



摘 要 设CPn+pn2+p(4)是具有常全纯截面曲率4的复n+p维不定复空间形.Mn是CPn+pn2+p(4)中常数量曲率的完备全实2-调和类空子流形,H表示Mn的平均曲率.本文利用活动标架法和广义极大值原理研究了不定复射影空间中具有常数量曲率的2-调和类空子流形,得到Mn关于H的Pinching定理.

关键词 不定复空间;完备;2-调和;类空

中图分类号 O18615 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-2537(2016)03-0069-06

Abstract Let CPn+pn2+p(4) be an indefinite complex space form of complex dimension n+p, with constant holomorphic sectional curvature 4. Mn is a complete totally real space-like biharmonic sub-manifold with constant scalar curvature in CPn+pn2+p(4). H is denoted by mean curvature. In this paper, the indefinite complex space form with constant scalar curvature in the complete space-like biharmonic submanifold is discussed by using moving-frame method and generalized maximum principle. Some pinching theorems about H for Mn are obtained.

Key words indefinite complex space form; complete; biharmonic; space-like


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(编辑 HWJ)


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