捷克驻成都总领事诺子博接受本刊独家专访重庆签证中心6月开张 捷克欢迎你


重庆与世界 2016年6期

□ 文、图/本刊记者 熊 怡

捷克驻成都总领事诺子博接受本刊独家专访重庆签证中心6月开张 捷克欢迎你

□ 文、图/本刊记者 熊 怡

捷克驻成都总领事诺子博(Zbynek Noha)先生

2016年5月20日,捷克共和国驻成都总领事诺子博(Zbynek Noha)来到重庆,出席中国欧盟商会西南分会举办的“2016欧洲日庆典暨新任捷克驻成都总领事欢迎酒会”,并接受了本刊记者的专访。










On 20th May 2016, Mr. Zbynek Noha, the consulate of Czech Republic in Chengdu visited Chongqing and attended the “2016 anniversary of the day of Europe and the welcoming banquet for newly appointed Czech consulate in Chengdu”, which is sponsored by European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. Here is the interview.

The consulate began to work in September 2015. In February 2016, Mr. Zbynek Noha was installed as the consul. Since February this year, the consulate has issued over 1000 visas for Chinese citizens, among which Chongqing people’s tourist visas has taken up a major part. And meanwhile, the consulate is providing services for Czechish people in southwest China.

According to Mr. Zbynek Noha, the visa service center in Chongqing will mark its inception in June this year. By then, Chongqing people can apply for visas both in Chongqing and Chengdu. For the people who plan to go for a tourism or business trip to Czech, they can enjoy the utmost convenience as long as they are eligible for a Czech visa. He also said that Czech people are very friendly and the Czech architectures are fascinating. And he welcomes Chongqing people to tour, invest and study in Czech.

Czech Republic is a good-will partner of China and enjoys favorable investment climate. It has advanced technological industries and friendly humanity environment. In March 2016, President Xi paid a state visit to Czech and made a joint statement on building a strategic partnership between the two countries so as to expand cooperations in the fi eld of aviation, financial services, new technologies, auto manufacturing and mechanics.

Mr. Zbynek Noha said that Chongqing, a historical city located at the heart of China and enjoying vast market potential, is the leading city of opening-up in hinterland China. Geographically, Prague, the capital city of Czech, is also known as “ the heart of Europe”. Czech, being well industrialized, has qualified labors, fine infrastructures and convenient transportation. Many multinational companies have their offi ces in Czech due to its geographical advantages. He believes that there is still vast room for industrial, investment, cultural and educational cooperations between the two countries.

Utility aviation industry in Czech is taking the lead in the world. Light airplanes made in Czech are characterized by fast speed, long voyage distance, and etc. These kind of airplanes are suitable for private business trips or tourism. Now, a few types of light airplanes made in Czech have got the certification for flight from Civil Aviation Administration of China. Mr. Zbynek Noha said that he is looking forward to more Czech utility airplanes taking off in Chongqing. In addition, he is also seeking opportunities for the cooperations in such fields as nano technology, biotechnology, food, and Bohemia crystal.

During the 19th China-Chongqing International Investment and Trade Fair from 19th to 22th in May 2016, Czech, as one of the silk road country, had brought to Chongqing its treasured brands and products. According to Mr. Zbynek Noha, among all these brands are the 700-year-old Pilsener Beer, the natural and organic skincare BONTANICUS that has been certified by EU on a number of items for 32 years in a row, century-old Petrof, Moser crystal, and etc. All these brands now have come to Chongqing. Customers, by knowing and buying these products, can fully enjoy the charms and elegance of Czech.

Exclusive interview with Mr. Zbynek Noha, the consulate of Czech Republic in Chengdu

□ Written & Photo by Xiong Yi


An Encounter with Consuls General by the East Lake