

贵州医科大学学报 2016年6期

黄惠敏, 潘敏欢, 霍毅婷, 石 斐, 梁楚琴, 孙宝清

(广州医科大学附属第一医院 广州呼吸疾病研究所 呼吸疾病国家重点实验室 国家呼吸疾病临床医学研究中心 广州医科大学, 广东 广州 510120)



黄惠敏, 潘敏欢, 霍毅婷, 石斐, 梁楚琴, 孙宝清**

(广州医科大学附属第一医院 广州呼吸疾病研究所 呼吸疾病国家重点实验室 国家呼吸疾病临床医学研究中心 广州医科大学, 广东 广州510120)

[摘要]目的: 了解变应性疾病患儿食物过敏现状及危险因素。方法: 选取怀疑食物过敏的变应性疾病患儿401例,通过问卷调查,结合食物特异性免疫球蛋白E(sIgE)检测结果,分析常见食物中蛋清、牛奶、虾、蟹、大豆和花生sIgE的阳性率, 患儿食物过敏特征和报告率,食物sIgE阳性率与自述食物过敏报告率及家族过敏史的关系。结果: 患儿自述食物过敏报告率为34.4%,诱发过敏反应的食物主要为牛奶(14.7%)、鸡蛋(12.5%)和虾(7.0%);进食过敏食物后的症状以皮肤症状为主(41.3%);食物sIgE阳性率与自述食物过敏报告率相比, 牛奶、蛋清和花生sIgE阳性率高于自述食物过敏的报告率(P<0.01), 而虾、蟹和大豆sIgE阳性率与自述食物过敏的报告率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在不同sIgE级别组中,虾和蟹sIgE低级别组和高级别组自述食物过敏报告率高于阴性组(P<0.05),但蛋清、牛奶、花生和大豆在各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);70.6%食物过敏患儿有家族过敏史,有家族过敏史患儿中以男孩患过敏性疾病几率较女孩高(p<0.01);父母双方过敏家庭的患儿蛋清sIgE阳性率、仅父亲过敏家庭的患儿牛奶sIgE阳性率均高于无家族过敏史患儿(P<0.05);多因素Logistic回归分析显示,父母均过敏的患儿自述食物过敏发生率高于非父母均过敏患儿(OR=1.91,95%CI: 1.07~3.42);春夏出生患儿自述食物过敏报告率低于秋冬出生患儿(OR=0.644,95%CI: 0.42~0.99)。结论: 有家族过敏史的婴幼儿是食物过敏高风险人群,这些家长应加强食物过敏的防范意识,尽早发现和干预,阻断或减缓变应性疾病的进程。

[关键词]食物过敏; 变性反应性疾病; 免疫球蛋白E; 问卷; 危险因素

食物过敏(food allergy, FA)也称为食物变态反应,是由于人体对某种食物或食品添加剂等引起的免疫球蛋白E(IgE)介导和非IgE介导而导致的消化系统内或全身性的变态反应,临床上可表现为皮肤、消化道或呼吸道等过敏症状,严重时可诱发急性过敏反应[1-3]。全球范围内食物过敏流行趋势日趋严重,带来的疾病负担和经济损失已不容忽视[4-7]。近几年随着现代生活的饮食结构改变,我国儿童食物过敏发病率呈上升趋势。本文通过问卷调查,了解变应性疾病患儿的临床特征及家族史,结合患儿食物sIgE的水平,综合分析食物过敏的危险因素。





参考国际通用的国际儿童哮喘与过敏性疾病研究调查问卷(the international study of asthma and allergies in childhood,ISAAC),并结合广东省过敏性疾病流行病学特征设计调查问卷,内容包括患儿性别、年龄、身高、体重、过敏性疾病史、食物过敏情况(过敏的食物、食物过敏症状、食物过敏次数、首发食物过敏年龄、食物过敏反应与进食后的时间间隔和诱发食物过敏反应的量)、家族史、母乳喂养史、饮食及生活习惯等相关信息。问卷采取电话回访形式,由经过统一培训的医学调查员,对调查对象的抚养人进行电话回访。所有问卷均经过严格筛查,资料录入前对原始资料进行核对检查,去除未填写完整或较为含糊的问卷,采用双向录入方法。


用带分离凝胶的促凝管取患儿静脉血4 mL,室温凝血60 min,3 000 r/min 离心10 min,将血清分离以备检测。应用ALLERGY-O-LIQ系统(Fooke 公司,德国),采用酶联免疫捕获法检测常见食物sIgE(常见食物是指儿童平时膳食经常会添加,且sIgE阳性率较高的食物,有蛋清、牛奶、虾、蟹、花生和大豆),检测蛋清和牛奶401例,虾315例,蟹311例,花生317例,大豆313例。sIgE浓度值≥0.35 IU/mL即为阳性。


采用EpiData 3.02建立数据库,进行数据录入校对。用SPSS 22.0软件进行统计分析,非正态分布资料用中位数(四分位数间距)进行描述,采用χ2检验比较组间阳性率差异;用Binomial方法进行双亲过敏史与患儿性别的二项分布检验;患儿自述食物过敏的危险因素分析采用Logistic回归分析方法;P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。





纳入研究患儿自述食物过敏报告率为34.4%,自述食物过敏报告率在不同性别间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。自述食物过敏的患儿中,74.6%的患儿初次发生食物过敏的年龄≤3岁;发生2次以上食物过敏的患儿占过敏人数的52.9%,2 h内发生食物过敏反应的患儿占44.2%,61.6%的患儿只需接触少量食物就能导致过敏症状的发生,自述过敏的各种食物报告率分别为牛奶14.7%、鸡蛋12.5%、虾7.0%、蟹3.2%、鱼1.5%、大豆1.2%、牛肉1.2%、花生1.0%。进食过敏食物后,41.3%的患儿出现荨麻疹、湿疹等皮肤症状,17.4%的患儿出现咳嗽、气喘等呼吸道症状,16.7%的患儿出现呕吐、腹泻等消化道症状;两个及以上系统出现症状占13.8%,其中以皮肤和消化道合并症状为主,占7.2%,见表1。


检测食物sIgE的患儿中,男性284例,女性117例,各种食物sIgE抗体阳性率在不同性别比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。牛奶 sIgE阳性率最高(66.1%),其次为蛋清(58.4%)。牛奶sIgE抗体阳性率随年龄组的增长而降低,各组间阳性率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),学龄组蛋清sIgE抗体阳性率低于婴幼儿组和和学龄前组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。学龄组虾和蟹sIgE抗体阳性率高于婴幼儿组。见表2。食物sIgE阳性率与自述食物过敏报告率相比,牛奶、蛋清和花生sIgE阳性率高于自述食物过敏的报告率(P<0.01),而虾、蟹和大豆sIgE阳性率与自述食物过敏的报告率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。将6种食物过敏原按sIgE级别分为阴性组,低级别组(1~2级)和高级别组(3~6级),其中虾和蟹低级别组和高级别组自述食物过敏报告率高于阴性组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),蛋清、牛奶、花生和大豆在各组间没有统计学差异(P>0.05),见表3。

表1 401例变应性疾病患儿基础资料

表2 不同年龄组患儿食物sIgE抗体阳性率分布


表3 401例患儿不同食物sIgE阳性率及自述食物过敏报告率(%)





以性别、地区、年龄、出生季节、是否母乳喂养,母乳喂养时间、纯母乳喂养时间、仅父亲过敏、仅母亲过敏、父母都过敏、有否补充维生素D等因素作为自变量,自述食物过敏为因变量进行单因素Logistic回归分析,结果显示,季节(OR=0.63,95%CI:0.41~0.96)和父母都过敏(OR=1.97, 95%CI:1.11~3.52)与患儿自述食物过敏相关,见表5。将出生季节与双亲过敏史纳入多因素Logistic回归分析,结果显示春夏出生患儿自述食物过敏是秋冬出生患儿的0.644倍(95%CI: 0.42~0.99),春夏出生是患儿自述食物过敏的保护因素;父母都有过敏史的患儿自述食物过敏是非父母都过敏患儿的1.91倍(95%CI: 1.07~3.42),即父母都过敏是患儿自述食物过敏的危险因素,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

表4 不同家族过敏史的患儿蛋清和牛奶sIgE阳性率

表5 患儿自述食物过敏危险因素的单因素分析



食物过敏诱发的症状没有特异性,很多消化道、皮肤、呼吸道和全身过敏症状与IgE介导的食物过敏有关[15]。本研究中41.3%的变应性疾病患儿进食过敏食物后引起荨麻疹、湿疹等皮肤过敏症状。因此,对有皮肤过敏症状的患儿,应考虑食物过敏的可能,并建议进行食物过敏原的检测。本研究结果显示,除了IgE介导的食物过敏,有部分患者是非IgE介导的食物过敏反应。35.3%的牛奶和蛋清sIgE阴性患者进食该食物后发生食物过敏反应。每一种食物的致敏模式不一致,牛奶过敏54%为IgE介导,46%为非IgE介导[16]。本研究结果显示,无论是母亲还是父亲患过敏性疾病,男孩患过敏性疾病的几率都高于女孩,说明变应性疾病与性别遗传有关。有研究发现,在3岁前,男孩患哮喘的几率高于女孩,但4~7岁时,男孩患哮喘的几率接近女孩[17]。Arshad等[18]发现如果父亲患哮喘,则男孩患哮喘的几率比女孩大;如果父亲患过敏性鼻炎,则遗传没有性别差异;如果母亲患湿疹,则女孩患湿疹的几率比男孩大。所以不同的变应性疾病其性别遗传倾向可能有所不同,但与年龄也有一定关系。本研究还发现,父母都过敏是变应性疾病儿童自述食物过敏的危险因素,且父母都过敏患儿蛋清sIgE和仅父亲过敏患儿牛奶sIgE阳性率高于无家族过敏史患儿。芬兰的一项基于人群的研究表明父母患过敏性疾病会增加0~4岁儿童食物致敏或食物过敏的风险,如果患更多的过敏性疾病或父母双方都患过敏性疾病,则作用更强[19]。春夏季节出生是儿童自述食物过敏的保护因素,Mullins等人[20]研究表明秋冬出生儿童具有更高的食物过敏风险,紫外线强度和食物过敏之间呈负相关, Kusunoki等[21]发现排除混杂因素后,母乳喂养持续时间不再是儿童食物过敏的影响因素,均与本研究结果相符合。



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中文编辑: 刘平; 英文编辑: 刘华

Analysis of Risk Factors of Food Allergy in Children with Allergic Diseases

HUANG Huimin, PAN Minhuan, HUO Yiting, SHI Fei, LIANG Chuqin, SUN Baoqing


[Abstract]Objective: To investigate the status and risk factors of food allergy in children with allergic diseases. Methods: 401 cases of children with allergic diseases suspected of food allergy were selected and enrolled in the study. Through the questionnaire survey, combined with food specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) test results, the food sIgE positive rate in common food such as in egg white, milk, shrimp, crab, soybean and peanut, food allergy characteristics and reporting rate in children were observed and analyzed. Then, the relationship between positive rate of food sIgE and self-reporting rate of food allergy and family history of allergic were also analyzed. Results: The self-reporting rate of food allergy of children with allergic disease was 34.4%. The food for inducing an allergic reaction were mainly cow's milk (14.7%), egg (12.5%) and shrimp (7.0%). The main symptoms were skin symptom after eating allergic food(41.3%), such as urticaria and eczema. The sIgE positive rate of cow's milk, egg white and peanut were higher than self-reporting allergy rate (P<0.01). There were no statistically significant differences between sIgE positive rate of shrimp,crab and soybean and self-reporting allergy rate (P>0.05). The self-reporting allergy rate of shrimp and crab was significantly higher in sIgE low and high level group than in negative group (P<0.05) but there were no statistically significant differences in self-reporting allergy rate of egg white, cow's milk, peanut and soybean between different sIgE level groups (P>0.05). 70.6% of the children with allergic diseases had family history of allergies. For children who had family history of allergies, the rate of boys suffering from allergic disease was significantly higher than that of girls. The sIgE positive rate of egg white was significantly higher in the children of parental allergy than in the children who had no family history of allergies (P<0.05). The sIgE positive rate of cow's milk was higher in the children of only father allergic family than in the children who had no family history of allergies (P<0.05). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that the percentage of self-reporting food allergy in children with parental allergy was significantly higher than in the children without parental allergy (OR=1.91, 95%CI: 1.07~3.42) and the percentage of self-reporting food allergy was significantly lower in children born in summer&spring than those born in autumn&winter (OR=0.644, 95%CI: 0.42~0.99).Conclusion: The children with family history of allergies have high risk of suffering food allergy. The parents should strengthen the awareness of the prevention of food allergy, detect and intervene, block or slow the progression of allergic diseases as early as possible.

[Key words]food allergy; allergic diseases; immunoglobulin E; questionnaire survey; risk factor

*[基金项目]国家自然科学基金项目(81572063); 广州市医药卫生科技项目(20151A010094,20151A011071); 广东省科技厅产学研项目(2013B090500129); 广东省科技厅项目(2014A020212352); 广州市科信局项目(201510010147)







