

中国水土保持科学 2016年1期

卢纪元, 朱清科, 陈文思, 王瑜

(北京林业大学 水土保持与荒漠化防治教育部重点实验室,100083,北京)


卢纪元, 朱清科†, 陈文思, 王瑜

(北京林业大学 水土保持与荒漠化防治教育部重点实验室,100083,北京)


关键词:微地形; 物种组成; 草本生物量; 植被盖度; 植物多样性; Margalef指数; Pielou指数; Shannon-Wiener指数; Simpson指数


国内外已有不少关于微地形植被的研究,国外研究[10-13]主要集中于微地形对树木的物种组成、个体大小、林分结构和分布格局等方面的影响 。国内关于微地形植被的研究,主要集中于微地形对天然林的生长状况和群落结构的影响[14-18];但关于陕北黄土区不同坡向各类微地形之间的植被特征对比分析却鲜有报道。本文通过对比分析不同坡向及同一坡向各类微地形上植物群落的物种组成、数量特征以及植物多样性特征,揭示陕北黄土区不同微地形植被特征及其与原状坡的差异,以期为陕北黄土区的植被恢复建设提供参考。


吴起县位于延安市西北部,地处E 107°38′57″~108°32′49″,N 36°33′33″~37°24′27″,海拔介于1 233~1 809 m之间,属于典型的黄土高原丘陵沟壑区。该县属于暖温带大陆性干旱季风气候,年平均气温7.8 ℃,无霜期96~146 d,年平均陆地蒸发量为400~450 mm,年平均降水量为478.3 mm,7—9月降水量可占到全年降水量的62%以上,其他季节多为无效降水。土壤类型主要为黄绵土,质地为轻壤。合沟流域处于吴起县中部,自1998年初以来实施退耕还林(草)工程,完全依靠自然恢复,目前坡面植被以草本群落为主,零星分布着小灌木和乔木幼苗。



于2014年7—8月,调查研究区内微地形的分布情况,以半阳坡向和半阴坡向梁峁坡部位的微地形作为研究样地。每个坡向至少取5个微地形样地,并设置3个5 m×5 m的原状坡样地为对照组,在各个样地内按照机械设置方法取3个1 m×1 m的草本样方;若出现小灌木或乔木幼苗,则根据实际情况将样方面积适当扩大。其中浅沟和切沟的样方设置在其底部,共调查57个草本样方。调查样方内植物的种类及其株数、平均高度,采用目视判读法估计植物种盖度和样方总盖度,称取地上植物鲜重,采用烘干称量法获取生物量和干鲜比。如若出现小灌木或乔木幼苗,则记录其种类及其株数、树高和冠幅。同时记录每个样地的坡向、坡位、坡度、海拔以及经纬度。




在Excel软件中完成植物群落的相关计算,在SPSS 18.0软件中完成双变量相关分析。




表1 植被特征与地形因子的相关性

注:n为样方数;*表示显著性水平在0.05以内,即显著相关;**表示显著性水平在0.01以内,即极显著相关。Note:The sample of * indicates a significant correlation whileP<0.05; the sample of ** indicates an extremely significant correlation whileP<0.01;n=No. of plots.





表2 微地形植物群落构成统计

表3 地形植物群落主要物种



图1 不同微地形植被盖度Fig.1 Coverage of plant communities on micro-topography

图2 不同微地形草本生物量Fig.2 Biomass of plant communities on micro-topography

图3 不同坡向微地形植物群落多样性指数Fig.3 Diversity indices of plant communities on micro-topography in different slope aspects













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Response of vegetation characteristics to slope micro-topography in loess area of north Shaanxi Province

Lu Jiyuan, Zhu Qingke, Chen Wensi, Wang Yu

(Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conservation & Desertification Combating, Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University,100083, Beijing, China)

Abstract:[Background] The objective of this study is to grasp the spatial differences of vegetation characteristics on 5 kinds of micro-topographies including gully, collapse, platform, shallow gully, and scarp in loess area of north Shaanxi Province. [Methods] Based on the investigation of undisturbed slope and the 5 different micro-topographies in semi-sunny and semi-shady slope of Hegou valley in Wuqi County of Shaanxi Province, the correlations between micro-topographies and vegetation characteristics of species composition, herbaceous biomass, vegetation coverage, and vegetation diversity were analyzed. The data processing methods of this paper were bivariate analysis and descriptive statistical analysis. [Results] The results revealed that: 1) The species composition, herbaceous biomass, vegetation coverage and vegetation diversity of plant communities on all kinds of micro-topographies were better than those on the undisturbed slope. At the same time, the vegetation condition on gully and collapse were the best, followed by shallow gully and platform, and the worst on the scarp. 2) The Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index on different micro-topographies and undisturbed slope were in the order of gully > collapse > platform > shallow gully > scarp > undisturbed slope, and the stages of natural succession of the plant communities on gully and collapse were higher than other micro-topographies. 3) After 15 years of enclosure recovery, the plant community with Potentilla acaulis and Aneurolepidium dasystachys as the dominant species was formed on the semi-sunny slope, meanwhile, the plant community with Artemisia sacrorum and Artemisia giraldii as the dominant species was formed on semi-shady slope, and there was also a small amount of shrub and arbor in some areas. At the same time, the species composition, herbaceous biomass, coverage and vegetation diversity of plant communities on different micro-topographies of the semi-shady slope were all better than those in the semi-sunny slope. The spatial differences of physical and chemical properties in all kinds of micro-topographies resulted in vegetation characteristics different on the slope land in loess area of north Shaanxi Province. [Conclusions] In addition to follow the principle of the vegetation restoration units divided by site condition, the vegetation characteristics on different micro-topographies should be taken into consideration in the construction of artificial vegetation restoration in loess area of north Shaanxi Province. On the semi-shady slope land, the composite configuration of arbor, shrub and herb should be adopted, and the density of plant species may be increased on gully and collapse due to their favorable ecological condition. While on the semi-sunny slope land, the main content of the artificial vegetation restoration is to restore and protect the herbaceous community, moreover, the composite configuration of shrub and herb can be adopted on gully and collapse where ecological environment are better than other micro-topographies.

Keywords:micro-topography; species composition; herbaceous biomass; coverage; vegetation diversity; Margalef index; Pielou index; Shannon-Wiener index; Simpson index

收稿日期:2015-04-15修回日期: 2015-12-30

第一作者简介:卢纪元(1991—),女,硕士研究生。主要研究方向:林业生态工程。 †通信 朱清科(1953—),男,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:林业生态工程。





项目名称: 林业公益性行业科研专项经费课题“黄土丘陵严重侵蚀区植被恢复和重建技术研究”(201104002-2)


重现「皇太子之宫」 毓庆宫原状陈设复原记
不同坡向 坡位对祁连圆柏生长的影响