关新辉,李 丽,梁 勇
Department of Ophthalmology, the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830054, China
Correspondence to:Yong Liang. Department of Ophthalmology, the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830054, China. iohey@163.com
•AIM:To evaluate the ability of Cirrus spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT)-guided progression analysis (GPA) software to detect glaucomatous progression in primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) patients.
•METHODS:Longitudinal study. The study examined 45 eyes of 36 patients with POAG over a 2y period. All eyes underwent at least four serial retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness measurements performed by Cirrus OCT, with the first and last measurement separated by at least 2y. Visual field (VF) testing was performed by using the Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) Standard 30-2 program of the Humphrey field analyzer within the same week as the optic disc/RNFL photography. Serial RNFL thickness were assessed by the GPA software program. Glaucomatous eyes were classified as either early or advanced stage according to VF severity. At the same time each eye was labeled with status of RNFL (diffuse RNFL defect; localized RNFL defect; no RNFL defect; unidentifiable RNFL status) based on baseline RNFL photographs. Reference standard of glaucoma progression was defined by expert assessment of optic disc/RNFL photographs or VF data. Sensitivity and specificity of OCT GPA, as well as agreement between OCT GPA findings and each reference standard data were estimated.
•RESULTS: Eighteen eyes showed progression by optic disc/RNFL photographs or VF data, while 15 eyes by OCT GPA. When expert assessment of optic disc/RNFL photographs and VF data was used as the reference standard, the sensitivity and specificity of OCT GPA employed to detect glaucoma progression were 38.9% and 70.4%. Agreement between OCT GPA and either optic disc/RNFL photographic evaluation or VF analysis was poor (к=0.211, -0.036 respectively). When expert assessment of optic disc/RNFL photographs was used as the reference standard, 6 eyes were detected progression only by photographs, 2 eyes showed a new disc hemorrhage while 4 eyes with optic disc rim thinning. Among 9 eyes processed only by OCT GPA, 8 eyes were in early stage of POAG, of which 5 eyes had a diffuse RNFL defect and 2 eyes with no RNFL defect at baseline. VF analysis used as the reference standard, 7 eyes were detected progression only by VF testing, of which 5 eyes in advanced stage of POAG. Twelve eyes were processed only by OCT GPA, of which 10 in early stage of POAG.
•CONCLUSION:The Cirrus OCT GPA is more sensitive in eyes with a diffuse RNFL defect and may be useful for progression detection in earlier stage of glaucoma to complement other reference standard strategies.
目的:探讨频域光学相干断层扫描(spectral-domain optical coherence tomography,SD-OCT)的青光眼进展引导分析(guided progression analysis,GPA)技术在判断原发性开角型青光眼(primary open angle glaucoma,POAG)进展中的作用。
方法:随访36例45眼POAG患者2a,行视盘OCT、眼底照相及视野检查,至少有4次可信的OCT检查结果。根据视野结果将受试者划分为早期和中晚期。根据基线眼底照相判断视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)情况(弥漫RNFL缺损、局限缺损、无缺损及无法判断缺损者)。由两位青光眼专家根据眼底照相及视野结果将其分为进展型及非进展型。分析OCT-GPA技术同视野、眼底照相判断的一致性,计算灵敏度及特异度。
引用:关新辉,李丽,梁勇. OCT-GPA技术在监测原发性开角型青光眼进展中的作用.国际眼科杂志2016;16(9):1687-1691
原发性开角型青光眼是一组具有特征性视网膜神经纤维损害和视野缺损的进行性致盲性眼病。起病及进展隐匿,损害多不可逆,有效的病情监测对原发性开角型青光眼(primary open angle glaucoma,POAG)患者管理极为重要。全面准确判断POAG进展情况应同时行结构性及功能性检查[1]。视野是目前较公认的功能性判断指标,许多大型多中心青光眼临床试验均以此为标准[2-4],但其有一定的滞后性、主观性及波动性。眼底照相为结构性定性判断,专家意见亦可存在较明显的差异[5-6]。目前尚无判断青光眼进展的结构性金标准。光学相干断层扫描作为一种非接触性、非侵入性、高分辨率的生物组织结构显像技术,已成为青光眼眼底结构客观定量检测的重要方法[7-10]。文献报道其不仅有助于POAG的早期诊断,更可用于监测青光眼进展[11-17]。光学相干断层扫描成像青光眼进展引导分析技术(optical coherence tomography-guided progression analysis,OCT-GPA)技术通过追踪视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)厚度序列变化,自动排列比较基线及随访图像,像素比对,提供可视化的RNFL变化区域及RNFL厚度变化数值,从而判断青光眼进展情况。
1.2方法受试者均行视盘眼底照相、Humphrey视野(中心30-2程序)及视盘OCT(Cirrus HD-OCT,Carl Zeiss Meditec,Dublin,CA)检查,各项检查间隔时间在1wk内,随访2a,OCT至少有4次可信结果。
1.2.1眼底照相眼底照相为对视盘20°范围照相及RNFL 45°范围无赤光照相。在患眼散瞳后,由技术熟练的同一技师采用眼底彩色照相机获取。两位青光眼专家采用双盲法独立评估基线眼底照相,将受试者分为弥漫性RNFL缺损、局限楔状缺损、无明显RNFL缺损及不确定RNFL缺损者。弥漫及局限楔状缺损混合者划为弥漫性缺损。不确定RNFL缺损多因为盘周色素沉着及绝对期青光眼。两位青光眼专家采用双盲法独立评估2a内眼底照相结果,判断青光眼进展与否及注明判断依据。当意见不一致时,以第三位青光眼专家判断为准。眼底照相中盘沿变窄、RNFL缺损增宽加深或出现新的RNFL缺损、新的盘周出血判定为青光眼进展[18-20]。
1.2.3视盘OCT检查所有受试者均进行Cirrus HD-OCT检查。扫描模式为“optic disc cube mode”,为6mm×6mm×2mm立体扫描,分析计算直径3.46mm圆周上的RNFL平均、象限及钟点厚度。信号强度≥5并无眨眼、头位等引起假阳性结果等认为结果可信。均进行GPA分析。各次检查均在同一条件下由同一熟练技师操作。GPA分析时要求核对眼别、采用可信结果比较。Cirrus SD-OCT GPA技术分析内容包括视网膜神经纤维层厚度地图(RNFL thickness maps)、神经纤维层厚度散点图(RNFL thickness value)及神经纤维层厚度折线图(RNFL thickness profiles),见图1。本研究中可能进展(Possible Progression)和极可能进展(Likely Progression)均视为青光眼进展。
图1Cirrus HD-OCT RNFL GPA随访报告A:视网膜神经纤维层厚度地图;B:神经纤维层厚度散点图;C:神经纤维层厚度折线图。
统计学分析:采用SPSS 22.0统计软件,以眼底照相和/或视野判断青光眼进展为标准,对OCT-GPA判断数据进行配对卡方检验,计算OCT-GPA技术灵敏度、特异度及Kappa值。以P≤0.05为差异具有统计学意义。
2.3 OCT-GPA判断POAG进展情况OCT-GPA共判断15眼为青光眼进展,其中早期12眼、中晚期3眼。同眼底照相及视野结果一致性详见图2。26眼被至少3种检查中的一种判断为青光眼进展。8眼仅OCT-GPA判断为进展,11眼仅视野和/或眼底照相判断进展,9眼被3种检查中至少2种判断为进展。其各组基线信息见表2。仅由眼底照相和/或视野判断进展的受试者基线视功能情况更差。
2.4 OCT-GPA同视野、眼底照相一致性分析以眼底照相及视野结果为判断标准,OCT-GPA技术总体判断POAG进展的灵敏度、特异度分别为38.9%和70.40%,Kappa值为0.095,一致性差。单项检查为判断标准,OCT-GPA同眼底照相早期组一致性最佳(κ值=0.253)。OCT-GPA技术和不同判断标准的一致性详见表3。
青光眼病理损害基础是视网膜神经节细胞及其轴突(神经纤维)的进行性损害,通常表现为视盘形态和RNFL厚度的改变[22]。当视网膜神经节细胞凋亡达到30%以上,方出现临床上可以检测到的视野缺损[23]。青光眼进展可以是结构性和(或)功能性的改变[24]。SD-OCT因其更快的扫描速率、更高的分辨率及眼球追踪技术,检查结果有较好的可重复性,目前正越来越多地被应用于青光眼诊断和病情进展监测[25]。Cirrus HD-OCT GPA技术是2009年引入配置,通过追踪RNFL序列变化,自动排列比较基线及随访图像,像素比对,提供可视化的RNFL变化区域及RNFL厚度变化数值,从而判断青光眼进展情况[25]。
以眼底照相为判断标准,仅眼底照相判断进展者6眼,2眼为新的盘周出血,4眼为盘沿变窄。考虑盘周出血,OCT-GPA无法识别,同时出血引起神经纤维层水肿,反而出现RNFL厚度增厚,故OCT-GPA判断为假阴性。4眼盘沿变窄,其中3眼为中晚期,OCT-GPA均未能识别,考虑同中晚期RNFL厚度已明显变薄,盘沿变窄,RNFL厚度变化未能让OCT-GPA识别可能。提示OCT-GPA技术在中晚期POAG盘沿变化方面识别度较差。Jong等应用Cirrus SD-OCT GPA发现其对于视盘形态改变灵敏度低,分析同其侧重RNFL厚度测量相关[26],本研究结果符合其发现。同时,仅OCT-GPA判断为进展者9眼,1眼为中晚期,其基线眼底照相为不确定RNFL缺损者,因绝对期青光眼无法判断RNFL缺损。8眼为早期,其中5眼基线眼底照相提示为弥漫性RNFL缺损,2眼无明显RNFL缺损。考虑可能因弥漫性RNFL缺损,眼底照相不易判断,而OCT在测量RNFL厚度方面有定量优势,推测OCT-GPA在判断早期弥漫性RNFL缺损类型的POAG进展方面有一定优势,但上述病例仍需较长时间大样本观察,也不排除OCT-GPA假阳性可能。6眼眼底照相及OCT-GPA判断一致,其中5眼为早期,提示OCT-GPA可能在判断早期POAG进展上有一定优势。
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Clinical role of Cirrus optical coherence tomography-guided progression analysis in detecting glaucomatous progression
Xin-Hui Guan, Li Li, Yong Liang
Special Scientific Research Foundation for Young Scientific and Technological Talents of Health and Family Planning Commission of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (No.2014Y10)
•spectral-domain optical coherence tomography; primary open angle glaucoma; guided progression analysis; optic disc photography
Guan XH, Li L, Liang Y. Clinical role of Cirrus optical coherence tomography-guided progression analysis in detecting glaucomatous progression.GuojiYankeZazhi(IntEyeSci) 2016;16(9):1687-1691