

中国水土保持科学 2016年1期

刘剑刚, 张华†, 朱岩, 朱夏夏, 何红, 刘玉国, 王颖, 马明军

(1.辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院, 116029, 辽宁大连; 2. 辽宁老秃顶子国家级自然保护区管理局, 117218,辽宁桓仁)


刘剑刚1, 张华1†, 朱岩1, 朱夏夏1, 何红1, 刘玉国1, 王颖2, 马明军2

(1.辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院, 116029, 辽宁大连; 2. 辽宁老秃顶子国家级自然保护区管理局, 117218,辽宁桓仁)


关键词:冰缘地貌; 土壤; 粒度; 萨胡判别; 分维值; 环境敏感组分; 辽东山地

土壤粒度是土壤的重要属性特征之一,其粒径大小、级配组合、分布状况与沉积介质动力强弱、土壤抗侵蚀能力关系密切。良好的土壤质地,不仅支撑植被的涵水保土作用,更是稳固生态系统、降低山地灾害的关键[1-4]。有关粒度的土壤侵蚀、水土流失、环境演变等研究已多有报道。例如:闫玉春等[5]对白音锡勒牧场土壤的粒度分析,探讨了草原土壤的风蚀特征;J. Poesen等[6]对亚欧大范围的坡面砾石堆积进行研究,认为砾石分布特征能够反映坡面土壤的侵蚀状况;李柏等[7]研究了沟坝地泥石流颗粒,得到上游侵蚀、下游堆积的水土流失模式;汤萃文等[8]根据土壤粒度特征,并应用水土流失方程USLE,估算了土壤侵蚀状况;许炯心[9]对长江上游观测站的悬移质泥沙粒度研究,得到水土保持措施能够影响泥沙粒度;孔祥淮等[10]依据粒度特征提取环境敏感组分,对南黄海西部陆架第四纪沉积环境进行研究,反演了古环境的沉积过程;Song X.Y.等[11]、刘淼等[12]、Su Y.Z.等[13]等在不同的土壤过程研究中,应用分形理论,将复杂的土壤结构进行量化、简化,实现了精准描述土壤的微特征。应用粒度分析已在许多土壤学问题的研究中,取得了丰硕成果,但大量的土壤粒度研究多是针对沙丘、湖泊、河流和沟谷等环境,对冰缘地貌的研究成果并不多见。辽东山区冰缘地貌具有特殊的土壤发育过程,同时,也面临着水土流失问题;然而,目前有关本区的研究多涉及生态服务、生物多样性和山地小气候等方面[14-15],缺乏对土壤粒度、侵蚀动力等方面的研究。本文通过对典型冰缘地貌土壤的粒度分析,探究其分布特征及沉积环境变化规律,尝试解释粒度特征所反应的土壤过程及侵蚀强度,为本区相关研究提供基础数据资料,也为水土保持及林业管护等工作提供有益参考。


老秃顶子国家级自然保护区(E 124°41′13″~125°5′15″;N 41°11′11″~41°21′34″)位于辽宁省东部桓仁、新宾两县交界处,主峰海拔1 367.3 m,为辽宁最高峰,末次冰期形成了一定规模的冰缘地貌。区内基岩以花岗岩为主,变质岩和混合岩均有出露;土壤类型以棕壤、暗棕壤为典型代表,多由花岗岩残积母质发育而成;境内气候类型属温带大陆性季风湿润气候,年平均气温6.0 ℃,年降雨量651~1 315 mm,平均相对湿度72%,无霜期139 d;地带性植被为温性落叶阔叶林,森林覆盖率达97%,植物多样性丰富,且垂直带谱明显,属典型的北温带中山山地森林生态系统[16]。



于2013年6—7月,随海拔梯度选取48处典型冰缘地貌样地,囿于上覆土壤沉积厚度普通很薄,无法做剖面取样,且颗粒无明显粘连,故各取表层土壤0~20 cm不等,并记录相应地形、地貌、植被和土壤等样地特征参数,海拔由1∶5万DEM(2008)提取、经纬度由易测宝T2 GIS采集器测定,详见表1。

表1 调查样地基本情况



粒度测试使用美国贝克曼LS13 320激光衍射粒度分析仪(量程0.04~2 000 μm)。土样经自然风干、碾碎和去渣,过2 mm筛,电子秤(精度0.1 mg)称取样品0.1~0.3 g,倒入烧杯,注入20 mL体积分数为30%的H2O2溶液,静置48 h(若有气泡,则继续添加,确保充分去除有机质),注入10 mL体积分数为10%的HCl溶液,搅匀后在电热板上逐渐加热煮沸,使其充分反应、冷却至常温后,加入蒸馏水30 mL静置72 h,除去悬浮液,加入5 mL浓度为0.05 mol/L的六偏磷酸钠(NaPO3)6溶液以备测试之用。测试过程中,各样品均采用超声波震荡30 s。使用日本Rigaku ZSX Primus Ⅱ型X射线荧光光谱仪获取土样化学元素体积分数,并计算化学蚀变指数CIA。依据测试数据,完成土样的颗粒组成、级配比例、频率分布类型、粒度参数特征、沉积动力环境特征、粒度分形维数、敏感组分提取等分析。





表2 样品粒径不均匀系数与曲率系数

图1 粒度组成三角图Fig.1 Ternary diagram of the grain composition

图2 频率分布曲线Fig.2 Frequency-distribution curves




Y(风成<-2.741 1<海滩)=

Y=-0.831 1(海滩)→Y(海滩<65.365 0<浅海)=

Y=389.856 7(浅海)→Y(河流<-7.419 0<浅海)=

Y=-30.162 6(河流)→Y(浊流<9.843 3<冲积)=

Y=17.625 7(冲积)




表3 不同地貌、坡向和植被类型下土壤的分维值


图3 不同颗粒类型与分维值Fig.3 Relationship between different types of grain-size and fractal dimension values

图4 粒级-标准偏差曲线Fig.4 Standard deviation curve of different particle size fraction

敏感组分的表达基于粒度参数,能够反映不同粒级所对应的介质动力或沉积环境变化大小[26]。根据不同地貌和植被覆盖提取到3组环境敏感粒度组分(图4):组分Ⅰ(4.66~27.39 μm)最为敏感;组分Ⅱ(30.07~57.77 μm)对应粉砂-细砂混合组分,敏感度较低;组分Ⅲ(110.98~176.93 μm)颗粒稍粗,对应细砂。粒度细(<100 μm)、分选差的组分Ⅰ,更倾向于悬浮搬运,指示水流速度慢、扰动小;粒度稍大的组分Ⅲ(>100 μm),则更倾向于跃移搬运,指示水动力稍强[22]。植被覆盖更好的条件下,组分Ⅱ、Ⅲ也表现出较高的敏感度,表明此时该植被条件能够影响水流动能,相反,植被覆盖较差则对水动力敏感度低,对水流动能的消耗很小,暗示地表植被覆盖越好,越能减缓水流速度,从而降低流水侵蚀能力。


末次冰期白头山冰川发育(距今70 ka),东北大部分地区进入冰缘环境,辽东山地地处冰缘区边缘,冰缘地貌广泛发育[27]。随着温度的显著降低,风蚀、流水、冻融和坍塌等冰缘作用加剧,浅表岩体崩解分离,风化碎屑遍布坡谷,森林面积显著萎缩,大量风化物被强劲的外营力搬运至远处低地,直至冰后期气温回升,植被覆盖渐好,地貌活动趋于稳定,土壤沉积才得以保存,此为本区土壤厚度很薄的原因所在。颗粒细致、多双峰,且南、北坡存在差异的粒度分布,暗示早期土壤过程经历过风成沉降。对比辽西地区自南向北,兴城、朝阳和义县一线,土壤颗粒由粗变细[28-30](φ值分别为2.5、3.56~5.70和4~6),辽东地区南部七顶山、大莲泡至北部老秃顶子,也呈现颗粒逐渐变细的特征[31-32](φ值分别为4.55;5.89;6.45)。通过对比南、北两坡土壤沉积特征参数(表4),可知南坡土壤颗粒稍粗,分选稍差,风化程度更高(CIA[33]=68.02),黏土质沉积物成熟度也稍高(Al2O3/Na2O=5.82)。指示在大尺度上,存在由西向东、由低纬向高纬的风力搬运。晚冰期极盛期(距今约18 ka),曾发生大范围海退,海平面下降约140 m,古海岸线向外退出500~600 km[34],整个渤海出露成陆,海滩砂受蚀严重,砂粒在强劲的冰缘季风吹扬下输入本区,并沉降在各个山间谷地,后经流水改造搬运至他处。另外,供试样品的CIA平均值为64.29(36.57~70.44),介于55~70的样品占93.75%,对照前人成果,本区成土母质应属于黄土和更新世冰川黏土[35],故推测早期土壤组分应包括远源风成沉降(不排除夹杂有内陆黄土的可能)和近源浅表岩石的成熟风化物。


表4 不同坡向土壤沉积的特征值

Note:Mz: mean grain size;σI: standard deviation;Sk: skewness;Kp: kurtosis; CIA: chemical index of alteration.

表5 粒径与地表状况的关系

注:*P= 0.05 时,显著相关. Note: * indicates significantly correlated atP= 0.05.




2)应用矩值法求得粒度参数:平均粒径φ值为6.45,标准偏差为1.89,偏度多为正偏,峰态以很窄峰为主,反映沉积颗粒整体细致、分选差、细粒过剩、沉积组分主要为双组分混合。基于所得粒度参数完成萨胡环境判别,并提取环境敏感组分,结果显示沉积环境属河流冲积,敏感粒度组分3类:4.66~27.39 μm(最敏感)、30.07~57.77 μm、110.98 ~176.93 μm。



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Grain size characteristics of overlying soil onperiglacial landforms in mountainous region of eastern Liaoning

Liu Jiangang1, Zhang Hua1, Zhu Yan1, Zhu Xiaxia1, He Hong1, Liu Yuguo1, Wang Ying2, Ma Mingjun2

(1.School of Urban and Environmental, Liaoning Normal University, 116029, Dalian, Liaoning, China 2. Administration of Laotudingzi National Nature Reserve, 117218, Huanren, Liaoning, China)

Abstract:[Background] As typical and representative periglacial landforms in the Mt. Laotudingzi in the center of Nature Reserve in eastern Liaoning, the characteristics of the surface ground and the changes in the natural environment are concerned by the geographers. More researches associated with it were done. However, the specific research on the mechanical analysis of soil here has been rarely published. [Methods] In order to fill the blank of the research on this area and provide the reference data for the soil and water conservation specialist or forestry specialist, based on the investigation and fieldwork, the undisturbed soil samples were returned and pretreated, the grain size characteristics of the overlying soil in 48 sample plots were analyzed. [Results] The most of the soil particles were fine (average on about φ value is 6.45), and the soil texture was mainly dominated by clayey silt. Additionally, the soil texture also had other presentation by consisting of silt or sandy silt that was rarely discovered. The soil of the study area was mainly positive skew distribution (about 58%), and the sorting feature of grain size was “Not good” (σI about 1.89), as for leptokurtosis, most of the soil samples were showed by “Very narrow” (83%). The frequency curves of sediment-size distribution of 48 samples presented in 3 forms by test data showing: unimodal (25%), bimodal (50%) and multimodal (25%). The sedimentary environment was categorized as fluvial according to the calculation by Sahu discriminant. Considering the grain-size characteristic parameter, sediment-size frequency distribution and the asymmetrical sedimentary features in southern and northern slope, it was preliminarily inferred that the incipient sediment source should be including the weathered material of local rock fragments formed by frost weathering and the sand long-distance deposit by wind from the area of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in late glacial; and the multi-component removed and deposited by periglacial stream during a long process, and settled on the surface ground. The fractal dimension of grain size was between 2.11 to 2.39 and average on about 2.28, taking the ratio of clay and fine silt into consideration, it could be deduced that the water dynamics here was not strong. [Conclusions] And the fractal dimension, together with the environmentally sensitive grain size component, reflected that the better the land surface vegetation covered, the more significant the depletion and suppression of water erosion were. The characteristic of grain size here indicated that the intensity of water erosion was low and vegetation coverage played the vital role in the the water and soil conversation.

Keywords:periglacial landform; soil; grain size; Sahu discriminant; fractal dimension; environmentally sensitive grain size component; Mt. Laotudingzi

收稿日期:2015-05-21修回日期: 2016-01-12

第一作者简介:刘剑刚(1986—),男,博士研究生。主要研究方向:区域生态与环境。 †通信 张华(1965—),女,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:植物地理和生态恢复.





项目名称: 国家自然科学基金“辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落稳定性研究”(41271064)

