

空中之家 2016年10期



More and more domestic brands throughout China have one question on their minds: how can we survive this fast-paced age by making transformations. Tong Ren Tang, a timehonoured medical brand based in Beijing is a successful example. Nihao talks to Ji Guangfei, Chairman of TRT International as the brand was invited as a special guest to the Chinese Brand Summit Forum in September.

Text by Irene Translation by Leo Photos by Zeng Jian

I imagined the head off i ce of Tong Ren Tang International (TRT International), a subsidiary of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., to be classical in its style, yet what I saw was a space fi lled with a strong sense of modernity.

The Fengtai District-based head off i ce's simple yet refreshing decoration, playful cartoon wall design, and the business casual dress code vividly capture the dynamics of our time. Ji is leading TRT's efforts to go online and therefore global. He was excited when asked about the future of the healthcare industry.

“It is an unavoidable trend for Chinese medicine products to go international. What we are doing is building a broad-based healthcare platform that is based on the internet and other modern technologies. The aim is to promote traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Chinese healthcare philosophy in the rest of the world and also to introduce top quality healthcare products and digital healthcare technology from abroad into China.” He said.

It is not merely by chance that Ji pursued a career in the healthcare industry. Born into a family of TCM physicians, Ji had a very personal experience with TCM when during the Korean War his home was often fi lled with patients. As a child, he began to taste a sip of the humanistic spirit embedded in TCM. Now, he sees the legacy of thousands of years of Chinese culture at the core of TCM culture. Old TCM brands like TRT have passed on the spirit of craftsmanship and good faith from one generation to another.

When commenting on TRT's business motto –“Despite the complexity of medicine preparation, we spare no pains; despite the cost of ingredients, we spare no money”, the retired serviceman said:“It embodies integrity and responsibility – qualities that I personally uphold.” Even if TRT's products are selling very well online, Ji still sees himself and his company more as a promoter of Chinese culture rather than as a businessman.

Thanks to numerous efforts made by scholars and TCM physicians at home and abroad in recent years– particularly following Ms. Tu Youyou's winning of the Nobel Prize for Medicine – TCM and natural therapy is gaining popularity among foreign communities. In 2013, Ji bonded almost instantly with TRT, which was then looking for opportunities to go global, as they shared the responsibility of bringing TCM culture to the rest of the world. The result was the creation of TRT International, which put the centuries-old brand on the fast track to globalization.

In October 2015, TRT International launched its cross-border e-commerce platform “Tian Ran Tao”(, making many healthcare products under international brands available for online purchase. “In the foreseeable future, Internet technology will enable people to make an online appointment with a doctor at any corner of the world.” Ji envisioned.








Co-organised by China Southern Air Media Co Ltd, CCTV-Outlook Channel, and Beijing Guangtianhe Media Co Ltd, the Chinese Brand Summit Forum 2016 was planned to discover Chinese brands with craftsmanship and responsibility, in the hope of leading Chinese enterprises to pursue a culture that advocates and practices craftsmanship.





N: What does TCM look like in the eyes of

foreign people?

J: Today TCM is widely recognised in Europe

and America. Take the United States for example. Acupuncture is legalised in more than 40 out of the 50 US states. Almost all insurance companies offer programs that cover acupuncture treatment. Such coverage has also become one of the def i ning

components that tell if a benef i t package is on or below par for an employee. Besides, acupuncture therapy is also included in the offerings of US military hospitals and most acupuncture physicians in the country are local people. By the way, our products just passed the highest level of EU certif i cation and this also demonstrates the increasing recognision that TCM enjoys around the world. yearn to return to nature. One such example is the rise of natural therapy, which evolves into a global health trend. TCM is a key component of such natural therapy. In Chinese philosophy, the human body is a complex system and a small universe. The theory of TCM is based on this point of view. The balance of the ecosystem and the prevention of disease (or early disease management) are emphasized to reduce pain and economic consequences. In the United States, many politicians, celebrities, Wall Street executives and the like are showing increased interest in TCM and natural therapies. Additivefree and organic food, traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Tui Na and Tai Chi are also becoming increasingly popular overseas. In my view, integrative medicine is the future.

N: What are the healthcare trends globally?

J: Though modern science and technology appears to be able to do everything, more and more people

N: Will health management be easier in future?

J: Absolutely. In addition to buying drugs andhealthcare products online, you can also use intelligent software featuring integrative medical solutions to detect chronic diseases at any time and identify health risks in advance through digital interactions. Besides, you can also use the software to get in touch with scientists, nutritionists or physicians at any corner of the world. That is to say, by using only your phone, you can monitor the health status of everyone in your family and appraise their dietary habits, or complete a range of tests online simply by mailing test samples. This will not only save you a lot of time and money, but also make brick-and-mortar hospitals unnecessary.

N: How can traditional companies adapt to modern day trends and prepare themselves for a brighter future?

J: Innovation is particularly important for traditional companies like ours. In the internet era, service is at the core of everything we do. So our innovation must surround mobile internet solutions. As a very young team, we are able to embrace an e-commerce platform, source directly from around the world, and eliminate intermediate links while learning from world-class internet startups focused on health. Nevertheless, traditional companies should also carry forward their corporate culture and values. Nowadays, when it comes to the spirit of craftsmanship, people would fi rst think of Germany and Japan. But in fact, there are a slew of traditional brands with the spirit of craftsmanship in China. TRT is such a brand. With its proprietary TCM herbal formulas, top quality ingredients, and modern technology, TRT will certainly fare well.

Michael Phelps with suction marks from Chinese cupping at the Rio Olympics.里约奥运会上的菲尔普斯,身上带着拔火罐留下的印子。



J: 如今在欧美发达国家,对于中医实际上是非常认可的。比如说,目前在美国50个州中,针灸已在40多个州实现合法化,几乎所有的保险公司都有支付针灸治疗的计划可供选择,只要民众加入的保险计划中包含针灸,保险公司就会支付。有没有针灸险,已经成为一家公司福利待遇高还是低的标志之一。同时针灸也已经被列为美国军队医院的医疗科目,而且当地的医师大部分是白人。不久前我们同仁堂的产品还得到了欧盟最高等级的认证,这也从一个侧面说明全世界对中医越来越认可了。










The fi rst year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, Tong Ren Tang was designated to supply medicines to the royal pharmacy of the Imperial Court of the Qing dynasty and had since performed the role for 188 years, in which eight emperors ruled.



TRT’s general manager Le Songsheng was elected as a member of Beijing Municipal People’s Congress and vice mayor of Beijing.



The “Tong Ren Tang” trademark was recognised by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce as a “Famous Trademark of China”.



“Tong Ren Tang” became the fi rst Chinese trademark to fi le an international mark registration under the Madrid Agreement and was the fi rst trademark in the Chinese Mainland to be registered in Taiwan.



China Beijing Tong Ren Tang (Group) Co., Ltd. was founded.



“Tong Ren Tang Chinese medicine culture” was included in the fi rst list of national intangible cultural heritage.



Tong Ren Tang was identif i ed by the Ministry of Commerce as a China Timehonored Brand.



TRT International was founded, marking the time-honoured brand enters the Internet+ era.



TRT International launched its cross-border e-commerce platform “Tian Ran Tao”(



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