,we have for|z|=1,

Therefore for any real or complex number β with|β|<1,the polynomial



for|z|=1.This concludes that

for|z|=1.If the inequality(2.4)is not true,then there is a point z=z0with|z0|=1 such that

Now take

then|α|<1 and with this choice of α,we have from(2.3),T(z0)=0 for|z0|=1.But this contradicts the fact that T(z)6=0 for|z|=1.For β with|β|=1,the inequality(2.4)follows by continuity.This is equivalent to the desired result.

Lemma 2.3.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n with s-fold zeros at the origin,then for any β∈C with|β|≤1,k≤1 and|z|=1,

Lemma 2.4.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n with s-fold zeros at the origin and k≥1,then for any β∈C with|β|≤1 and|z|=1,


Proof.Let p(z)=zsh(z),where h(z)is a polynomial of degree n−s.Then the polynomial

is of degree n with s-fold zeros at the origin.Also

By applying Lemma 2.3 for the polynomial q(z),we get the result.

Lemma 2.5.If p(z)is a polynomial of degree n with s-fold zeros at the origin and k≥1,then for any β∈C with|β|≤1 and|z|=1,


has all its zeros in|z|≤1/k with s-fold zeros at the origin and

for|z|=1/k.Therefore,by applying Lemma 2.2 to polynomials G(k2z)and kn+sH(z),we have for|β|≤1,1/k≤1 and|z|=1,


Now by applying the inequality(2.6)and choosing a suitable argument of α,we have

By combining inequalities(2.8)and(2.9),we obtain


Making|α|→1 we have the result.

The following lemma is due to Zireh[11].

Lemma 2.6.If

is a polynomial of degree n,having all its zeros in|z|<k,(k>0),then m<kn|an|,where m= min|z|=k|p(z)|.

3 Proofs of the theorems

Proof of Theorem1.1.If p(z)has a zero on|z|=k,then=0 and the inequality (1.9)is true.Therefore we suppose that p(z)has all its zeros in|z|<k with s-fold zeros at the origin.We consider p(z)=zsh(z),where h(z)is a polynomial of degree(n−s)has all its zeros in|z|<k and h(0)6=0.Let m=and m1=then m=ksm1>0 and


for|z|=k.Therefore,if|λ|<1 then it follows by Rouche’s Theorem that the polynomial

has all its zeros in|z|<k with s-fold zeros at the origin.Also by using Lemma 2.6 the polynomial

is of degree n,for|λ|<1.On applying Lemma 2.1 to the polynomial G(z)of degree n, we get



Therefore for β with|β|<1,it can be easily verified that the polynomial


will have no zeros on|z|=1.As|λ|<1 we have for β with|β|<1 and|z|=1,


For β with|β|=1,(3.1)follows by continuity.This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.□Proof of the Theorem 1.2.Let m=min|z|=k|p(z)|.By hypothesis the polynomial p(z)has no zeros in|z|<k,except s-fold zeros at the origin.Correspondingly the polynomial

has all its zeros in|z|≤1/k with s-fold zeros at the origin and

for|z|=1/k.Then by applying Lemma 2.2 to the polynomials p(k2z)and kn+sq(z),we have for|z|=1,

If m=0,by combining inequalities(3.2)and(2.7),Theorem 1.2 follows.

Therefore we suppose that m6=0 then for every complex number λ with|λ|<1,we have

where|z|=k.Hence by Rouche’s Theorem the polynomial

has no zero in|z|<k except s-fold zeros at the origin.Therefore the polynomial

On applying Lemma 2.2 for G(k2z)and kn+sH(z),we have

By using the inequality(1.13),for an appropriate choice of the argument of λ,we have

By combining(3.3)and(3.4),we get for|z|=1 and|β|≤1,


As|λ|→1,we have

This is a conjunction with inequality(2.7),which completes the proof of Theorem 1.2.□


The authors would like to thank the referees,for the careful reading of the paper and the helpful suggestions and comments.


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8 July 2015;Accepted(in revised version)27 October 2015

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