近日,我国公安部“猎狐行动”首次从法国引渡一名逃犯。“猎狐”原是英国等西方国家的传统狩猎活动。英语译为fox hunting 或fox hunt。例如:在英格兰和威尔士,用猎犬猎狐始于16世纪,以一种合法实施的形式延续至2005 年。Fox hunting with hounds originated in the 16th century,in a form which was practised legally, until 2005, in England and Wales.
有些贪官和经济犯罪嫌疑人像狐狸一样狡猾(as sly as a fox),潜逃国外。“逃犯”,译为fugitive,意思是one who has escaped or is running away from somewhere and is trying to avoid being caught。例如: 近年来,中国有关部门已采取积极行动抓捕潜逃国外的经济逃犯。In recently years, Chinese authorities have taken active actions to capture overseas economic fugitives.
狐狸再狡猾,也斗不过好猎手。中国公安部为缉捕在逃境外经济犯罪嫌疑人,开展名为“猎狐行动”的专项行动。“猎狐行动”译为“Fox Hunt”operation 或“Fox Hunt”campaign,例如:“猎狐行动”的目标是逃离我国的贪官和经济犯罪嫌疑人。The “Fox Hunt” operation targets corrupt officials and suspected economic criminals who have fled the country.
“引渡”指“主权国家将逃亡在其境内的外国罪犯转交给要求审判该罪犯的另一国的行为”。英语译为to extradite。例如:2015年,这名中国经济逃犯被西班牙警方抓获,后被引渡回中国。In 2015,the Chinese economic fugitive was caught by the Spanish police and extradited to China.
“遣返回国”,英语译为to repatriate,意思是to send sb back to their own country。例如:一名甘肃省经济逃犯已通过中越两国公安部门合作而成功从越南遣返回国。An economic fugitive from Gansu Province has been successfully repatriated from Vietnam through the cooperation of the two countriespolice authorities.▲