【摘要】 目的 探讨床旁超声在新生儿颅内出血诊断中的价值。方法 200例颅内出血患儿, 所有患儿均采用常规床旁超声检查, 观察超声诊断与CT诊断符合率及比较早产儿及足月新生儿的床旁超声诊断情况。结果 新生儿床旁超声诊断符合率为87.0%, 早产儿脑室-脑室周围出血发生率97.6%明显高于足月儿64.0%(P<0.05), 漏诊率2.4%低于足月儿30.7%(P<0.05)。结论 床旁超声无创, 操作方便, 且能避免体位改变导致血液波动诱发或加重颅内出血, 从而减少患儿病死、病残的风险。
【关键词】 新生儿颅内出血;床旁超声;肌酸激酶同工酶
Diagnostic value of bedside ultrasound for neonatal intracranial hemorrhage YANG Yun-hui. Department of Ultrasound, Shandong Liaocheng Guanxian Central Hospital, Liaocheng 252500, China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate value of bedside ultrasound in diagnosis of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage. Methods A total of 200 infants with intracranial hemorrhage all received conventional bedside ultrasound examination to observe diagnostic accordance rates by ultrasound and CT, along with comparison of bedside ultrasound diagnosis between premature infants and full-term infants. Results Diagnostic accordance rate by bedside ultrasound was 87.0%. Incidence of ventricular - periventricular hemorrhage was obviously higher in premature infants as 97.6% than 64.0% in full-term infants (P<0.05). Premature infants had lower misdiagnosis rate as 2.4% than 30.7% of full-term infants (P<0.05). Conclusion Bedside ultrasound is noninvasive and convenient for operation, and it avoid blood fluctuation-induced intracranial hemorrhage during body position changing. This method can reduce risks of morality and disability.
【Key words】 Neonatal intracranial hemorrhage; Bedside ultrasound; Creatine kinase isoenzyme