


邓新林, 李 春❋❋

(1.中国海洋大学物理海洋实验室,山东 青岛 266100; 2.青岛海洋科学与技术协同创新中心,山东 青岛 266100;3.海洋-大气相互作用与气候山东省高校重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100)

邓新林1,2,3, 李春1,2,3❋❋

(1.中国海洋大学物理海洋实验室,山东 青岛 266100; 2.青岛海洋科学与技术协同创新中心,山东 青岛 266100;3.海洋-大气相互作用与气候山东省高校重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100)



北太平洋大气环流有两个主模态:阿留申低压(Aleutian Low,AL)模态和NPO模态,分别是对应着海洋的太平洋年代际振荡(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)模态和北太平洋环流振荡(North Pacific Gyre Oscillation,NPGO)模态。在冬季,NPO可以强迫出一个海温异常足迹,这个被强迫出来的海温异常信号能持续到下一年的春夏季,进而产生类似ENSO模态的海温异常,这种作用机制被称为“留足迹”机制[12-13]。Di Lorenzo等[13]发现,NPGO通过副热带北太平洋的海洋环流使热带太平洋中部海温增暖。




((a)第一模态;(b)第二模态;(c)第一时间序列(红色)与第二时间序列(蓝色);百分率为该模态的解释方差。(a) First EOF mode of SLP; (b) Second EOF mode of SLP; (c) Standardized time series of the first (PC1, read) and second principal component (PC2, blue); The percentage represents explain variance.)


Fig.1EOF analysis of North Pacific SLP

(横坐标<0表示AL/NPO指数超前CP/EP指数的相关;灰色实线表示置信度为90%的临界相关值。Negative lags imply that the NPO/AL index leads the CP/EP index; Gray line represents the 90% confidence limit(r=±0.204).)


Fig.2(a)Lead-lag Correlation of the AL (red)/NPO (blue) index with the CP(a) index and the EP(b) index




(阴影部分表示SST经过了信度为90%的回归检验;箭头表示风场经过了置信度为80%的回归检验。Shaded areas and vector indicate 90% and 80% confidence level for SST and surface wind.)


Fig.4Regression maps of SST(shaded and contour, unit: ℃ ) and surface wind (vector, unit: m/s) against to the NPO index

((a)沿(0°,170°W)至(20°N,115°E)线剖面;(b)赤道地区(5°S,5°N)经向平均的纬向-时间剖面。(a)Regression map along the line (0°,170°W)to (20°N,115°E); (b)Regression map in the tropical area(5°S, 5°N) average.)


Fig.5Regression maps of SST(contour, unit: ℃), surface wind (vector, unit: m·s-1) and latent heat net flux

(shaded, unit: W·m-2) against to the NPO index



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Its Decadal Variability

DENG Xin-Lin1,2,3, LI Chun1,2,3

(1.Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China; 2.Qingdao Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266100, China; 3.Key Laboratory of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate in Universities of Shandong, Qingdao 266100, China)

Abstract:This study used the HadISST and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset to examine the relationship between the North Pacificsea level pressure andtwo types of Elo. It is found that the Aleutian Low mode is the real-time correspond to Elo; the North Pacific Oscillation mode may give rise to central Pacific Elo, which can forecast the Elo for about 4~12 months ahead. When the North Pacific Oscillation is on the positive (negative) phase, the Hawaii High and Aleutian Low is enhanced (weakened), which relaxing (strengthening) the background circulation. The positive phase of North Pacific Oscillation in winter and spring weakens the trade wind, generating positive SST anomaly in the California sea area by the wind-evaporation-SST mechanism. The positive SST anomaly spread to the central tropical Pacific in spring and summer and forces a pattern of atmosphere circulation anomaly includingwesterly wind anomaly along the central and westerntropical Pacific, which contributes to the occurrence of CP Elo. It is interesting that the root mean square of North Pacific Oscillation has significant decadal variability, corresponding to the decadal variability of two type of Elo. From 1950s to 1970s and after 1990s, the North Pacific Oscillation is active, the occurrence of central PacificElo is more frequent; From 1970s to 1990s, the Aleutian Low is more active, the tropical Pacific is dominated by the easternPacificElo.

Key words:Elo; North Pacific oscillation; wind-evaporation-SST mechanism; interdecadal variation

基金项目:❋ 国家自然科学基金项目(41276002;41130859);国家重大研究计划发展项目(2012CB955603;2013CB956201);国家自然科学基金—山东海洋科学研究中心联合基金项目(U1406401)资助



作者简介:邓新林(1991-),女,硕士生。 ❋❋通讯作者





Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (41276002; 41130859); the National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB955603; 2013CB956201); the NSFC-Shandong Joint Fund for Marine Science Research Centers (U1406401)


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