

新东方英语 2016年9期




北京四合院作为民居的主要形式要追溯到元朝定都北京。“四合院”这三个汉字就体现了这种建筑形式最典型的特点:它是一个院落,四周合围,构成封闭空间。因此,我们在英语里,用quadrangle来命名“四合院”似乎比较恰当。我们来看看《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》对这个词的英文释义:“A quadrangle is an open square area with buildings around it, especially in a college or school.”从释义上看,四合院和外国朋友所理解的quadrangle是有一些区别的。因此,我们解释的时候可以多增加一些特点介绍。当然,也可以用courtyard。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》对courtyard的释义是:“A courtyard is an open area of ground which is surrounded by buildings or walls.”从英文解释上看,quadrangle和courtyard这两个单词并无太大区别,只是quadrangle更侧重表达校园的含义。有人之所以选用quadrangle还有一个原因就是它和我们所说的“四合院”中的“四”有一些联系,因为quad-这个词根的意思是“四”。


Quadrangles, also known as courtyards, have been built in Beijing ever since it first became the capital during the Yuan Dynasty. In the past they were the main form of residence there and were built in large quantities. The courtyard was enclosed by its surrounding buildings—one row on each side—and there was a gate which led outside.



Unlike western houses, Beijing courtyards were not open plan as privacy was highly valued when enjoying time with the family. Being the political and cultural center, as well as a distributing center for goods, the capital, Beijing, had a high mobility of migrants. This brought with it a cause for concern when it came to the security of peoples homes. The enclosed walls offered people a sense of security. The climate of Beijing also contributed to the high-walled design of the courtyard. Strong cold winds in winter and sandstorms in spring were annoyances to Beijingers, but the high walls provided shelter from the cold and the sand.




The orientation of the courtyard followed that of the Emperors palaces (such as the Forbidden City), facing south towards the sun. The ancient Chinese believed that the positioning of the house to face south was in accordance with nature. The belief that complying with the law of nature grants benefits to health, mood and even the luck of the whole family has been widely-accepted throughout the whole of Chinese civilization.

和北京城市的布局一样,四合院的建筑也遵照了“对称”原则。一个大户人家完整的四合院由南向北包含了大门前的影壁(outside screen wall)、宅门(house gate)、倒座房(亦称“南房”,southern room)、进门后的影壁(inside screen wall)、抄手游廊(veranda)、垂花门(floral pendant gate)、东西厢房(eastern and western wing rooms)、庭院(yard)、正房(亦称“北房”,principal room)、耳房(side room)和后罩房(back room)。中国古代讲究长幼尊卑,男尊女卑,这些也都体现在四合院里各种类型房屋在家庭成员中的分配。正房作为四合院内最好的房屋,是家庭里年长的“家长”起居的地方。东西厢房分别是长子和次子的住所。倒座房一般是给佣人住的,而后罩房主要是未出嫁的女儿的闺房和佣人的房间。


The concept of “symmetry” was also applied to the architectural design of courtyards, and this is very evident in the design of the capital city. Moving from south to north, a standard courtyard consisted of an outside screen wall, a house gate, southern rooms, an inside screen wall, a veranda (porch), a floral pendant gate, eastern and western wing rooms, a yard and principal (north) rooms with side rooms and back rooms. The ancient Chinese culture stressed the hierarchy of old and young, man and woman, and this manifested itself in the arrangements of rooms in a courtyard. Being the best rooms, the principal rooms were for the family elders. The eastern and western wing rooms were the eldest and second sons homes respectively. Servants resided in the southern rooms and the unmarried daughters and some other servants dwelled in the back rooms.




The yard, located in the center of the courtyard, formed the heart of courtyard culture. All the doors of the principal rooms and wing rooms opened onto the yard, so that when standing inside the rooms, one had a wide view of the trees, flowers, grass and other plants in the yard. As winter left and spring came, and summer passed and autumn appeared, the buds, flowers and fruit each told their own stories as part of the cycle of life. There were also goldfish tanks and birdcages to be found in the courtyard. Fish swam vigorously and freely, birds sang melodiously and delightedly, and the color of life shone brightly. The courtyard highlighted the philosophical idea of traditional Chinese culture that man, when existing harmoniously with nature, is an integral part of nature.



As a bond of kinship and testimony to the continuity of the family, the courtyard is a combination of Chinese peoples dreams and living reality. The enclosed courtyard is our spiritual home where we can cherish family life and family affections.


The beauty of quadrangle courtyards美丽的四合院
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Yard Work庭院杂事