建筑设计: 帕耶特建筑事务所Architects: Payette
建筑设计: 帕耶特建筑事务所
Architects: Payette
1 外景/Exterior view
2 总平面/Site plan
3 未来扩充的灵活性/Future expansion fexibility
虽然大多数研究楼都采用内力驱动的方式,但这栋研究楼中整合了在各个方向精准调节的日光控制策略,这项重要的措施有助于控制日照受热,以满足在外围低承重区域消除机械制冷的需求。另外我们还精心设计了密质的保温外围护(R值=28)来减缓寒冷月份的热量流失,以此最大限度地减少补偿性供暖的使用。为了应对狭长的西立面,我们设计了一条“热走廊”作为缓冲区,也可称之为室内外之间的一层“毛衣”。这层隔热衣拥有足够的热容区间(55°~ 85°C),来调节室外温度和精确控制的实验室热环境。木质遮阳百叶与玻璃幕墙结合,使室内光线更为柔和,减小该纬度地区常见的眩光。
生物科学研究楼是一个示范性项目,它极大地降低材料的环境影响、优化建筑性能、提升室内舒适度。例如,预制混凝土的上层结构含有30%的磨细矿渣,能够节省32.21亿焦耳的建材能耗。上层结构是在工厂预制的,进一步降低碳足迹,减少了建造过程的浪费。外饰面材料的选择也极力降低制造、运输及现场安装过程的能耗及污染。玄武岩石材、蒸榉木木材、外立面涂料及玻璃幕墙都是当地生产的。最终,这座建筑最大限度地减小了材料对环境的损耗,同时它的材料组合又很好地融入了爱尔兰的气候以及周边的景观环境。□(黄华青 译)
Te design of the Biosciences Research Building (BRB) at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) embraces the moderate climate of Ireland. By locating low-load spaces along the perimeter of the building, the project is able to take advantage of natural ventilation as the sole conditioning strategy for the majority of a year and is supplemented less than 10% of the year with radiant heating. Due to this approach, 45% of this intensive research building is able to function without mechanical ventilation. Tis is an extremely simple, yet radical approach and is rarely implemented to even a modest extent in similar laboratories in comparable U.S. climates.
Designed in 2009, the BRB was one of the frst labs in the world to implement this new planning strategy. Low energy use spaces, such as writing carrels, offices and interaction spaces can be grouped along the perimeter to lower ventilation rates and optimize the opportunity for ample natural ventilation and daylighting. The "layered lab" concept also achieves a programmatic efciency creating a compact and productive layout comprised of reconfgurable benches, coupled with lab support rooms. The increase in programmatic efficiency allowed the research to grow by 33% by increasing lab density from 2 to 3 bench positions per lab bench. This was achieved without a change to the building footprint, dramatically reducing the energy consumption per bench position.
While research buildings are typically internally load-driven buildings, the integration of a sun control strategy tuned to each orientation was an important component to control solar gain given the desire to eliminate mechanical cooling from the lowload perimeter spaces. There was careful detailing for a tight thermal envelope (R-value 28) to impede heat loss in the cooler months in order to minimize the need for supplemental heating. To deal with the long western façade of the building, a "thermal corridor" acts as a buffer, or "sweater", between the interior and exterior. The thermal sweater was allowed to have an expanded temperature range (55° ~ 85°C) to mediate between the closely controlled thermal environment of the lab and the exterior. The wooden slats integrated into the curtain wall create more fltered light and reduce glare, a chronic condition at this latitude.
The BRB is a prototypical project that minimizes the environmental impact of materials,maximizes building performance and optimizes the occupant comfort. For example, the precast concrete superstructure contains the 30% Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag resulting in the saving of 3221 gigajoules of embodied energy. The superstructure was also pre-fabricated offsite to reduce the carbon footprint and minimize construction waste. Finishes were selected to minimize the amount of energy/pollution required to manufacture, ship to site and erect. The basalt stone, steamed beech millwork, exterior and stucco and curtain wall were all locally sourced. Te result is a building that minimizes the impact of its materials on the environment, while creating a material palate that embraces the Irish climate and views of the surrounding landscape.
4 外景/Exterior view
5 立面细部/Facade detail
项目信息/Credits and Data
业主项目策划经理/Owner's Program Manager: Davis Langdon Ltd. (an AECOM company)
结构工程师/Structural Engineers: Barrett Mahony Consulting Engineers
机电暖通工程师/MEP Engineers: Homan O'Brien
景观设计/Landscape Architects: Mitchell + Associates
承建商/Contractor: J.J. Rhatigan & Co.
施工图/Architect of Record: Reddy Architecture + Urbanism建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 8000m2
每平方米造价/Cost per square meter: $4590
结构造价/Construction Cost: $36,720,000
竣工日期/Completion: 2014
摄影/Photos: Warren Jagger Photography
6 土地使用与生态策略/Land use and site ecology strategies
7.8 中庭/Atrium
9 热走廊/Termal corridor
10 实验室/Laboratory
WANG Haisong: This is an environment-friendly building that subtly deals with the natural ventilation and heat preservation. Owing to the overall matching between the interior space, furniture layout and facade fenestration location, parts of the building space are naturally ventilated in most time of the year. Te west corridor, reading room, public space and some ofces can be arranged as the "hot buffer space" for the kernel space, which can reduce the energy consumption of central air conditioners in the central core space. Te space enclosing structure is decorated with glass curtain walls and built-in wooden shutters, which can fexibly control sun lights.
FAN Lu: In the project of Biosciences Research Building (BRB), building energy savings by design and by technologies are integrated effectively. Trough the increase in programmatic efciency, the energy use for mechanical ventilation and the energy consumption per lab bench are dramatically reduced. Through applications of sunlight control, tight thermal envelope and "thermal corridor", the need for supplemental heating or cooling is minimized. In addition, building materials in this project are elaborately chosen to minimize the environmental impact. Finally, the BRB is regarded as a prototypical project which not only embraces the Irish climate but fts in the scenes of the surrounding landscape as well.
11 水循环策略/Water cycle strategies
12 能源策略/Energy strategies
Biosciences Research Building, Galway, Ireland, 2014