

空中之家 2016年10期



At the cross point of the Yangtze River: a major river runs all the way from the West to the East; and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal: a man-made miracle which made economic communication between the South and the North possible, you will fi nd Zhenjiang. The unique geographic location gave rise to this city more than 3000 years ago. It is not only a cross point of two signif i cant rivers, but also a city to help complementing the South and theNorth, the East and the West culturally and economically.

Text by Lan Xiaojiang Translation by Tao Wenjia Photos by ZengJian & CFP

采访支持:镇江市旅游发展委员会 & 镇江市创业精英联合会



Maoshan Mountain (photos by Wang Zhenrong)茅山风光(王镇容 摄)

1. Xijin Ferry, which has witnessed the development of harbor economy in Zhenjiang, has a lifespan of approximately 2000 years, representing the geographical importance of the city and the styles of the prosperous business culture.西津渡是镇江港口经济发展的实物见证,有近两千年的积淀,体现着镇江地处要塞,商旅繁荣的风貌。

If you don't visit Zhenjiang personally, it will be very diff i cult to understand how such a small city can carry so much history, attract so many distingushed personages, and produce so many stories.

At night, when you walk in the Ancient Xijin Ferry Street, the famous Southern mist surrounds you after rain.

Under your feet, there is the green stone paved road that nobody knows when it was built. By chances, you see a stone tower from the Yuan Dynasties at a corner. And at the next corner, you will come across a Late Qing building. Several stone doors on a slope have inscriptions of famous people from different periods of time, while the small ferry street in the West still keeps its Tang-Song style. Just when you are so immersed in this historical scene, maybe imagining the once prosperous ferry, you take another turn, and two old ladies are singing Yangzhou opera when the street store owner is playing Erhu for them. In another store nearby, a man with long beard and long gown is taking a nap. The sign outside the store reads “plum temple ancient Zheng”. At the foot of the hill, there is an ancient stage surrounded by a colonial building. People drink coffee, tea, and wine there. Outside, on a lamp post, there is a Tang-Dynasty poem about the Xijin Ferry.

This is the charm of Zhenjiang. People live in history, and history is revitalized through life. This city has history, but it's not weighty; the city has culture but it is from the people. You can fi nd the best Buddhist and Daoist temples here. Books of science and arts such as "The Dream Creek Essays" and "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons" were written here. Folklore has been passed down for generations: "The White Snake and Xu Xian", "Dong Yong and the 7th Goddess" and "The Butterf l y Lovers".

People in Zhenjiang say that their city has authentic mountains and rivers which attract poets, rich people and reputable elites. All of the four classical novels in China mention Zhenjiang. Hundreds of famous poems from Tang and Song Dynasties mentioned this city. Nobel Prize winner Pearl Buck call this city her "second hometown". Master Hsing Yun believes that "I wouldn't have become what I am now without Zhenjiang". Soong Mei-lin said that her trip to Zhenjiang was "hard to forget". History and Geography brought them to this city, but what made them stay, is the inclusiveness and humbleness of the city.

2. Zhenjiang embraces five Chinese religions . Its religious culture has an essential influence at home and abroad.镇江的宗教文化在全国乃至世界都有较大影响。

3. Since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Zhenjiang has been always a touristi destination with a good reputation and is entitled“ City Forest.从南北朝以来,镇江一直是长江流域久负盛名的旅游胜地,被北宋书画家米芾称为“城市山林”。

4. The art of Zhenjiang is usually tranquil and natural, full of refined pleasure in daily life. (Disorder Embroidery, by Fang Meilong)镇江艺术作品风格多恬静自然,充满生活雅趣。(《富贵九鱼图》,乱针绣非遗传承人方美珑作品)







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