On Getting And Giving
“In the long run we get no more than we have been willing to risk giving.” —Sheldon Kopp
“长远来看,我们的投入与所得往往是成正比的。” ─Sheldon Kopp
Fear tells us to hold on for dear life or else something bad might happen. Fear tells us to cling to the people we love so that we will not lose them. Fear tells us not to share what we have or else we might not have enough. Fear tells us not to spend any money because we might need it for a rainy day. Fear is the voice that says, “Dont let go,” but its only when we release and free our arms that were ready to receive.
We generally dont open ourselves to what might be when were cowering in fear. Of course, there is always going to be the possibility of loss in life. Some risks dont pay off, and theres no way to get around that. But the only way to get to the ones that do pay off is to decide the possibility is worth the risk.
I havent always been trusting in love. I havent always been generous with what I have. But now I choose possibility over fear. Do you?
(Have you ever missed some good chances because of fear?)endprint