

中国人兽共患病学报 2016年7期

冯永杰, 王英华, 杨玉荣


冯永杰1, 王英华2, 杨玉荣1



Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30800812) and the Scientific and Technological Project of Henan Province (No. B20140841)


1 材料与方法

1.1材料2014年10月到2015年5月,从河南、江苏和浙江3省(羊总饲养量约6 000万只)共采集农村散养湖羊绵羊血液样品522份(Epi Info7.1.5分析最低样本量为384只),分别来自河南67份,江苏247份,浙江208份。采集颈静脉血液,离心获得血清,血清-20 ℃保存。并对羊进行流行病学调查,详细记录地域、性别、年龄、流产史等信息。

1.2IFAT和MAT检测新孢子虫和弓形虫抗体绵羊血清的弓形虫抗体采用改良凝集法(modified agglutination test,MAT)检测[1,11]。采用间接免疫荧光(indirect fluorescent antibody test,IFAT)方法检测新孢子虫的抗体。每板均设置阳性、阴性和空白对照,被检血清抗体效价达到或超过1∶25者判定为弓形虫阳性[1],达到或超过1∶50判定为新孢子虫阳性[12-13],新孢子虫速殖子虫体表面呈现均一亮度的绿色为阳性[14]。IFAT采用的二抗为异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)标记的兔抗绵羊IgG抗体(Abcam 公司,产品批号:ab150181)。经过福尔马林溶液固定纯化的含有全抗原的弓形虫速殖子购买于Kerafast 公司(产品批号:EH2002)。

1.3统计学分析数据采用软件Graph Pad Prism 4.0 进行统计分析。运用卡方检验或F检验判定绵羊的性别、日龄、流产史和地域与其感染这两种原虫之间存在的相关风险关系。当P<0.05则认为差异有统计学意义,即该因子是感染寄生虫的风险因子。

2 结 果

绵羊新孢子虫病的总感染率为11.88%(62/522,95% CI=14.76~21.34),弓形虫病的阳性率为17.81%(93/522,95% CI=9.36~14.95)。两种原虫的混合感染率为3.45%(18/522, 95% CI=2.16~5.42)。



Tab.1Seroprevalence of T. gondii and N. caninum infection in sheep



Tab.2Odds ratio of geographical origin, gender, abortion history and age of sheep as risk factors for T. gondii and N. caninum antibody


比值比:Odds ratio(OR); “*”差异有统计学意义“*” indicates significant differences.

3 讨 论





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Seroprevalence and risk factors of sheep in neosporosis and toxoplasmosis

FENG Yong-jie1, WANG Ying-hua2, YANG Yu-rong1


The aim of this research was to investigate the neosporosis and toxoplasmosis for sheep in Henan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and analyze the risk factors of infection, and provide a foundation of prevention and control in this two parasitosis for sheep and monitoring in mutton safety. The indirect fluorescent antibody test(IFAT) and modified agglutination test(MAT) were used to detect the antibodies ofNeosporacaninumandToxoplasmagondii. Odds ratio(OR) andPvalue were analyzed to distinguish the correlativity of risk factors. The results showed that the seropositive ofNeosporacaninumwas 11.88%(62/522), and the infection rate of toxoplasmosis was 17.81%(93/522). Abortion history and region of sheep were the infection risk factors of toxoplasmosis(P<0.05), but not for neosporosis(P>0.05). Meanwhile, gender and age had no relationship of infection in sheep for this two protozoons(P>0.05). In conclusion, a high positive infection percentage for neosporosis and toxoplasmosis in sheep in Henan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Improving and reinforcing the prevention and control measures were urgent, and safety of sheep meat should be focused. This was the first report of the infection of neosporosis in sheep from central and eastern China.

sheep; neosporosis; toxoplasmosis; risk factors; seroprevalence

Yang Yu-rong, Email:









国家自然科学基金 (No. 30800812);河南省科技攻关项目(No.B20140841)


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