Walking In The Rain
The night is colored with dark blue and the stars are hiding behind the soft orange cotton as they are playing the hide-and-seek with the beautiful white snow — the Moon.
The air is full of moisture which is refreshing and I am walking in the rain. My brown umbrella is protecting me like a brave guard even though the rain is small. He doesnt allow any playful rain drops to wet me but I think he is over sensitive. They are just dancing happily on my umbrella. The childish rain drops flow on the smooth greenish with some leaves who are busy catching the rain with their full attention as they dont want the “children” to get hurt. The rambutans flowers get some “diamonds” to beautify their rosy soft hair. Even the proud purple bauhinias save them. Maybe every lady likes make-up.
Near the root of a tree, a cricket is singing. Although he is brown and quite ugly, he has a very good voice. “Ah! What a wonderful rain and my heart flies with the rain,” he sings. Through the lovely song, my heart is flowing like the river. When I am enjoying it, a rain drop falls into my mouth. It is cold but a bit sweet. The sweetness disappears in my mouth and I think, “Isnt it full of joy walking in the rain?”
(Do you think the author has well presented the beautiful rain scenes?)endprint