In this classic novel, E. B. White tells the memorable story of Wilbur, a little pig who becomes famous with the help of his clever friend Charlotte and their chatty1) animal neighbors. As the runt2) of the litter3), Wilbur struggles to survive from the very beginning. Fern begs her father to raise Wilbur and nurse him to health. Fern succeeds and Wilbur moves to Zuckerman Farm, where he learns the true meaning of friendship from the wise gray spider Charlotte. When it becomes apparent that Wilbur is being well fed for a reason, Charlotte and Wilbur are determined to foil4) Mr. Zuckerman's plans. With the help of Charlotte and her "terrific" webs, Templeton the rat and other farm friends, Wilbur becomes the prize-winning pig of the County Fair and the most famous pig ever.
在这本经典小说中,E. B. 怀特讲述了小猪威尔伯在他那机智的朋友夏洛特和那些爱聊天的动物邻居的帮助下成名的动人故事。威尔伯是一窝猪仔中个头最小的,他从一出生就在努力活下去。弗恩恳求父亲让她喂养威尔伯并照顾他直到他长壮实些。她做到了,于是威尔伯搬到了朱克曼农场。在农场里,他结识了聪明的灰蜘蛛夏洛特,并从她那儿领悟到了友谊的真谛。当真相渐渐明朗,威尔伯享受好吃好喝的待遇原来是人们另有所图,夏洛特和威尔伯决定破坏农场主朱克曼先生的计划。在夏洛特和她织就的一张张“了不起的”蛛网、老鼠坦普尔顿以及农场里的其他朋友的帮助下,威尔伯在县农产品展上获奖,并成为有史以来最有名气的猪。
* You have been my friend ... That in itself is a tremendous thing. 你一直是我的朋友……这一点本身就是一件绝妙的事情。
* After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. 归根结底,生活究竟是什么?我们出生,然后短暂地活着,最后死去。