杨明 司徒炫明 张殿英 王天兵 付中国 张培训 陈建海 姜保国
杨明 司徒炫明 张殿英 王天兵 付中国 张培训 陈建海 姜保国
目的 探讨MIPPO技术治疗有楔形骨块的锁骨干骨折的手术方法及疗效。方法 自2011年4月至2014年4月,应用闭合复位、髓内克氏针临时固定并行MIPPO技术,治疗有楔形骨块的锁骨干骨折26例患者为试验组(MIPPO组)。术后定期复查X线片,观察骨折愈合情况,并用Constant评分评估患者的肩关节功能。同时以2007年3月至2011年11月收治的传统切开复位板钉固定的29例患者为对照组(ORIF组),进行回顾性随访研究,比较两组的疗效和并发症。结果 经过平均15个月的随访,MIPPO组无1例骨折不愈合,ORIF组有1例骨折不愈合并接骨板失效,两组之间失效率差异无统计学意义。MIPPO组在手术时间、出血量方面优于ORIF组,差异有统计学意义。在骨折愈合时间以及Constant评分方面,两组间差异无统计学意义。MIPPO组有2例患者因接骨板隆起而坚决要求二次手术取出内固定物。结论MIPPO技术治疗有楔形骨块锁骨干骨折,创伤小,可减少手术时间和出血量,提高愈合几率。
资 料 与 方 法
表1 两组患者临床资料比较
结 果
图1 27岁男性患者,带有楔形骨块的锁骨干骨折,Robinson′s分型IIB1型,行闭合复位、术中克氏针临时固定、MIPPO技术,术后恢复良好。图A左肩正位片提示左侧锁骨干骨折,断端有1枚翻转的大游离骨块,Robinson′s分型IIB1型;图B经锁骨近端主骨折块髓腔向近端插入克氏针,穿出近端皮下,闭合复位后经锁骨远端髓腔从锁骨远端后面穿出;图C术中透视证实主骨折块和游离骨块的闭合复位满意,髓内克氏针维持复位;图D放置解剖型接骨板,先于最远端和最近端各打入1枚锁定螺钉,髓内克氏针不影响最远端和最近端的各1枚螺钉置入;图E退出克氏针,打入剩余锁定螺钉,透视位置满意;图F术后复查锁骨正位片,证实主骨折块复位满意并有接触,游离骨块获得满意功能复位;图G术后16周锁骨正位片见骨折愈合良好;图H术后16周,患者切口瘢痕情况;图I术后16周,左肩有满意的上举功能;图J术后16周,左肩有满意的外旋功能
讨 论
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杨明,司徒炫明,张殿英,等.MIPPO技术治疗有楔形骨块的锁骨干骨折[J/CD]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2016,4(1):41-47.
Background Because the nonunion rate of conservative treatment was up to 15%, midshaft clavicle fractures with wedge-shaped fragments had been mainly treated with operation in recent years. Plate fixation was still one of the mainstream internal fixation methods, although a few scholars advocated various intramedullary fixations.For conventional plate and screw fixation techniques, one of the principles was to fix the free wedge-shaped fragments with lag screws as far as possible. We had ever improved the conventional techniques by intramedullary K-wire assistance in reduction, binding fragments with suture, and bridging plate fixation, which obtained good effects. But we found that the open reduction and bridging plate fixation increased the operation trauma because of the long incisions. We had made further improvement on this basis. From April 2011 to April 2014, 26 patients of midshaft clavicular fracture with wedge-shaped fragments were treated by close reduction and MIPPO (minimal invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis) technique with three incisions. We performed this retrospective study to explore the operation methods and treatment effects of the midshaft clavicular fractures with wedge-shaped fragments using MIPPO technique. A group of 29 patients treated by conventional open reduction and internal fixation techniques, from March 2007 to November 2011, were also performed study as control group with complete follow-up data.Methods (1)General information: All the cases were selected from the patients who were treated in our department from March 2007 to April 2014. Among them, 26 patients were treated with three-incision MIPPO bridging technique, and 29 patients were treated with conventional open reduction, lag screw fixation for fragments and neutralization or compression plate fixation. The mechanisms of injury were mainly fall damage. The two groups respectively had 2 cases of falling injury from height and 1 case with multiple fractures. According to Robinson classification, the fracture types were classified as follows: II B1 type was defined as the midshaft clavicular fracture with displacement and 1 wedged-shape fragment in the fracture site; IIB2 type was defined as the fracture with 2 or more free fragments in the facture site. The gender, age, dominant side, time from injury to operation and fracture type can be seen in table 1.(2)Operation methods:MIPPO group: Patients were on beach chair position under general anesthesia which had good muscular relaxation. The posterolateral side of the affected shoulder, upper arm and forearm were disinfected to guarantee that the surgeon can adequately move the shoulder during operation. The upward tilt tip of the proximal clavicular main fragment was obviously be palpated. A 2 cm incision was applied to expose the tip of the proximal fragments without periosteal dissection. A double-tip intramedullary K-wire with a diameter of 2 mm or 2.5 mm was inserted retrogradely into the medullary cavity of the proximal main fragment till the end of the K-wire was at the same level to the tip of the proximal fragment. The proximal tip of the K-wire pierced out of the skin in front of the proximal clavicle. The affected upper arm of the patient was elevated upward and tracted laterally by an assistant doctor in a way similar to the manipulative reduction to reduce the main fragment. At this point the operator could feel that the posterosuperior cortexes of both the distal and proximal main fragments were connected with palpation. Once the posterosuperior clavicular cortexes were matched, the intramedullary K-wire was inserted into the distal medullary cavity from the proximal medullary cavity till it pierced out of the clavicular posterior edge and was located at the posterior corner of acromion. Intraoperative fluoroscopy was conducted to confirm the reduction of the free fragments and the connection of the main fragments. The 10-hole anatomical locking plate (GE medical, US) was inserted percutaneously along the surface of the clavicle towards the proximal end through the middle incision. The proximal end of the plate was touched from the surface of the skin. A 2 cm incision was made on top of that to expose the proximal end of the plate. The plate was completely inserted to the proximal end till its distal end was located at the incision above the fracture site. Then the plate was moved towards the distal side along the surface of the clavicle until the fracture site was located right in the middle of the plate. The plate was touched at the distal end and then exposed with a 2 cm incision. After the plate was confirmed to be placed at the appropriate position, one locking screw was respectively driven in at both ends. Then other locking screws were inserted from lateral to middle at each of the distal and proximal ends. If the screw was obstructed, then the K-wire was pulled out gradually and the remaining screws were driven in. Three bicortical screws were inserted at each of the distal and proximal ends for fixation. The position of internal fixation was confirmed satisfactory under fluoroscopy. The incision was closed without the drainage tube.Conventional ORIF group:Cervical plexus block combined with brachial plexus block or general anesthesia was applied. The patient position was the same as that of the MIPPO group. The incision of clavicle surface was adopted to first expose the fracture site. The lag screw fixation was used between the larger free fragments and the main fragments to convert the clavicular shaft fracture with free fragments into simple fracture and then reduce it using Kocher clamp. The straight plate with 7-9 holes was fixed on the surface of clavicle after reduction and 3 screws were inserted respectively on each side.(3)Post-operative rehabilitation and follow-ups: The passive activities of the shoulder joint, mainly including external rotation and abduction, were initiated at the second day after surgery. The abduction angle is not more than 90°. Three sets of exercises respectively distributed in the morning, afternoon and evening were carried out every day with 10 times in each set while the affected limb was put in a sling for protection during the rest of the time. After 4 weeks, the sling was removed and the shoulder was allowed for simple daily life use, but the affected limb was limited to lift heavy objects and hyperabduct. 12 weeks later, the affected limb was restored for complete work. The fracture healing of heavy manual workers should be confirmed by fluoroscopy. The X-ray examinations were performed in the 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th week. During follow-ups Constant Score System was applied to assess their shoulder functions and the complications were recorded.(4) Statistical methods: SPSS 19.0 software was used. The measurement data were indicated as means ± standard deviations.χ2testandFisher′sexactprobabilitywereperformedinthecomparisonofthemeasurementdatabetweentwogroups.Ifthemeasurementdataofthetwogroupsmetthenormaldistribution,thentheIndependent-Samplettestwasusedforthecomparison;otherwise,theWilcoxonranksumtestwasadopted;apvaluelessthan0.05wasconsideredassignificantdifference.ResultsAfteranaverageof15months(6~31months)follow-ups,allthefracturesintheMIPPOgroupobtainedbonyunion.OnecaseofnonunionoccurredintheconventionalORIFgroupwithplatebreakageandlossofreduction.Thepatientunderwentreoperation.Thetwogroupshadnosignificantdifferenceinthefailurerate.TheoperationtimeoftheMIPPOgroupwas73.5minutesinaveragewiththemeanintraoperativebloodlossof31.9ml.TheMIPPOgroupwasobviouslybetterthantheconventionalORIFgroupintherespectsofoperationtimeandbloodloss.Thetimeoffracturehealingwas13.7weeksinaverageandhadnosignificantdifferencewhencomparedtotheconventionalORIFgroup.TheConstantscoreshadnosignificantdifferencebetweentwothegroupseither.Somepatientsinthetwogroupsacceptedsecondoperationtoremoveimplantsalthoughtherewasnocomplication.TwoleanpatientsoftheMIPPOgrouphadobviousskinupliftandstronglyurgedthesecondsurgeriesofimplantsremoval.ConclusionsThisstudysuggestedthatforthemidshaftclaviclefractureswithfreewedged-shapefragments,thesatisfactoryfunctionalreductionoffreefragmentscanbeobtainedcompletelythroughclosereduction.Comparedtotheconventionalrigidinternalfixationtechniquewithlagscrewsforwedge-shapedfragments,itisunnecessarytopursuitanatomicalreduction.MIPPOtechniquehastheadvantagesofsimpleoperation,smalltraumaandsatisfactorytreatmenteffects,reducestheoperationtimeandincreasesthehealingrate.
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